Before the Holy Scriptures condensed into one Word (“Truth”–Jn. 17:17) can be learned, one Biblical fact must be believed: JESUS CHRIST WAS THE GOD OF THE OLD TESTAMENT (THE WORD–JN. 1:1-4,14). HE WAS THE GOD WHO CREATED ALL THINGS, WHO SPOKE FACE-TO-FACE WITH ADAM, EVE AND THE PROPHETS, WHO PROCLAIMED THE TEN COMMANDMENT LAW FROM ATOP MT. SINAI AND WROTE IT IN STONE, WHO CAME TO EARTH AS A MAN TO MAGNIFY THAT LAW AND DECALRE ITS HOLINESS TO HIS PEOPLE (ISA. 14:21), WHO TAUGHT THE APOSTLES THE LAW AND DEMONSTRATED HOW TO OBEY IT SO AS TO REAP THE REWARDS FOR DOING SO. Read The God of the Old Testament and Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or God-man? Key words–Old and Nazareth respectively. Also read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 to learn the Truth about the Lord’s command to obey it from the mouth of the Word (Jesus) Himself Who, in fear of God His Father (Heb. 5:7), obeyed that same Law as a man and thereby qualified to be the Savior of those who followed in His spiritual footsteps. JESUS OF NAZARETH OBEYED THE LAW HE HIMSELF HAD WRITTEN IN STONE AND COMMANDS HIS SAINTS TO DO THE SAME. HIS TRUE SAINTS OBEY HIM JUST AS HE, AS A MAN, PLEASED HIS FATHER BY OBEYING THAT SAME LAW. His oneness with the Father and his saints’ oneness with Him and His Father is the basis of this series which I believe is the most important message I have ever delivered.
When I have written or spoken concerning various aspects of the Truths found in this message I have been met with negative resistance because it places too much emphasis on the believer, in other words, to many “IF’s” involved. However, as I point out, I did not write the Bible. To eliminate the “IF’s” is to eliminate God from the narrative, thereby blaspheming Him. Please read the Scriptures carefully and prayerfully while using the Lord’s prescribed study method found in Isaiah 28:9-13. Study His Word precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little. Note that He repeated those instructions, proving that there is no option available.
In Exodus 3 we find Moses, having been told by God (the Word/Jesus) to return to Egypt and to order Pharoah to let His people go. Moses asks Him Whom he (Moses) was to say sent him. God’s reply was to tell Pharoah that “I AM THAT I AM” had sent him. We know how God reacted when Pharoah refused. Several thousand years later we find Jesus of Nazareth (the Word made flesh–Jn. 1:1-4,14) about to be arrested, beaten and crucified. Upon finding Him in His place of prayer, His executioners ask Him if He was Jesus of Nazareth. He replied, “I AM,” at which point they all fell backward onto the ground (Jn. 18:5,6). Obviously, those two Words pack great spiritual power. As this series will show, Jesus isn’t the only One who packs the power behind the Truth that “I AM.” The power of “I AM” comes from faith, which has several aspects: 1) One must know what faith is. 2) One must know how to appropriate it. 3) One must do so. And 4) One must use (“work”) it. Otherwise, one’s faith is dead (Jam. 2:10,[14],17,18, [20],24,26). Keep this information in mind as we proceed with this study.
In Hebrews 11:1 we are told that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Faith is knowing that something has already happened in heavenly places that will materialize on earth when God releases it. As they say, “You can take it to the bank.” To the faithful, faith is spiritual fact. What has been asked for is “in the mail.” For one to be a faith warrior, one must know the source of faith–in what one has faith. That source is God’s Word–not church doctrine, not someone’s assurance of something, but GOD’S WORD ONLY. Do not take my word for anything. God’s raw, unedited, unadulterated, untranslated, pure Word as written in His holy tome which He preserved for thousands of years as His teaching tool for those who are believing it at the end of the age–today (1 Cor. 10:11). GOD’S HOLY BIBLE IS THE ONE AND ONLY SOURCH OF SPIRITUAL TRUTH, WHICH IS THE ONLY SOURCE OF TRUE, LIVING, CHRIST-LEVEL FAITH.
The righteous live by their faith (Rom. 1:17). Every aspect of their lives is governed by the Word of God–every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Mat. 4:4). It was concerning this level of faith that Jesus told the blind men: “According to your faith, so be it unto you” (Mat. 9:29).
Not only must we have faith in the Truth of God’s Word, we will be judged by that Word/Truth (Jn. 12:48). God’s Word is His Law, which we must know, believe and obey. If we do not obey His Law, we prove that we HATE HIM (Deut. 5:4; 7:9-15/ Lk. 10:17). We must understand this Truth from God’s perspective. Look at the sickness, poverty, war, hate, crime, national invasions, drugs, pornography, etc. in the world. Deuteronomy 7:9-15 explains why the world, including the worldly church, has so many problems. This is also explained in chapter 28 and Leviticus 26. Rebellion against Him is THE PROBLEM.
The Word (Logos–spokesman–Jesus Christ) confessed that He spoke only what He heard His Father say and did only what He saw His Father do. Therefore, when He spoke to the prophets, the apostles, the Jews and now to those who believe His Word, He relates what God has said to Him and does what God has shown Him. As a man, He received God’s Words and sights (healing, raising the dead, etc.) via the Holy Spirit. I have received visions and words from Him by the Spirit. In every case God has done what He told me He was going to do, including kill three people for not believing His Word that I spoke to them following visions from Him. God is deadly serious about His Word. Those who reject even one Word are spiritually dead. Some are so vile that He kills them physically now.
Most people do not realize how important God’s Word is to Him. His Word is His will, His Truth, His Gospel. God’s Word is God Himself in print just as Jesus of Nazareth was His Word in human form, as are His true saints today who are as He is, which believers are commanded to be. Jesus said that when people saw Him they saw God. He called Himself the light of the world. HE GIVES HIS TRUE APOSTLES THAT SAME TITLE TODAY. WHEN THE WORLD SEES THEM THE WORLD SEES CHRIST, AND THEREFORE GOD HIMSELF. Jesus said only a few salvation seekers would reach that spiritual level (Mat. 7:13,14). He warned that many would follow Satan, not believing that there is another door and way. The world did not recognize God in Jesus, nor does the world recognize God and Christ in Their true saints. Recall that the religious world killed Jesus and His apostles for telling the Truth. Jesus warned us to expect to be rejected for believing, obeying and speaking the Truth. He was right.
God’s attitude toward the Bible can be summarized in one command: “OBEY MY WORD.” Those who do so until the end of life will be saved upon Christ’s return. Those who do not, will not. L.J.
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