How, God-seekers must ask, did such a Satanic custom as Halloween become an established part of professing Christendom? The answer is summed up in one word: REBELLION.
When Roman Emperor Constantine decreed that “Christianity” (Catholicism) would henceforth be the official state religion of the Roman Empire, he gave his blessing to the rebellion that had brought about “the church’s” separation from God and His people two centuries earlier. Zealous to the extreme, the Roman ruler, under the influence of the Bishop of Rome, declared that anyone who would not conform to the customs and beliefs of the church would be put to death. Suddenly she was inundated with masses of heathen “believers” who, opting to live and not concerned about the religious label under which they lived, rushed forward to declare their newfound faith in the state religion.
Though enraptured by the sudden increase in parishioners, the church hierarchy soon found itself in the midst of a dilemma. The masses of heathen converts were bringing into the church many of their Satanic practices which they demanded the Institutional Church to recognize, one of which was the Festival of Death. The church caved. Due to the numbers involved, she accepted not only Halloween, but many other heathen beliefs and customs as well. See the Introduction to the website for a list of Satanic doctrines that are now accepted and practiced by modern Christianity.
By the 9th century the church, with the exception of God’s tiny remnant, had become totally immersed in heathenism. Having been born into it, succeeding generations readily accepted Satan’s false gospel as God’s Truth. Being prohibited on fear of death from owning, reading or hearing His Word, these unwitting parishioners had no knowledge of the Satanic nature of many of the church’s beliefs and customs, many of which have been covered extensively in previous postings. Ironically, the church had not converted the heathen to Christianity, rather, the heathen had converted the church to heathenism.
The term “Halloween” has an interesting history. In order to appease the multitudes of pagans now immersed the church, her leaders declared November 1st as “All Saints Day” in order to coincide with the Festival of Death. In this way the heathen could celebrate their death festival on October 31st, which then bled into November 1st, making the two observances into one holiday. Comingling the two holidays supposedly legitimized both.
In the spirit of appeasement, the church declared that the Mass said on All Saints Day be named “All Hallowed Mass, which was changed to “All Hallowed Eve” in reference to the festival that had been celebrated the night before. Over time the two activities became known as Halloween. Today, many who profess Christianity openly celebrate the death festival. Others give tacit approval of the Satanic ritual by rewarding “trick or treaters” who visit their homes. Which supposedly is okay with the Lord because He has supposedly saved all of them. It is amazing what can be accomplished when people have the power to not only overrule God, but can then force Him to approve of their new rules.
To fully understand the deadliness of many of the church’s doctrines and practices, one needs to listen to those who have been on the inside of Satan’s occult system. Doreen Irving, one-time ruling witch over Western Europe and the British Isles, said: “If Christian parents had any idea of what Halloween really is, they wouldn’t even mention the word around their children.”
The Scriptures reveal God’s Words concerning all things heathen. “Babylon the Great (Rev. 17:1-5) is fallen, is fallen, and has become the habitat of devils and of every unclean spirit …. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her (Babylon–Catholicism/Protestantism) fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with (have embraced) her …. Come out of her My people (so) that you will not be partakers of her sins, (so) that you will not receive of her plagues” (Rev. 18:1-4). Is anyone listening? L.J.
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