Each year on the eve of the first day of November billions of people, many calling themselves “Christian,” enter into one of the most bizarre, grotesque, disgusting and evil celebrations known to man. Along with the rituals associated with child sacrifice to a blood-thirsty god known as Modoc/Marduc (today the ritual is called Christmas), then using the blood of the sacrificed children to color chicken eggs in honor of the Goddess of Fertility known as Ishtar (today called Easter), Halloween is a popular global celebration second only to Easter and just ahead of Christmas, all three of which are abominations unto God.
Why do billions of people routinely decorate their children, then send them out en masse to perform in a ritual involving corpses, blood, skeletons, zombies, vampires, horror, darkness and death while dressed in costumes which glamorize the dead who are supposedly in heaven smiling down on them. This glorification of “all that is dark and dead” relative to loved ones supposedly in heaven is carried out in spite of the Holy Scriptures telling us that ” the dead know nothing, do nothing, say nothing, do not praise God, have no god, have no love, no hatred and know nothing about what is happening under the sun.” Read Ecclesiastes 9:5-10.
The answer to the why question is: BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE DOES IT. This is called the “herd mentality. A more common expression is “Going with the flow,” even when the flow ends in the sewer. Is “going along to get alone” an excuse for a nation, two thirds of whom claim to believe in God, defying that same God by doing what He specifically commands them not to do, then claim that He approves of their doing it? By celebrating Halloween along with Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter, Valentines Day, the Sunday Sabbath, Mardi Gras and Gay Pride Month America has become paganized nation.
Because Moses wrote in Exodus 23:2: “You shall not follow a multitude to do evil” America has some changing to do. Therefore, should we not do some research into the origins of many of our social and religious beliefs in order to determine from whence they came and if they should be allowed in the nation that claims to be One Nation Under God In Whom that nation Trusts? And more importantly, in which god does the nation trust? With that in mind, let us look into the celebration of Halloween.
Moses’s admonition to ancient Israel is equally as meaningful to that nation’s biological and spiritual ancestors today. In both instances his Holy Spirit-empowered words involve the use of the mind in challenging conventional wisdom and standing up for the expressed will of God. As He makes clear in His Holy Scriptures, they are as different as life and death in that one Truth results in life while the other “truth” produces death.
The herd mentality is extremely powerful in that no one wants to be considered different. This in spite of the fact that God declares that His people will be odd, peculiar, strange relative to the world around them. God’s people are different by design and calling. Because the desire of my heart is to be one with God, my life’s goal is TO BE TIME MAGAZINE’S MAN OF THE YEAR–THE MOST HATED HUMAN BEING ON EARTH. Then I would know for certain that I am doing God’s will. Read Persecution by that name. The odd person is he/she who refuses to take part in America’s herd mentality which is as common in humans as it is in sheep. Anciently, a shepherd desitnated his most obedient animal as his “bell sheep” which the other sheep followed, eventually to slaughter. God’s people also have a bell sheep. He is called “THE LAMB OF GOD” WHOSE “BELL” IS HIS WORD BY WHICH HE LEADS HIS TRUE SHEEP TO THE HOLINESS NECESSARY FOR SALVATION (Rom. 5:21; 6:22). That holiness is spelled out in His Word and is found only in His true church (the strait gate) where one learns His narrow (strict way) which leads to eternal life. Few, Jesus said, would enter His gate and walk His narrow way–the Church of God (not to be confused with the denomination of that name). Many salvation seekers, Jesus warned, would enter Satan’s wide gate and walk his broad way to destruction (Mat. 7:13,14).
Halloween had its origins among the heathen nations that existed long before the time of Christ. History records that the pagans of Scotland and Ireland were leaders among those who celebrated the festival that took place on November 1. This festival came to be known as Halloween, an evening set aside to give honor to the lord of the dead–Satan–known among his followers as Samhain. Today the festival honors all the supposed saints who have died and supposedly gone to heaven. Veneration of the dead was, and still is, a common theme among the world’s heathen masses. I watched a documentary some time ago on the subject of ancestor worship. In this expose’ the leader of an African tribe keeps the corpse of the previous leader tied to a chair in a secluded place. Each year on a specific date the corpse is brought forth and honored. When the current leader dies his corpse will replace the current corpse. These people celebrate the Halloween spirit without knowing what the rest of the world calls the ritual they perform during which the dead are venerated one day each year.
Honoring dead people dead who are supposedly alive in heaven is in reality the veneration of the devil. Bowing to heathen custom, the Catholic Church accepted November 1 as the day to honor all dead man-designated saints following the eve (sundown) of October 31. “All saints’ day and that day eventually became “All Hallowed (Holy) Eve” which was shortened to Halloween, the evening during which billions of people honor those who are dead.
When the “protesters” (protestants) left the Catholic Church in “protest” they took with them most of the mother church’s heathen beliefs and practices, one of which was Halloween. Due to a lack of Bible study and faith, the vast majority of America’s people do not understand that God condemns all occultism and witchcraft (Lev. 19:26). Halloween, Christmas and Easter are major observances within those practices. Zombies come from African voodoo traditions which also involve the belief that sorcerers can raise the dead. However, the Bible says that Jesus Christ alone raises. Upon His arrival on earth He will raise “the dead in Christ” (1 Thes. 4:16). Vampires have existed in folklore for centuries. The basic idea behind their need for human blood comes from the Biblical Truth that humans need to apply the blood of Christ on their past sins in order to walk in accordance in God’s will throughout their post-justified life. As are other occultic practices, Halloween is merely Satan’s manipulation of God’s Truth.
No matter how hard the world tries to present Halloween as a harmless ritual, it is nothing more than Satan worship. As Jesus said, the one we obey is the master we serve. We can only serve one master, for we will love one and hate the other. Truly, “we do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (the air)” (Eph. 6:12). Halloween is one such demonstration of Satan worship.
The Almighty and His true church stand for light and life (Jn. 1:4,5)–the exact opposite of darkness and death which Halloween glorifies. The Lord would never accept such evil as Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentines’ Day, the Sunday Sabbath, etc. (Ps. 11:5/ Proverbs 14:9). He is the God of life, not death. He and His saints are the light of the world, not the world’s darkness. God plays no part in the doings of the forces of evil. He commands His true saints to have no spiritual fellowship with those who walk in darkness (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). He offers us His Holy Spirit and the mind of Christ with which we can walk in light and life and steer clear of darkness and death (Phil. 2:5). L.J.
Memory verse: First Corinthians 11:31–If we will judge ourselves we will not be judged. Judgement, Peter tells us, is ongoing in the true church which has as its moral standard the Word of God. We must judge ourselves by that standard and react accordingly. As Peter warns, only the righteous (self-judged) will be saved. L.J.
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