When the Lord called me into His ministry the first thing He did was to create in me a love for Psalm 119 in which He repeatedly highlights and glorifies His Word–the Holy Bible. I recommend reading that precious Psalm in totality if the reader has not already done so. It was from that beginning that I gained a deep love for God’s sword of the Spirit which is the foundation of my life and the reason for my existence. It is part of that Word that I want to share with you over the coming days. Let us begin with the true beginning, even before the creation of the universe.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with (another) God, and the Word was (also a) God. The same (Word) was in the beginning with (the other) God. All things were made by Him (the Word) and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men…. And the Word was made flesh (by the other God) and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Father (the other God), full of grace and Truth” (Jn. 1:1-4,14). Note that there were two Gods, not three. As the series titled The Trinity proves, there is no such thing as a trinity. Read the series using Trinity as the key word.
What I have found during the many years since my ministerial calling, there are a large number of statements found in the Bible that are about the Bible itself. This series will bring many of those statements to the attention of the reader. Hopefully, the Lord’s Words about His Word will speak to him/her the message it spoke to me: GOD’S WORD (BIBLE–GENESIS TO REVELATION) IS GOD IN WRITTEN FORM AS JESUS (THE WORD) IS GOD IN HUMAN FORM. EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO THE WORD–THE ONLY SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL TRUTH TO BE FOUND IN THE UNIVERSE. For this reason the Word of God must be known, believed and obeyed in order to receive the promises He made to mankind. Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ, Who was initially THE WORD and Who is now “THE MAN, JESUS CHRIST” Who sits at the Father’s right hand and serves as the mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5).
This series will consist of written verses or parts of verses. Each verse will be followed by a short discussion about that verse. Let us begin with an introductory statement that is a must for those wishing to spend eternity with the two Gods that make up the Godhead. First Thessalonians 5:21,22: “Prove all things, cling to that which is good, reject that which is evil.” Good consists of what is written in the Holy Bible relative to spiritual life. Evil consists of anything relative to spiritual life that is not referenced in the Holy Bible. Keep in mind that things we deal with today were not available anciently, therefore, many of the references must be translated into modern terminology. One might notice that this website was named after part of the above-mentioned verse.
Matthew 24:4,5–“Take care that no man deceive you, for men will come in My name who will admit that I am the Christ, and will deceive many.” False prophets come as sheep who are wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mt. 7:15). Church pastors and evangelists speak biblically-sounding words by which they lure the Biblically ignorant into the churches of their god–Satan–whose congregations dot the earth’s landscape by the hundreds of thousands. These are filled with deceived men and women who have not separated God’s Truth from church doctrine. True saints know Satan’s false prophets by their adherence to God’s Word (Mt. 7:20). False Truths (fruits) lead to sin and death (Rom. 7:5) while true fruits lead to holiness/ righteousness and life (Rom. 5:21; 6:22). Notice that there is no gray area: ONE IS EITHER RIGHTEOUS/HOLY OR EVIL/UNRIGHTEOUS. One is either a saint or a sinner. There is no such thing as a sinning saint (“sinner saved by grace”). We must beware of those who corrupt the Word of God (2 Cor. 2:17). The word “corrupt” in the Greek language is “kapeleuo” which refers to the deceptive practice of watering down wine, like using false weights on a scale in order to cheat a customer. In Jude 4 the apostle writes about false prophets turning God’s Holy grace into a license to sin in order to gain followers. That deception has worked 99.99% of the time, as any church member will tell you. This was voiced by a super religious woman who said about sin: “Don’t worry about sin; God will forgive you.” A local television pastor said to his congregation as I “just happened” to be walking by a t.v: “Don’t even try to be holy; you’ll just make yourself sick. You’re nothing but a society of (saved) sinners.” As the Holy Scriptures tell us, there is no such thing as a saved sinner. Read First John 2:1-5 and 3:1-10. In Second Corinthians 4:2-7 we are told that to handle the Word of God deceitfully (deceivingly) means that the true Gospel of God is hidden from the deceiver. To deceive others using God’s Word means that one exalts himself against the knowledge (Word) of God. In Galatians 1:6-13 we are told that those who preach another Gospel (a perversion of God’s true Gospel–church doctrine) are removed from Christ, cursed by God, bewitched and under the influence of Satan. In First Timothy 6:3 tells us that Word perverters are proud, know nothing and are destitute of Truth. Keep in mind that every verse mentioned above and throughout this series was written to and about the church. L.J.
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