John 17:17–“Thy (God’s) Word is Truth”–the Truth by which one is sanctified. Only by obeying His Word can one become holy so as to be sanctified (set aside) for holy use. John 8:31,32–“Abide in the Word of God and you will be My (Christ’s) disciples indeed (not counterfeit) and you will know the Truth and the Truth will keep you free” from sin=righteous. John 14:6–“I am the way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by (through) Me=being God’s Word made flesh as was Jesus. A believer can be one with the Father only by obeying His Word as Jesus did and taught. Second Thessalonians 2:10-12–“He who does not love the Truth is deceived”–“the whole world is deceived” (Rev. 12:9). Second Timothy 3:8,9–“He who resists the Truth is mentally corrupt and lives a life of folly.” Second Timothy 2:15–“Study to show yourself approved of God … a workman who rightly divides (makes a clean cut–separates right from wrong) the Word of God.” Second Peter 2:21,22–“It is better not to have known the Truth than to have known it and turned away from it.” Second John 1:4–Knowing the Truth and believing the Truth are not enough, we “must walk (live our lives) in (accordance to God’s) Truth.”
John 1:1-4–Jesus was the Word made flesh. He is the Bible (God’s will in print) in human form. John 14:24–“He who does not love Me does not obey My words which were given to Me by the Father Who sent Me. Jesus (the Word of Mt. Sinai) wrote His Law in stone. This includes commandment #4. John 14:24–“The Words I (Jesus) say are not Mine, but are the Father’s Who sent Me.” Luke 10:16–To reject one of Their Words means that one despises the Word itself, the Father, the Son and the one who speaks the Word. Luke 4:4–The child of God will “… live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Matthew 24:35–“…Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will not pass away.” Each of God’s Words is more important to Him than heaven and earth combined. Think deeply on that Truth.
Romans 1:1,2–The Holy Scriptures reveal God’s Gospel. Romans 15:18-20–We must be obedient to the Gospel of Christ and God in both words and deeds, thereby bearing fruit for the Lord. First Corinthians 4:15–The true saint is “begotten (spiritually conceived) through the Gospel.” Bearing good fruit means that one obeys the Gospel of God and Christ. Matthew 4:23–Jesus went about “preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom.” His message was the Kingdom of God/heaven and how to enter it by obeying His message, which His apostles preached anciently and continue to do so today. Acts 1:3–Jesus returned to earth after His ascension where, for 40 days He taught the disciples about “the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God” (His Gospel). Second Corinthians 11:4–God’s people must not listen to any other (perverted) Gospel which is the message of other Jesus’ who would be presented to the churches. Those false Christs, Paul warned, would be embraced by the churches. God said that there were many gods and many lords (Cor. 8.5). The existence of Catholicism and Protestantism are proof that He was right. Each cult/denomination/faith/church/assembly, etc. has its own god. savior, truths, etc., each of which is an abomination in the eyes of God. Galatians 1:6-12–The works of false gods and saviors began soon after the founding of the New Covenant Church. Paul warned the churches of Galatia about embracing perverted Gospels, which are preached in every counterfeit (Catholic/Protestant) church today. To believe such gospels is to be “removed from Christ.” Satan’s modern-day (Laodicean-Rev. 3:14-18) ministers use just enough Bible Truth to deceive their audience, then mix in with them his (Satan’s) perversions which are much more man-centered and man-pleasing. Jesus warned about this in Matthew 24:4,5. Satan’s success depends on his followers remaining ignorant of God’s “fine print.” My ministry is to reveal that most important aspect of God’s Word. Hebrews 4:1,2–The Gospel must be mixed with faith in order to enter into God’s rest (the millennium)–Key word–Millennium.
John 21:15-17–Three times Jesus told Peter to feed His lambs and sheep. John 10:27–The Lord’s true sheep hear His voice (distinguish between His and the voices–messages-of false shepherds). Jesus knows His sheep intimately because they follow Him (obey His message). Hebrews 5:12,14–Paul chastised the Hebrew converts because they, having always had the “oracles of God” (Rom. 1,2), should have been teachers of God’s “strong meat,” but instead were in need of someone to teach them the “milk of the Word.” First Corinthians 3:2 sends the same message. Hebrews 5:13-6:2–To remain on spiritual milk is to remain a spiritual infant–unable to discern between good and evil. The Hebrews needed to leave the elementary teachings of the Lord (milk) and go on into maturity. The elementary teachings (milk of the Word) concerns things such as repentance of sin, faith in the Word of God, the resurrection of the dead and judgment. These are the subjects (milk) that the churches are still teaching today. This ministry features the meat of the Word–the IF factors (“fine print”–conditions) that always accompany the “headlines” (God’s promises). Unfortunately, the church hates the “fine print” which explains why the “headlines” so rarely come to pass among church people. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. The “headlines” are found in verses 1-13 (Lev.) and 1-14 (Deut). The IF factor (“fine print”–conditions for receiving the “headlines”) are found in verses 14 and 15 respectively. The church rejects verses 13 and 14 as well as everything following them. Satan has churchites convinced that all they need to do is believe. We all know how that is working out from looking around us at the conditions that are overtaking the so-called “Christian nations,” specifically America and Britain and the Jews of the Middle East. Notice that, as God warned His Chosen People, the Jews are constantly at war. The world indeed hates the Jews–EXACTLY AS GOD WARNED THEM WOULD BE THE CASE. AMERICA IS ALSO HATED AND FOR THE SAME REASON–DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD. Several years ago an international poll was taken to determine which nation was the most liked and most hated. In the hate category, Israel was #1; America was #2. Globally, America is called “THE BIG SATAN” and Israel is called “THE LITTLE SATAN.” The key to understanding why America and those nations that follow her are decaying from within is found Luke 12:48 where we are warned that, “Unto whom much is given, much is required.” Israel and the “Christian Nations have been given much. Both nations have failed to produce the commanded results. They have for centuries been sowing the wind (disobeyed God’s Law–1 Jn. 3:4), now they are beginning to reap the whirlwind. What we are experiencing today is merely “… the beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:8). In the end, all so-called Christian nations, along with Israel, will be defeated and the living enslaved in foreign countries. L.J.
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