When the apostate movement that came to be known as the Catholic Church was formed by Satan following the deaths of the apostles, the “mother” of false Christendom soon had the majority of people following and obeying her. Today, Catholicism (the “great whore, mystery, Babylon) and her “harlot daughters” (Protestantism) have gone the way of Adam and Eve. Both continue to embrace heathen customs and beliefs. This website identifies many of them and reveals where in His Word God condemns them.
In the first chapter of Genesis God established what can be referred to as His “seed law” which insures that every living entity has within itself “seeds” by which to reproduce itself. This principle was established by God in Adam and Eve who initially produced two boys who, like themselves, were created in God’s image and likeness. The boys came into the world in the image and likeness of their parents–the end result of God’s “seed law.” If both Cain and Able had received their parents’ so-called “sin seed,” why did only one of them become a sinner? Why did Jesus call the other one “righteous Abel” in Mat- thew 23:35? Why did God tell Cain that Satan DESIRED to have him, but that he (Cain) could RULE OVER HIM (Satan), and that if he did, he would be accepted by God (Gen. 4:7)? If Cain had been born with his parents’ sin seed, then Satan already had him, ruled him and had no need to lie in wait to tempt him. How could Cain rule over sin if sin was part of his natural being? Can one rule over one’s eye color? Why did Abel not sin? Both boys, like their parents, had entered the world sinless, having a choice as to who they would obey and serve.
Adam and Eve were created “very good” by God’s standard. Jesus said that God was “good” by His standard (Mat. 19:17), thereby placing newly created Adam and Eve on the same level as God relative to being “good.” Created “very good,” Adam and Eve had to acquire sin by choice. As ACQUIRED TRAITS CANNOT BE PASSED FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION, they could not have passed their supposedly acquired “sin gene” to their children. For that to take place God would have had to nullify His “seed law.”
“Instinct” is the trait that causes animals to act without reasoning. By imbuing man with Adam’s sin seed, the church has made man, created in God’s image and likeness, nothing more than an instinct-governed animal, unable to stop himself from obeying Satan’s impulse to sin. But churchman has an out–he is saved, and like an animal, can do what comes naturally (sin) and get away with it.
The most compelling passage of Scripture relative to man’s spiritual birth condition is found in Genesis 3:13-19 where the Lord lists in detail the curses He placed on the three guilty parties. Notice that not once does He mention the greatest, most devastating curse He could have placed on Adam and Eve–that their descendants would inherit a sin gene from them. Having told them the other effects of their sin, He would have most certainly mentioned the worst curse with which He could have afflicted them. He did not because such a curse did not exist in that it would have amounted to guilt due to conception. God is just (Rom. 3:26). A just God does not curse the innocent, nor did He allow Satan, Adam or Eve to do so.
Religious man, desperate for an excuse to sin with impunity, twists David’s statement about being born in sin to mean what it does not mean. He does this by ignoring something else David said: “I was fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14). If, at conception, sin is as much a part of man’s being as height and mental capacity, then sin is created “fearfully and wonderfully” in every human being ever born. This accuses God of calling sin “very good.”
Now let us apply another Godly principle to mankind. God says that ONLY those who are led by the Holy Spirit are His children (Rom. 8:14). If one claims to be a child of God (led by Him through His Spirit), then admits to being a sinner, he is accusing God of leading him to sin through His Spirit, making God his sin-enabler–his “minister of sin” (Gal. 2:17). The five foolish virgins “knew” that they could obey Satan and still marry the Bridegroom. They, like their modern day religious descendents, believed and obeyed “another gospel” which Paul warned us about in Galatians 1:6-10, which is in reality the “perversion” of the true gospel. Both ancient and present-day “virgins” believed smooth-talking false prophets who led them through the wide gate and along the broad way designed by the devil. A major tenant of that way involves the theory of “original sin.” Since Scripture proves the fallacy of the theory, from whence did it come?
In the fourth century a Catholic bishop named Augustine of the Hippo district of North Africa was faced with a problem. Children were dying and their parents insisted that they be baptized before death. However, baptism was administered in order to symbolically wash away sin. The children having no sin to wash away, the priest was forced to come up with a reason to baptize them. The solution was simple, he declared that they had inherited Adam and Eve’s sin and therefore needed baptism. Jesus came to assure that no penalty was attached to the sin. The rest is Counterfeit Church history. Whore mother and harlot daughters now have a built-in excuse for sinning and an explanation for getting away with it.
I will end this segment dealing with human nature by taking you to Matthew 18:1-3 where the disciples were questioning Jesus about the Kingdom of God. Remember, the disciples were His hand-picked, personally-trained ministers through whom He would bring God’s light to the world. He said to them that unless they were CONVERTED AND BECAME AS LITTLE CHILDREN they would not enter the Kingdom of God–little children could enter the Kingdom of God in their present spiritual condition. If little children were born sinners, they would have been like the disciples at that point in their lives–unconverted and not eligible to enter the kingdom. Though the disciples had been preaching, healing and delivering for over three years, they had not been converted (what the church calls “saved”) and were still in their sins. It was only after the death of Jesus that they were converted and made eligible for salvation–entrance into the Kingdom of God.
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