In Eden God established His first church which He intended to rule the world. However, with the fall of His first parishioners, Satan gained control of the world and throughout history has used his religious institutions to control most of it. Through his various religions he exerts his will over the affairs of men. As a society’s spirituality goes, so goes that society. As the world’s spirituality goes, so goes the world. Since Eden, the church has continued on a down-hill slide toward total apostasy. The Scriptural studies brought forth on this website will show that she has now arrived. Sin has become part and parcel of the “Christian walk”–no one blushes at sin, no one falls to his knees and cries out to God for forgiveness. There is no determination toward righteousness. Sin simply brings a shrug of assurance from the so-called saved sinner–all is well; he is saved; Jesus has it covered. Having nailed God’s Law to the cross, the church does not accept His definition of sin as the transgression of the Law (1 Jn. 3:4). Having rejected the Law, the Counterfeit Church has never confessed and repented of her sins. She has never received forgiveness and justification–she remains in her sins.
And it all began with a seemingly innocent conversation. Bear in mind that Adam and Eve had known their Creator from the first moments of their lives. He was the only One they had ever communicate with, had ever seen. They knew Him intimately. They knew not only that He created them, but that they existed by virtue of His will. He had provide them a paradise in which to live and had placed it under their power. He was their all, their everything, their only thing. Then came a stranger whom they had never seen and, within minutes, were conversing with him, entertaining his suggestions and eventually falling under his powers of persuasion.
How did the serpent/Satan convince Adam and Eve to obey him? He did the two things all false prophets do: 1) he quoted God, and (2) he told them what they wanted to hear. First, he said, “Did God say you could not eat of every tree of the garden?” which is exactly what God had told them. Then he tickled their ears, “You shall not surely die”–they could sin and still inherit eternal life. Today, religious man is still embracing what Satan’s “ministers of righteousness” put forth as God’s Word–because he has no choice, he can sin and still spend eternity in heaven.
Today Satan rules the world through his religious holding company. Through Middle Eastern religions, Christianity, Satanism, Judaism, etc. he provides a religious body to meet the spiritual proclivities of every human being on earth. All of Satan’s religions suffer from the same deadly flaw–the belief that man is superior to God. Without this flaw there would be only one religion–the Church of God (not to be confused with the denomination).
We are the servant of the one we obey. We either obey/serve God and live, or obey/serve Satan and die (Rom. 6:16-19). There is no dual servanthood in the eyes of God. Churchman disagrees, claiming that he can serve Satan by sinning and God by being religious and get away with it because he is saved. He contends that God lied in Matthew 6:24, just as He lied about many other things. This website will expose the so-called “lies” of which the church accuses God. In the place of God’s “lies” the church has substituted Satan’s heathen “truths” and has built her spiritual “house” on the sand they form. Her house will fall, and great will be the fall of it (Mat. 7:26,27). This self-destruction is a self-inflicted wound. To be continued.
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