Those Words from the Creator of the Universe, spoken to Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, still ring true today. As we are told in First Corinthians 10:11, the Lord’s dealing with ancient Israel were recorded and preserved to be used in teaching His end-time church. God has not changed. Neither has man. Neither have man’s religious hirelings (Jn. 10:12,13) who are paid to tell people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear , which is what this website continues to proclaim. A perfect example of ear scratching by those with “itching ears”(2 Tim. 4:3) is a statement by a famous pastor who said to his t.v. and present audience: “You’re saved; that is settled.” A deadlier lie has never been told. We are not saved in this lifetime. Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope.
Jesus of Nazareth warned through His own spoken Words and through the writings of His apostles that those who would lead us astray will always be among us. His parable of the mustard seed which develops into a tree tells us that the false prophets will always have the most disciples, the most and largest churches, the most prestige and acceptance from the world, etc. Their religious sewage being put forth as “thus saith the Lord” has been preached and believed by the masses for almost 2000 years as the writings of the apostles reveal. The focus of the original New Testament apostles was two-fold: 1) to teach God’s Truth and 2) to refute Satan’s counterfeit truth. From Matthew to Revelation, the Lord’s double-message is put forth repeatedly. The problem is that heaven seekers overwhelmingly embrace number two and reject number one. Jesus and His apostles noted this obvious error on numerous occasions as recorded in the Scriptures. Let us now immerse ourselves in some of those holy passages in order to distinguish between God’s little-known , totally-rejected Truths and Satan’s widely-known, globally-embraced church “truths.” As noted earlier, a number of these “truths, which Jesus calls “great darkness,” are listed on the home page of this website. We will not delve into those errors at this time. Instead, we will study a few of the more general church teachings that encompass all other false teachings.
One of the more deadly errors embraced by the Institutional Church involves the relationship church people have with the Word of God–His Truth (Jn. 17:17). Like most spiritual errors, this problem has historical roots dating back to the day when Catholicism alone was known as “the church” and those few who did not bow to her hedonistic teachings were believed to be hell-bound reprobates, millions of whom were martyred by “the church.”
First and foremost arose within “the church” was the “truth” that only the priesthood was capable of gleaning God’s Truth from the Bible. This deadly error remains in effect throughout professing Christendom unto this day. I have shown people what God said in their own Bibles that refuted the “truths” proclaimed by their religious leaders. So what did those people do? THEY ASKED THEIR PASTORS IF WHAT WAS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE WAS TRUE!!!! Of course their hirelings said “NO.” To admit the Truth would reveal that they had been lying to the people all along. And whom did the parishioners believe? THEIR PASTORS!!! As the Apostle Paul exclaimed concerning such heresy: “GOD FORBID!!!” One pastor even admitted that, though the Bible said exactly what I had said, he and his congregation rejected God’s Words. As he said, they went, “… outside the Bible” for their doctrinal truths. You read that correctly. Truth be known, he was speaking for 99.99% of professing Christians who choose church doctrine over God’s Word with regularity.
Question: How can it be that Bible-toting, Scripture-quoting, church-going people choose to believe their leaders’ “truths” over God’s eternal Truth? Answer: As stated in the previous posting, ignorance, pride and fear are the three most powerful forces used by God’s enemy to keep his (Satan’s) parishioners from learning, believing and obeying God’s Truth. His success rate is approaching 100%. There are literally hundreds of religious organizations that comprise the Catholic/Protestant Religious System. Satan owns and operates every one of them. He maintains absolute control over his congregations by keeping them ignorant of God’s Truth and therefore totally dependent on the theology put forth by his (Satan’s) false prophets.
By far the most egregious error put forth as God’s Truth involves the place His Ten Commandments (“the Law”) plays in the lives of professing Christians. Notice that the following Scriptures are found in the New Testament. The Apostle John provides us with God’s definition of sin: “To transgress (break) the Law is sin; for SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW” (1 Jn. 2:6). The Apostle Paul noted that if not for the Law, he would not have known that he was a sinner (Rom. 7:7). He wrote that the Law was “holy, just and good” (Rom. 7:12). Before “the Law came,” Paul “knew” that he was serving God. Then he heard the Law and realized that he was serving Satan instead.
Now we will focus on the Words of the Son of God Himself Who, as the Word (Jn. 1:1-4,14), gave the world the Ten Commandments from atop Mount Sinai and wrote them in stone. It is noted that, after proclaiming the Ten Commandments, He “added no more,” meaning that those ten Laws were all that were needed to lead a holy life (Deut. 5:22) which would keep the believer in good stead with both Father and Son. Let us now delve into some direct quotes from the Son relative to the Law and His commands to believe and obey it in order to receive eternal life.
In John 8:31 He tells His God-chosen disciples that they were His disciples indeed (in reality) IF (AND ONLY IF) THEY OBEYED HIS (TEN) COMMANDMENTS.” Recall that these were the men (including Judas) whom Jesus sent out to “… preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead” (Mat. 10:8). Seventy of Christ’s original disciples eventually left Him and went back into the world (Jn. 6:60/ Lk. 10:1,17). All 70 had been sent out to minister under the power of the Holy Spirit. Notice that all 70 returned to Him and confessed that “even the demons are subject to us” (Lk. 10:17).
We are told that Jesus knows the hearts of all people. He knew what was in the hearts of the 70 disciples who left Him. Nevertheless, He allowed them the opportunity to turn to Him and serve Him with their whole hearts. Lesson: Just because someone can perform miracles does not mean that they are God’s true disciples. Jesus speaks to this truth in Matthew 7:23 where He prophesied that, on Judgment Day many would stand before Him, call Him their Lord and remind Him of how they had preached the Gospel, cast out demons and done many miraculous works in His name. Notice His reply to them. He will tell them that HE NEVER KNEW THEM BECAUSE THEY DID NOT OBEY THE LAW. “INIQUITY” MEANS “LAWLESSNESS.” Because they had not obeyed the Law, many would have worshiped Him “in vain” (Mat. 15:9). Recall the rich man who asked Him what he must do to receive eternal life. Jesus told him he MUST OBEY THE TEN COMMANDMENT LAWB (Mat. 19:16-22). Note that he would be denied salvation for breaking one commandment (#10). That one sin kept him from being perfect (vs 21) and cost him eternity with Christ because he would not repent, turn and follow Jesus. His one sin separated him from God (Isa. 59:2). The Apostle James tells us in 2:10 that to break one of the commandments (like #4) means that we have broken the entire Ten Commandment Law.
LOVE FOR GOD is what prompts true saints to OBEY HIS LAW. This is brought out by Jesus in John 14:15 where He says to us: “If you love Me, obey my commandments.” Then in Matthew 19:17 He says to us: “If you will have (eternal) life, obey My commandments.” Then in John 15:10 He tells us that in order to remain in His love we must keep His commandments, and that HE (JESUS) REMAINED IN GOD’S LOVE (ONLY) BY KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENTS. As a man like you and me, Jesus had to obey the Law in order to qualify to be God’s Messiah and man’s Savior. LET THAT SINK IN. This is the same Law that man claims was “nailed to the cross.” The cross-nailed law was the sacrificial law that required animal blood to cover man’s sins.
I will close with the Words of the Apostle John who tells us that we prove our love for Jesus BY KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENTS. In verse four he says that one who claims to love Jesus but does not keep the Law is a LIAR, AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM. In the next verse he tells us that he who keeps (obeys) God’s Words (Law) has God’s love perfected within him.
If you are not hearing this message proclaimed in your church; if your church believes and practices the heathen doctrines and customs listed on this website’s home page, LEAVE THAT “UNCLEAN THING” IMMEDIATELY. GOD IS NOT IN IT. Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 and obey what you read. L.J.
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