Very few people are spiritual, meaning that the things of the spirit are first and foremost in their lives. More people are religious, meaning that religion (the church) plays an important role in their lives. Almost everyone is political, meaning that the majority of people who are eligible to vote do so. The average citizen of a nation in which people cast votes to decide who will lead them, most do so, especially in free nations like the United States of America where every two years there is a concerted push on the part of certain people to glean the votes of the public.
However, as this website has continued to point out, those who promise to do good for the nation if the nation would place them in highest positions of power, usually end up disappointing at least half of the people. Why is this? Why, no matter who America places in office, the situations in which the people live do not improve as they were promised. Why is this?
Because people are evil. In His Word God proclaims again and again that sin (the breaking of His Law–1 Jn. 3:4) always produces curses from on high. Read The Voices of God. Key word–Voices. In Genesis 6:5,6 Moses wrote about the people of the world during that time: “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord repented for having made man on the earth and it grieved Him at His heart.” Nothing has changed. Man’s heart (mind) is still filled with evil. Satan-serving, sin-soaked man has pushed his Maker out of the church, out of his governments, out of his schools, out of his businesses, out of his family life and out of his social life. In religious circles the Biblical God has been replaced by the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). The Law by which God governs His people has been replaced by various self-serving suggestions and options concocted by religious men who, like Adam and Eve, have taken for themselves the power to determine right and wrong. In Matthew 16:23 Jesus tells us how Satan gains and maintains control over his church when addressing His enemy: “Get thee behind Me, Satan, you are an offense to Me, for you are not interested in the things of God, but rather in THE THINGS OF MEN. Satan is intent on giving man what he wants (self-governance). Like Adam and Eve, religious man embraces the devil’s theology and legitimizes his sins by calling them God’s will.
The thought that the Lord would allow such people to determine who is in charge of their nations does not make sense. Even the heathen king Nebuchadnezzaar understood this and made the following statement as recorded in the Book of Daniel: “… the Most High God rules in the kingdoms of men, gives those kingdoms to whomsoever He will and SETS UP RULERS OVER THEM WHO ARE THE WORST OF MEN (4:17). Daniel the Prophet echoed the king’s words as recorded in 2:20,21: “Blessed is the name of God for ever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. He changes the times and the seasons, HE REMOVES KINGS AND SETS UP KINGS.”
Daniel, one of the wisest of men, knew that it was His God Who raises up kingdoms and destroys kingdoms and ASSIGNS AS LEADERS THOSE WHOM HE WILLS–THE WORST OF MEN. The Prophet Job understood that God raises up and tears down the world’s nations and determines who will lead them. He writes in 12:23: “He (God) increases the nations and destroys them. He enlarges the nations and straitens them again.” The Almighty does not leave such important considerations as national leadership in the hands of men. He is much too wise to do that. For this reason voting is an exercise in futility.
God’s people do not vote. Nowhere in His Word does He instruct His people to make such decisions, which are strictly in His, not man’s domain. Being the alpha (beginning) and the omega (ending) the all-knowing God knows the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:9,10) of all things because He is all in all, which makes Him smarter than all men combined. Think about how many different opinions are to be found within the world’s nations. Do we want to be governed by someone who won 51% of the votes? Half of the population will be unhappy with the outcome of all policy decisions. Though that appears to be the case within the world’s free nations, the Lord tells us that behind the scenes things are totally different.
The same is also true within the religious realm. As I point out in the series titled Who’s in Charge? Key word–Charge, God raises up or sends a man into an area to lead any Truth-hungry people there may be in that area. Those who want to hear His Truth gather around that man, thereby creating a congregation. In most cases there are only a few who know that what they are hearing is not Bible Truth and have asked God to send them one His apostles. This was my experience in Athens, Texas when I arrived.
Through several miracles, the all-knowing Lord arranged for me to move to this lovely city of 12,000 in 1985. I began publishing Bible teachings in the local newspaper and was hailed by a group numbering around two dozen as having been sent from God. They acknowledged that that I knew His Truth and that I had been sent by the Lord to teach them His Truth. I was hailed as the answer to their prayers. That is, until I pointed out what God said about a particular subject. Suddenly I was alone. Literally overnight I went from being God’s long-awaited bearer of His Truth to Satan’s mouthpiece. Why? What had I done to affect such a drastic change in attitude toward me? I BELIEVED ALL OF GOD’S WORD. One of their members did not believe God’s plainly stated Word on one particular subject. Satan had destroyed a modern day church just as quickly as he destroyed the Chruch of Eden. Does God allow such people to determine who is in charge of entire nations?
Since then a half dozen or so people have recognized that God sent me here and have responded positively to His message. This is no problem for me. Recall that God called His church (the kingdom of Heaven) His “little flock,” His “remnant,” both of which indicate smallness. Recall that after all He did for so many, only about 120 were with Him at the end of His life. I am in good company.
Man’s decision-making abilities are not what they should be because man does not listen to the Lord he claims has saved him. Because of this weakness on man’s part, God does not leave nation-governing decisions in his hands. God’s chosen vessel hears from Him and announces His (God’s) will to the congregation which follows His appointed leader. Few, Jesus prophesied, would do so. As is always the case, He was right. Knowing that His true church would be tiny, He declared that where two or three are gathered together in His name, He is there among them (Mat. 18:20). Some time ago I stated that I believed there were not more than 10,000 true Christians on earth today. I might have been too generous.
A good illustration relative to the size of God’s church is found in Matthew 13:31 where He compares the Kingdom of Heaven (His true church) to a mustard seed, the smallest of seeds. But when man’s word replaces God’s Word the church grows into a large tree in which birds build their nests. Due to man’s ego he wants a large congregation. In the end the congregation or association determines who leads the local group. The “birds” symbolize church members who have various ideas as to what Truth is, what needs to be done, how, when and where it needs to be done. This includes the formulation of church doctrine. Recall that all but 12 of Christ’s 70 disciples left Him when He told them what He commanded of them (Lk. 10:1/ Jn. 6:60). What if they had been allowed to decide what they should do? or what He should do? Or what if they had divided themselves into groups and each went its own way, made its own rules, etc? Sound familiar?
The same is true of nations, all of which have turned their backs on God and have gone their own way–the way of Satan. Generally speaking, man does not understand the ways of God because He does not tell man what He is doing and what He will do. There are exceptions to this Biblical Truth as He tells us in Amos 13:14: “Surely the Lord does nothing unless He first tells His secrets to His servants the prophets.” A prophet is one who hears from God and tells those with ears to hear what God is doing and what He will do in the future. But only a minutely few have ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to believe His Truth.
The Book of Revelation is comprised of prophecy in which Jesus tells the Apostle John what He was going to do at the end of the age. The Old Testament prophets wrote what God told them and today we see that all they foretold has either come to pass, is coming to pass or will soon come to pass. But note that man, not even His trusted prophets and apostles, determine what the future would hold for the nations of the world. He does not allow man, not even His most trusted servants, to make those decisions. God’s servants are to listen to Him, report to their followers what they have heard, then lead them in doing their part in fulfilling God’s plans. The problem is that those in religious leadership do not hear the Biblical God, but rather the god of this earth. Would He allow such people to elect national leaders?
So why, in dealing with nations of people, does the all-knowing God place in leadership positions the worst of men? (Dan. 4:17). If God raises up nations and takes down nations, does it not make sense that He would decide who runs those nations? And why does He use the worst of men to run those nations? BECAUSE THE PEOPLE OF THOSE NATIONS HAS REJECTED HIM. He makes perfectly clear how man’s attitude toward Him and man’s obedience to or rejection of His dictates determines His treatment of human beings individually and nationally. Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 lays out His Cause and Effect program: a man obeys Him and receives good things from him; a man disobeys Him and is cursed by him. The same holds true for nations. It could not be more simple.
Man, however, chooses to reject God’s Word. Therefore God rejects man. Knowing the mind of man, why would God allow man to determine what happens to him in the collective? If sinning man wants to commit suicide, God will provide the tree, the rope, the stool and someone to kick it. The same holds true on the national level. The current American administration, run by Satan’s people, was put in place by God. Why? What would prompt the loving God to do such a thing to the world’s most religious nation? Does ABORTION ring a bell? Does SAME-SEX MARRIAGE ring a bell? Does REMOVING THE TEN COMMANDMENTS from all social and educational areas ring a bell? Does the LEGALIZATION OF SEXUAL DEVIANCE IN ALL FORMS ring a bell? Does WHAT IS SEEN AND READ ON ENTERTAINMENT VENUES ring a bell? Do the celebrations of CHRISTMAS, EASTER, VALENTINES DAY, HALLOWEEN AND THE SUNDAY SABBATH ring a bell? The list goes on.
God sets up evil men to run evil nations in order to punish the nation’s evil people. Look at the damage Joe Biden is doing to the United States of America. Through him the Lord is punishing this nation for her sins. However, I believe that He is going to expose Biden and his God-hating comrades over the next 16 months. What is equally important, the world will see the democrats for what they are. I also believe that He will return a vile, evil man–Donald Trump–to the presidency in 2024 because he has the qualities necessary to put the nation back on its economic and military feet as he did during his first presidency. I believe that God will use other equally evil people–republicans–to get the job done. They will all be church-defined Christians but not Biblically-defined Christians. The Lord raised up Donald Trump the first time to set the nation on the right economic and military track. History records that the nation prospered in every way under Trump’s governance. In spite of this the nation did not repent and turn to the One who made her great. Instead, she drew farther away from God and closer to His enemy.
Because of the nation’s rejection of Him and her refusal to acknowledge Him as her God, He used Joe Biden and the communist democrat party, with the equally vile news media as their enablers, to punish America. I believe that Donald Trump, though a sinner of the most egregious sort, will again be used by God to raise up the nation. God loves this country which He established and blessed in so many ways. I believe that Trump will be re-elected and will succeed. But the nation will not return to God. She will once again rebel against Him and be punished as were her Israelite ancestors who were defeated, slaughtered, enslaved and scattered throughout the world. God expects His blessings to be followed by national repentance and obedience to His Word. He is merciful, but only to a point.
An excellent statement, spoken by Jesus Himself, perfectly sums up God’s ways of doing things. Sinin-saturated, Satan-led man does not understand His mode of operation. When speaking to His disciples early on He said: “Have I not chosen you twelve, AND ONE OF YOU IS A DEVIL” (Jn. 6:70). Jesus deliberately chose an evil man to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, etc. Something needed to be done (His betrayal) and HE CHOSE A DEVIL (JUDAS) TO DO IT. The same situation took place generations earlier when He chose Solomon to build His temple in Jerusalem. Solomon was wise and knew how to get the job done. However, Solomon had a raging sex problem and, because of it, would eventually lead Israel into total and open idolatry by marrying hundreds of heathen women and leading Israel to worship their gods. Outwardly, Soloman and Judas appeared to be holy and pure. God used them in many positive ways before He exposed their inner evilness. Let us remember that without Judas the world would not have a Savior, for there would not have been a betrayal and a crucifixion. Without Solomon there would not have been a temple built in Jerusalem which Jesus called “My Father’s house of prayer.” Without Joe Biden the United States would not be in the condition it is in today. Judas hung himself. Solomon would go down in historical disgrace. I believe that Joe Biden and his cronies will be exposed before the world. God raises up the most evil of men to do what He wants done because they have the talent necessary to get those things done. Man doesn’t understand the ways of God and, with a minutely few exceptions, does not want to understand His ways. Why? For the same reason Adam and Eve rejected His ways–THEY TAKE CONTROL OUR OF MAN’S LIFE OUR OF MAN’S HANDS. This is why we have two churches and hundreds of mini-churches, each calling itself “God’s church” and each claiming to be speaking God’s Truth. All are liars. If, that is, we can take God at His Word.
God knows what He is doing. He is allowing America to plumb the depths of sin and degradation in order to teach her a lesson. He teaches using His “voices”–wars, epidemics, famines, droughts, floods, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, crop failures, etc. with which He curses individuals and nations who refuse to obey Him. Will America learn the lesson? Will she see the errors of her ways and repent? I believe so, but only temporarily and in limited form. Following a short period of so-called “revival,” America will quickly return to her sinning ways. As a result she will suffer defeat, slaughter and enslavement, as did her Israelite ancestors.
But there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. After 3 1/2 years of hell on earth, Jesus will return, this evil age will end and eternity will begin. Such suffering is not inevitable. Leave so-called “Christianity,” come to the Lord and “save yourself from this corrupt generation” (Acts 2:40). Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1. Come out of Satan’s church and join God’s “little flock” (Lk. 12:32). Make Jesus the Lord of your life by walking His walk (1 Jn. 2:6). You will not hear about His walk in church for He is not there. He will not abide where He is not obeyed. It does not matter if you are the only one in your family, or among your friends, or in your county or state who believes and obeys God–YOU PROBABLY WILL BE. You will not be alone. If necessary, stand alone. Pay the price. Take it from me, it is worth the sacrifice for glory awaits in the future, and it will last FOREVER. L.J.
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