In Matthew 24:1-3 Christ’s disciples have asked Him for THE sign indicating that He would soon return to earth. Jesus proclaimed THE overriding, future-determining sign first–FALSE RELIGION. Knowing the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:10), Jesus warned them (vss 4,5), and therefore us, that religious deception would rise up among them (the church) and would affect every human being on earth, with a minutely few exceptions. In-depth Bible study reveals that the exceptions would be those who studied His Word according to His Isaiah 28:9-13 formula. These people would believe and obey what they learned by using the Lord’s study formula. Read the series using Isaiah as the key word.
Jesus knew that the vast majority of those who would profess Him as their Savior would be deceived by the great deceiver: “the great dragon … that old serpent, called the deviL and Satan, who DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD ….” (Rev. 12:9). Only a tiny remnant of believers would not be deceived by SATAN’S FALSE PROPHETS WHOM THE VAST MAJORITY OF BELIEVERS WOULD CHOOSE TO FOLLOW due to their rejection of God’s Word (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). History and current events prove Him to be right. Satan, through his false prophets (pastors, evangelists, missionaries, etc.) lead people away from, not to God’s whole Truth. Focusing only on His promises and ignoring his conditions for receiving them, the Institutional Church lives in Satan’s religious outhouse when God’s spiritual penthouse is available for the believing and obeying.
God says about these self-described “ministers of righteousness” who are controlled by the self-described “angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:13-15): “I did not send them” (Jer. 14:14,15; 23:21,32; 27:15; 29:9). Those whom HE DID SEND are rejected because their message falls on ears the Apostle Paul describes as “dull of hearing” (Heb. 5:11). Due to Satan’s mass deception, the world’s salvation-seeking masses continue to choose Satan’s darkness over God’s light because, as the Lord said, darkness hates light. Why? Because light exposes the darkness of light-hating, darkness-lovers (Jn. 3:19,20). As a result of the religious world’s choice of darkness, the world’s religious people remain ignorant of who God is and His expectations relative to those who claim to be one with Him. The world, including the church world, hates God’s Truth (His Word–Jn. 17:17). The entire world lives in a state of spiritual darkness and deception and, as a result, worships and serves a variety of gods, goddesses, saviors, etc. As the Almighty said, “There are gods many and lords many.” For proof, consider that professing Christianity has hundreds of denominations, faiths, etc., each with its own god, savior, truths, plan of salvation, etc.
God’s written response to this Satanic mess known as Christianity brings us to verses 6-8 of Matthew 24. Here Jesus warned about the result of the church’s rejection of His message which would be carried to the world by His chosen, appointed and anointed apostles (sent ones). As history reveals, the church, followed by the nations that host it, has rejected His Truth. Because of man’s religious deception orchestrated by Satan, war, famine, disease epidemics, pandemics, earthquakes, tornados, floods, droughts, hurricanes, etc. have ravaged the earth’s people over the past 2000 years. Notice in the next two references that IF people would learn God’s ways and walk in them, God would not curse them, but would instead bless them. Read Leviticus 26:1-13 and Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Notice that it is God’s desire to bless man–His most precious creation–but only IF man obeys His Law. By reading the remainders of those two chapters one can see the results of man’s, including churchman’s, disobedience. As the Lord makes clear throughout His Holy Bible, THOSE WHO OBEY HIS LAW ARE NOT HARMED BY THE DISASTERS TAKING PLACE AROUND THEM.
The question now becomes: WHO ARE HIS LAW-KEEPING SAINTS? The fact is that God’s true saints are not only minutely few in number, they are also dismissed as false Christians and therefore ignored by the church masses. As a result, no one notices them. As I have pointed out in previous series, that will soon change. God’s true apostles will be front and center due to the world’s rage against the Lord’s tiny church which will be blamed for the famine that will soon overtake the world, specifically the so-called “Christian world,” particularly America. Why? Because she once knew God and turned her back on Him. Led by the church, this once greatly blessed nation is now in the clutches of Satan–BY HER CHOICE. Satan’s control over the minds of church people never ceases to amaze me.
I find it incredible that God will heal someone through me, then, when they or members of their family need healing, they ask their church to pray for them. It does not seem to click that they did that before, and nothing happened. It will do not good this time either. Why? BECAUSE YOU CANNOT USE WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. When they figure out that the church’s prayers are not being heard, they, in desperation, go to the doctor and get drugged up. BUT THEY WILL NOT ASK ME TO PRAY FOR THEM. Why? Because there is a stigma attached to those who believe and obey God. Church people would rather die than admit their errors, repent, turn to God and receive His promised healing. Why? PRIDE AND FEAR. They are too PROUD to admit that they are wrong and have been wrong all along. They FEAR the rejection of family and friends if they confess the truth. Jesus speaks to this mindset in Matthew 10:21-25. Read that reference.
Church people do not want to be seen with or known to have dealings with God’s true saints. I walked into a crowded room one day and someone loudly proclaimed: “And there he (meaning me) is now.” Obviously they had been talking about me. Immediately everyone turned away from me. I saw a fellow college professor quickly hide behind a man so that I would not see her. She feared that I would speak to her. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the price (cross) one bears for believing and obeying God. Only Christ’s spiritual “brethren” and “friends” will stand for Him in the face of the religious world’s rejection of Him. Read “Who Are My Brethren?” and Friends of Jesus. Key words Brethren and Friends respectively. Though my family embraces me on the social level, they will have nothing to do with me spiritually. With one exception–one of my granddaughters. Jesus was right as recorded in Matthew 10:32-36.
Modern Christianity, as Jesus describes it in Revelation 3:14-18, has been so indoctrinated with false religious “truths” that it takes much time and effort to convince them to believe the Holy Bible. For most, that life-saving change does not take place in this life. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three. Note particularly the second resurrection. In order to believe the Biblical God, it is necessary to rid oneself of what the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) teaches salvation seekers. Few, Jesus said, are willing to pay the price for doing so. Many, He said, are called to do so but few are chosen for having answered the call.
Due to generations of false teaching, most church people view those who believe and obey the Holy Bible as members of a “cult.” One author defined a cult as “a perversion, a distortion of biblical Christianity and/or the historic teachings of the Christian church.” This definition is itself both a distortion and a contradiction. The reality is that those “historic teachings” of today’s version of Christianity constitute a perversion and a distortion of God’s Word in that they distort and pervert Christ’s teachings. Many of those perversions came directly from pagan religions which the Catholic Church embraced during the time of the Roman Empire. Read Simon of Samaria: the Legacy. Key word–Simon.
When Martin Luther and his fellow protesters (Protestants) left the mother church they took many of her heathen “truths” with them because they were part of their religious inheritance. Luther et al did not leave the Catholic Church because of her Satanic beliefs, but rather because of the sinful actions of the priests such as the selling of indulgencies, fornication, homosexuality, etc. Such demonic acts are still practiced within the priesthood, many of which have come to the public’s attention of late. The so-called Protestant Revolution was not what it was thought to be. Because they had been taught lies and pagan theology for generations, the protesters brought with them many of Catholicism’s heathen beliefs, some of which are listed on the home page of this website. These “Bible truths” are still believed by both Catholics and Protestants to be of God to this day. Being shown in their own Bibles what God says about them has no effect. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER THAT SATAN WIELDS OVER HIS CATHOLIC/PROTESTANT RELIGIOUS SYSTEM KNOWN AS “THE CHRUCH.”
We are the products of our upbringing in the religious sense. But “what I’ve always been taught” will send us to hell if we do not delve deep into God’s Word, learn His Truth, believe it and obey it. Though God does indeed know the end from the beginning, man is given the power of choice. We can CHOOSE to fit into man’s version of what God says, or we can CHOOSE to obey what God says. Understand this, JESUS OF NAZARETH HAD THE POWER OF CHOICE. Read Isaiah 7:14-17 and Luke 22:41-43. Jesus was a man like all other men. He, like all men, had a choice. Had He chosen to take the easy way out we would not have a Savior and God would have to spend eternity alone. I praise Jesus for making the right choice. Please join me in praising Him for His sacrifice. Considering the price He paid, is searching out all of His teachings and obeying them too big a price to pay? It it is, never read this website again and go back to church. L.J.
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