In the previous posting we identified each human being’s “Master Status” as that which comes to mind at the mention of a person’s name or when seeing him or her. We are all known by our Master Status, which can be either positive, such as Jane the beautician, or negative, such as Sam the liar. These are instant identifiers of the character, talent, penchant, habit, career, etc. of each individual. As we are told in the Holy Bible, the Master Status of the one who refuses to obey that holy tome is GOD HATER (Deut. 5:9/ Lk. 10:16). Jesus Christ tells us in John 12:44-50 that we will be judged by “… every Word I have spoken.” One famous evangelist believed that He meant only those New Testament Words printed in red. No. He meant every Word from “In” (Gen. 1:1) to “Amen”(Rev. 22:21). An explanation is needed.
Jesus is called “the Word” (Spokesman) in John 1:1-4,14. He was the designated Communicator of the Words of God to mankind. Jesus confirmed this when He said that the Words He spoke were not His Words: “My doctrine is not Mine, but (is) His Who sent Me” (Jn. 7:16; 12:49;14:24). Originally, God spoke every Word found in the Holy Bible to the Word, Who later became Jesus of Nazareth.. The Word then spoke God’s Words to Moses, the prophets and the apostles who spoke and wrote them to the Israelites–the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel to whom Jesus sent the apostles with His Words (Mat. 10:6). Later the Words of the prophets and apostles came to be heard throughout the world, making salvation available to those who would believe and obey them. In this way the Word of God became His “light to the Gentiles” (all non-Israelites)–Isa. 42:6–some of whom would come to their light (Isa. 60:3).
In John 8:12 Jesus told His disciples that He (Jesus) was the light of the world. In Matthew 5:14 Jesus told the apostles that, following His departure, that they would be the “light of the world.” The original apostles, and later their ministerial descendants, spread God’s light (Word) throughout the world, sharing with those having eyes to see and ears to hear His message of love for all of mankind. Later, through the printing press, He sent His “love letter” where His messengers could not go. Today that message is the most printed, purchased and stolen book ever produced. In this way the Almighty has flooded the world with His message of love toward the whole of mankind, calling those who hear His message to learn, believe and obey His “love letter” so that they can, by believing and obeying it, spend eternity in paradise with Him and His Son. If that isn’t love, I want someone to tell me what love is. And yet, the world, including the church world, rejects Their love letter, and thereby rejects Them.
In Matthew 6:24 Jesus tells us that we cannot serve two masters, that we will love one and hate the other. He makes it clear that there are two choices when it comes to the God we will obey. Scripturally, those who try to serve two masters–so-called “sinners saved by grace”–are compared to vomit which God says He will “… spew out of My mouth” (Rev. 3:14-20). In that passage Jesus is addressing the Laodicean church era–the era in which we now live. He characterizes modern church people as “… wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” reprobates and compares them to vomit because of their hatred toward Him and His Son. The church’s hatred toward Them is proven by her rejection of Their Words known as the Gospel–the “good news” of the Kingdom of God. This is the Gospel that Jesus said would be preached throughout the world just before His return (Mat. 24:14).
For the first time in 1900 years that true Gospel is being preached throughout the world through television, radio, the internet and via the printing press. However, the church hates God’s Gospel, preferring the perverted gospel of Satan which his false prophets have been preaching since the days of the original apostles (Gal. 1:6-9). This is the gospel of “another Jesus” that Paul warned the early churches about (2 Cor. 11:4). This Jesus is one who is whatever people want him to be. In this way God’s one true church evolved into two separate entities, one of which then split into hundreds of mini-churches known as denominations. Today that two-headed beast and its hundreds of mini-beasts have spread their tenacles throughout the world. Each cult calls itself “the church” and is intent on planting its leaven in every heart on earth. Fortunately, God has always had a remnant, a tiny group of true believers who cling to His pure Word, who “try the spirits” of those who teach them (1 Jn. 4:1) who “study to show themselves approved of God” (2 Tim. 2:15) and who “prove all things and hold fast that which is good” (1 Thes. 5:21).
Satan has been incredibly successful in building his church. Today, only a tiny remnant of true believers cling to the true Gospel of God. This group is mentioned in John 10:16, Romans 12:4, 1 Corinthians 12:12 and Ephesians 4:4-6. Jesus warned in Matthew 7:13,14 and 20:16 that only a few would search for and find that one church, enter it and walk the only path that leads to eternal life. The masses, He warned, would flock to the devil’s false religious system, enter its wide gate and walk its broad path to destruction. This is the Catholic/Protestant/Muslim/ Hindu, etc. gate and path that supposedly leads to paradise.
God’s strait gate (church) and narrow way (walk) is populated by very few. God calls them His remnant, His saints, His Very Elect and His little flock. On the other hand, Satan’s religious system has lured through its door and along its path billions of people. Today that system numbers over two billion victims.
The difference between the two spiritual bodies revolves around love. God is love. The Bible (Law/commandments) is His expression of love for mankind. Those in one group love God and His Christ and prove their love by believing and obeying Their Word/Law/Truth/Will/Light. Those in the other group love Satan and his angels and prove their love by obeying their word, gospel/truths/darkness which is known universally as “church doctrine.” Some examples of church doctrine can be found in the Introduction to this website. These false “truths” are known Scripturally as “doctrines of devils,” some of which serve as foundation stones upon which Satan’s church system is built.
Each member of God’s church observes His Holy Sabbath on the 7th day of each week known among mankind as Saturday. Knowing that those who would believe His Words and obey them would be miniscule in number, Jesus promised that “… where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I will be in the midst of them” (Mat. 18:20). And if there is only one, Christ is there with him/her. To legitimately gather in His name people must have believed and obeyed His Word during the six days leading up to His Sabbath. Only one group does this–God’s sanctified, peculiar, despised, ostracized, ridiculed, hated and rejected saints who love Him and prove it by obeying His Law, including commandment #4 which Satan’s church rejects. This is the day God calls “My Holy Day,” the one day He “sanctified” and “blessed” above all other days of the week. Haters of God’s Sabbath commandment can be seen filing into Satan’s citadels of sin the following day where they are told to continue hating God’s Word, thereby proving their hatred of God Himself and His Son. They are encouraged to proclaim their hatred by openly and proudly displaying it the next sun god day (Sunday), the day sun worshipers pay homage to their god–the sun. Read the Sabbath series. Key word–Sabbath.
This series contain life and death information. Those who obey God’s Word are spiritually alive. Those who disobey His Word are spiritually dead. Faith is Biblically defined as believing and obeying God’s written Word. We live by faith in the Truth that is God’s Word (Jn. 17:17). Faith without works (obedience to God’s Word) is dead faith which renders its owner equally dead. Hatred of God’s Word–even a jot or tittle–renders one spiritually dead. Recall that Jesus told the rich man that “one thing” (one sin) disqualified him for salvation (Mat. 10:21). Read James 2:10,14,17,20,24,26). Do not be taken in by the “angel of light’s” “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:15) who tell you that obedience is impossible due to Adam’s sin transferal miracle, and that all one need do is repent following one’s inevitable sins. Such teachings are “doctrines of devils” designed to lure the masses into Satan’s religious web called “the church.” L.J.
Memory verse: Matthew 19:17–“If you would have life, obey My commandments.” True oneness with God is gained only through obedience to the Law, which creates holiness and righteousness on the part of the saint, the end result of which is salvation (Rom. 5:21; 6:22). We must love God and His Son and prove it by obeying Them. There is no other path to paradise.
Memory verse: Second Timothy 2:15: “Study to show yourself approved of God.” Study the Holy Scriptures, not church doctrine which has as many interpretations as there are denominations, faiths, cults, sects, etc.
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