Matthew 5:17: Jesus made clear the Truth that He had not come to earth to destroy the Law or the writings of the prophets, but rather to fulfill them. If, as believed universally, the Law was “nailed to the cross” (Col. 2:14–refers to Moses writings), and the writings of the Old Testament prophets, being equally dead, do not apply to people during the New Testament age, then Jesus would not have come to “fulfill” the Law and the words of the prophets. The word “fulfill” in Greek–the language of the New Testament–is “pleroo” which means to complete, to fill up to the maximum. The church claims that the word means to bring to an end. However, pleroo is used in the following Scriptural passages which the Lord obviously did not intend to end at the time of their being spoken or written: Philippians 2:2–“Fulfill my joy by being like-minded and having the same love, being of one accord and of one mind.” Colossians 1:25; 4:17–The people were told to “Fulfill the Word of God.” Second Thessalonians 1:11–People were to “fulfill all the good pleasure of God’s goodness and the work of faith with power.” James 2:8–“If you fulfill the Law of God according to the Scripture, you will love your neighbor as yourself and will do well.” Isaiah 42:21–It was prophesied that the Messiah would come to earth to “magnify the Law and make it honorable” (again) because His people had rejected it. For this reason He would make a New Covenant with Israel and others who would embrace Him. Notice the place the Law has in the New Covenant: “I will write My Law in their hearts (minds) … and I will be their God and they will be My people” (Jer. 31:33/ Heb. 8:8-10). Ephesians 2:20–The New Covenant/Testament Church was “founded on (the writings of) the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament Apostles.” Jesus and the apostles often quoted the Old Testament in their teachings for it was the only written material available during their time of ministry. Romans 15:4–“for whatsoever was written before (by the prophets) was written for our instruction.” Second Peter 1:21–the same Holy Spirit moved upon the prophets as upon the apostles and instructed them to write what the Almighty wanted salvation seekers to know and obey. Galatians 3:8–The Scripture (Word–Christ) preached the Gospel to Abraham. Second Timothy 3:14-17–“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” so that the man of God is prepared for “every good work.” Romans 5:21; 6:22–Without righteousness/holiness there is no salvation.
John 1:1-3–The Word was in existence at the beginning of the creation process. The Almighty spoke what He wanted to be created, the Word then used the Holy Spirit to do what He (the Word) said, which He had heard from the Almighty. As is written in Psalm 33:6-9: “By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them (were made) by the breath of His mouth …. For He spoke, and it (whatever He spoke) was created.” The Word of God is God in written form, just as Jesus (the Word) was (is) God in human form. Hebrews 13:8– God, Jesus, the written Word are “the same yesterday, today and forever.” They do not change; in Them there is “no shadow (hint) of changing”–Malachi 3:6/ James 1:17. Matthew 24:35–“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will not pass away.” First Peter 1:25–God’s Word “abides forever.” Matthew 5:18–“Till heaven and earth pass, not one jot or tittle will pass from the Law till all (of the Law– vs 17) is fulfilled (being obeyed totally by all people). Matthew 22:14–“This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations, then the end will come.” Matthew 28:19,20–“Go into all the world and teach all nations … teach them to obey all things I have commanded you.”
Ephesians 6:17–God’s Word is the sword of the Holy Spirit that determines who lives eternally and who dies eternally. Revelation 6:17–“… and out of His mouth went a sharp, two-edged sword.” Hebrews 4:12–“For the Word of the Lord is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Revelation 2:16–Jesus tells us that if we do not repent of our sins, He will”…come against us quickly and will fight against us with the sword of His mouth.” John 12:48–Jesus says that we will be judged by His Words (sword). Matthew 10:34–Jesus did not come to earth to bring peace, but rather a sword which divides relative from relative, friend from friend, true saints from false saints. His sword pits people against each other in the spiritual realm. L.J.
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