Recently I watched several globally-known preachers call Jesus Christ (Old Testament–“the Word”) a liar while laughing at those like myself who believe what He said about the subject under discussion. The Scripture being ridiculed was what Jesus said as recorded in the Gospel of John (10:30). Here we find that He has been talking with some Jews who were about to stone Him because He called God His Father (vss 30,31). Anciently, the personal status, social identity, etc. of the son was the same as that of the father. The son’s words carried the same power as the father’s words. The son’s statute, for good or ill, was the same as that of the father. While talking with the Jews Jesus had offended them by saying that the Creator of the universe was His Father, thereby placing Him on the same level as God. The Jews accused Him of blasphemy because, “You, being a man, make Yourself (equal to) God” (vs 33). Read Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or God-man? Key word–Nazareth.
After hearing what the Jews had said to Him, Jesus made a statement that informed them concerning who He was at that time, all the while dropping a powerful hint as to who He had been before coming to earth. He had been “the Word,” the Logos (Spokesman) of the God family. He had been the God of the Old Testament Israelites (Jn. 1:1-4,14) with Whom they dealt nationally and personally, some fact-to-face.. Unbeknownst to the Jews, Jesus is “secretly” telling (verses 34,35) them Who He was in the past when He said to them: “Is it not written in your Law, I (Jesus/the Word) said to them to whom the Word of God came (ancient Israel), ‘You are gods?” (Ps. 82:6). Note it: Jesus called those who heard God’s Word (Israelites) “gods,” meaning POTENTIAL gods. Now notice in Psalm 82:7 that, though they (Israelites) were potential “gods,” they would die like everyone else because they would not obey the Words His messengers spoke to them. They were GODS IN THE MAKING, but only IF THEY OBEYED HIM. Read The Unknown Power of God’s Very Elect. Key word–Unknown.
The reason the men on t.v. were ridiculing Psalm 88:6 and John 10:34,35 is because they were not living up their potential. Therefore, in their arrogant minds, no one else could. These men are potential gods who will not realize their potential due to their sins. A good example of what men can be in this life is found in Christ’s relationship with His disciples while He was with them. Bear in mind that they had not been converted (read Mat. 18:3 and Lk 22:32) and would remain in that condition until after His death and resurrection. However, until then He expected them to do everything He did–preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, etc. (Mat. 10:8). He said to the Father: “As you have sent Me into the world, in the same way I send them into the world (Jn. 17:18/ Mat. 10:8). He said to the disciples/apostles: “All power in heaven and earth has been given unto me, GO YOU THEREFORE AND ….” (do as He did). If He had not given them “all power in heaven and earth,” why use the word “therefore?” Note that He told them to go into all the world and use that external power source which He had made available to them. On the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit would enter their hearts and they would have Holy Spirit power within them.
Recall that Jesus had told them that as long as He was in the world, He was the “light of the world” (Jn. 9:5). He also told them that they were the light of the world (Mat. 5:14). The light (Word of God) does not change. The power Jesus had as a man, they had as men at that time. God’s true apostles have that same power today. That power is what makes the Holy Word of God come true today. In that sense His true apostles are gods (small “g”), meaning sons of God, having “all power in heaven and earth.” The world is about to see that power in action. Read John 14:12. What is the “key” that unlocks all the power necessary for that incredible verse to become reality? Let us turn to the Gospel of John, chapter 11 to find out.
Here we are told that Jesus and the disciples had received word that their friend Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, had died. Upon arrival in Bethany they learned that he had been dead four days. The body begins to decompose after three days. Beginning in verse 20 Martha is talking with Jesus, telling Him that if He had been there her brother would not have died. She voiced her faith by telling Him that “even now” He could raise Lazarus from the dead (vs 22). Jesus told her that Lazarus would rise from the dead (be resurrected). Martha agreed, noting that on the last day of the world as we know it, Lazarus would indeed be resurrected. Jesus then spoke Words that tell us what we must do in order to join people like Lazarus, Abel, David, the prophets, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the apostles and others upon His return to earth. These will be those who have done what Jesus is about to tell us we must do in order to be saved and born again at that time.
Martha has said to Him: “I know that he (Lazarus) will rise again in the (first) resurrection on the last day” (vs 24). Jesus said to her: “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.” Those seven Words tell us exactly what we must do in order to join Him and the rest of His Very Elect in the clouds on the last day of this age. Jesus would voice the same Truth using different Words in John 14:6 where He said, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No man comes to the Father EXCEPT BY ME.” What did He mean when He called Himself “the resurrection and the life.” Why did He call Himself “the way, the truth and the life?” What does “… except by Me” mean? The answer tells us how we must walk in this life in order to join Him later. Read John 6:27 and 48 where Jesus states that He is the meat and bread of life. Recall that He told Peter to “feed my sheep” (Jn. 21:15-17). Feed them what? THE WORD/LAW/TRUTH (HIMSELF–SPIRITUAL MEAT AND BREAD). Recall that during the Last Supper He told His disciples that in order to be saved one must symbolically eat His flesh and drink His blood, meaning to spiritually consume Him–His Word. What was His name before coming to earth? THE WORD (Jn. 1:1-4,14).
The message is clear: In order to join Him in the next life we must BE GOD’S WORD IN HUMAN FORM AS JESUS WAS WHILE ON THIS EARTH. As He was the way, the Truth, the meat, and the bread of eternal life, so must we be in this life by “walking as He walked” (1 Jn. 2:6). True saints are little gods in the sense that they live God’s Word before those around them so as to be examples of God’s will in human flesh–as was Jesus of Nazareth. In this sense, true saints are their brothers’ keepers. Read Keepers of the Brethren. Key word–Keepers. Warning, do not expect to be accepted by the salvation seekers around you. Your most negative detractors might be your family members, along with those in your former church. Recall that, after all Jesus had done for so many, only about 120 remained with Him. He said that because the world hated Him, the world would hate those who obeyed Him. L.J.
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