In the original “Voices” series titled God’s Warning “Voices”: Where Are They? I wrote about the Lord’s curses (voices) which, over the past 2000 years, have wreaked havoc on sinning mankind as He has attempted to get church people’s attention and prompt them to turn from their wicked ways and get right with their Creator. In the Holy Scriptures the Lord has warned readers repeatedly, then cursed them (punished) repeatedly as they refused to hear His “voices” which have taken the form of such things as wars, disease epidemics and so-called “natural disasters” such as earthquakes, droughts, floods, tornados, hurricanes, fires, etc. On the personal level people, hundreds of thousands have died due to war while many times more have suffered from an infinite number of sicknesses, diseases, viruses, outbreaks of various infirmities, etc., both sent by the Lord in response to the people’s sins.
Entire industries have been created for the sole purpose of treating those whom God has stricken bodily and mentally because of their failure to obey His Law. A huge medical profession has been created to treat those whom God has punished. Though God warns man about all of these curses and their cause, most people know very little about what He has written. Even fewer believe what little they know. And even fewer obey what little they believe. The result is evident all around us and on television and the internet.
An in-depth study of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 tells us why mankind has been afflicted so often, in so many ways, resulting in so many different afflictions. So regularly is the cycle repeated that it has become the status quo. Rather than obey the Creator of mankind and remove the source of his infirmities, man has created the medical industry to help him deal with his inevitable, sin-caused problems. Church people scoff at the Lord’s stated preventive measure–obedience to His Law. The insurance industry helps man to pay for the effects of God’s curses. The legal and law enforcement professions exist to protect man from harming his fellow man. The military establishment exists in order to protect man from forcing the subjection of his fellow man. International organizations such as the U.N., E.U. and N.A.T.O are designed to provide mutual aid in case of man’s attack on man on the international level. In all of these important social institutions the Bible Truth relative to man’s situation is ignored. The only true and reliable source of preventive help is never brought into the picture–ALMIGHTY GOD–OBEDIENCE TO WHOM WOULD WARD OFF THE CURSES WITH WHICH MANKIND HAS BEEN REPEATEDLY AFFLICTED BECAUSE OF HIS REJECTION OF GOD’S RULES FOR LIVING FOUND IN HIS HOLY BIBLE.
World-wide prayers by the millions are continually being uttered heavenward, asking for help and deliverance from whatever is afflicting mankind. However, man, including churchman, is deliberately ignorant of or resistant to God’s remedy for what ails him. The idea that the Lord must be obeyed in order for churchman’s prayers to be answered is never considered. I have been ridiculed by church people for bringing up the subject of obedience to God. “Only believe,” I am told, which explains why so few church prayers are answered. I will at this time repeat a little ditty I penned that speaks to churchman’s Satan-based all-faith-no Law, the fix is in theology: “Sin and grin, my friend, for in the end, you’ll still win. Pie in the sky, sin till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you’ll still get to fly.” That should be the theme song for the modern-day (Laodicean) church system comprised of the two-headed religious abomination known as “the church.”
The universal but unspoken motto for modern man, including churchman, is: “ANY WAY BUT GOD’S WAY.” In response to this theological mind-set, God will continue to pour out his wrath on man as long as man continues to disobey His Law–the Holy Bible which, for the sake of convenience, He condensed into the Ten Commandments, wrote them in stone and hid them to prevent man from changing them. Even in their simplified form, man refuses to obey those commands. Instead, man simply ignores them. By breaking commandment #4, churchman breaks the entire Law (Jam. 2:10–read the chapter), making him guilty of iniquity (Gr. Lawlessness). Cross-wearing, Bible-toting, Scripture-quoting spiritual giants contend that it is impossible to obey God’s Law. I have even been told that, quote: “Obeying God is just too much trouble,” unquote. This bit of Satanic truth came from the mouth of a former missionary. Another church leader, a pastor, cautioned his followers not to even try to obey God because, quote: “You’ll just make yourself sick,” unquote.
This posting will serve as an update relative to God’s increasingly harsh response to mankind’s increasingly rebellious behavior. As Jesus prophesied would be the case in the last days, false prophets are increasing in number and influence, causing spiritual deception to become more widespread and more powerful. This apostasy is causing iniquity to increase as man’s love for God and His law wax ever colder (Mat. 24:11,12).
As man has grown farther away from God and His Holy Scriptures, God has increased His “voices” according to man’s ever-increasing rebellion. Anyone paying attention to the news of late has noticed the increase in anti-social activity throughout America and other so-called “Christian nations.” By comparing Leviticus 26:14-46 and Deuteronomy 28:15-68 to what is taking place today one can see the hand of the Lord reacting in an ever-increasing, ever more destructive way as man grows ever farther away from Him. Using His holy Scriptures and His “voices” (curses), He has warned mankind repeatedly over the past 2000 year about what we see taking place today. And what we are now witnessing is merely “the beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:8). The church, and the nations that host her, have sown the wind. Meanwhile, God’s whirlwind is gathering strength.
In Matthew 10 Jesus warned that those who remained true to Him would be treated as He was treated, and for the same reason–belief in and obedience to God’s Word/Law/Gospel/Truth/Light. As He prophesied, the modern world, including the church world, is turning against those who professes and obey the Biblical God and His Word. Man is becoming meaner and more murderous relative to his fellow man. God’s people are not exempt to his hate. On the “natural” front one will notice a rapid and more destructive increase in the number of fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, drought, floods, volcanos, tornados, heat and cold extremes, etc. over the past several years. As God warns, the worst is yet to come because man will not obey Him.
America has been hit hard of late. For example, a couple of years ago South Texas was laid low by a three-week-long freeze. The words “Texas” and “freeze” do not go together. Southern California’s fire outbreaks have twice destroyed huge swatches of West Coast real estate over the past few years. Recently, areas along the East Coast were destroyed by hurricanes and inland storms. Time will reveal that these are only the beginning of the lashes the Lord will lay on this sin-soaked, Law-rejecting nation. For example, authorities tell us that two major fault lines are at present showing signs of activity which, when they split, will result in huge, deadly earthquakes. Those who study such phenomena warn that at some point they WILL open and cause great, gaping cracks that will open up across large parts of the United States. One–the New Madrid fault–is predicted to split most of the nation east to west. The other–the San Andreus fault–will cause Southern California to split north and south, possibly sending a great swath of that sin-soaked state into the Pacific Ocean. Older people will remember the Los Angeles earthquake that destroyed much of that city a few decades ago.
Volcanos are reportedly becoming a problem in some areas of the world. A massive, “supervolcano” located beneath Yellowstone National Park could explode at any time, affecting all of the surrounding states. What is called the Islandic volcano is so large and so powerful that it will, according to vulcanologists, “affect the whole world” upon total eruption which, according to vulcanologists, could take place at any time. In 2024 it produced seven mini-eruptions. According to the authorities, these volcanic eruptions and earthquakes WILL take place. It is a matter of when, not if. According to the Lord in His Holy Bible, these and other disasters WILL continue to take place due to the sins of the people.
Come let us reason together. If, as the Almighty proclaims, the commission of sins is the cause of mankind’s many problems, then the solution is to STOP SINNING. “Impossible” say those who have bought into what is known within professing Christendom as the Original Sin explanation for man’s failure to obey God. According to that church “truth,” Adam’s sin-gene transferal miracle turned every human being into a sinner at conception, making sin inevitable–“natural.” Read Sin is a Choice. Key word–Choice. Jesus supposedly died so that man can do what comes “natural” (sin) and get away with it.
Not so, according to the Holy Bible. Christ died so that man could receive the Holy Spirit that empowers him to resist Satan’s temptations to sin. Being a human being, Jesus had to rely on that same Spirit for power to resist Satan. In Revelation 3:21 Jesus stated that only those who “… overcome (temptation) as I overcame (temptation)” will sit with Him on His throne in the hereafter. Rather than overcome sin, churchman has chosen to overcome God, which makes him low-hanging fruit for Satan. The Pharisees of Christ’s day had created their own version of good and evil. Jesus says to their modern-day descendants what He said to them: “Your father is the devil.”
On the political front, God placed an America-hating, Satan-serving reprobate in the White House four years ago (2020). He immediately flooded the nation with illegal aliens who have killed, maimed, raped and pillaged Americans at will while being housed, fed, educated, medicated and transported at tax-payer expense. This man, who is still in office (Jan. 9, 2024) has done numerous things that have proven to be disasterous for America. Question: why did the Lord unleash him on the nation? Answer: the personal and national sins of the American people. As Daniel 4:17 tells us, it is the Biblical God who raises up nations and removes nations and places at the head of nations the “basest (worst) of men.” What Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:3-8 is coming to pass. Why? SIN–“THE TRANSGRESSION OF GOD’S LAW” (1 Jn. 3:4).
What the church masses do not understand is that when people do not obey God’s Law, HE HATES EVERYTHING THEY DO IN HIS NAME. He hates their prayers, their Bible study, their fasting, their singing, their preaching, their tithing, etc. I once fasted 34 days taking only water. HOWEVER, IT WAS ALL IN VAIN BECAUSE I WAS NOT DOING WHAT GOD WANTED ME TO DO. THOUGH I WAS VERY RELIGIOUS (AND 40 POUNDS LIGHTER) I WAS NO BETTER OFF THAN WHEN I BEGAN THE FAST. WHY? BECAUSE I WAS NOT STRICTLY OBEYING HIS WORD. IN OTHER WORDS: HE HATED MY FAST. Read The Hating God. Key word–Hating.
I stated two years ago that there would come a time when America would take a turn for the better and that Donald Trump (one of the “basest of men”) would be the cause of that change. That time has arrived. America will improve materially and socially and, for a brief period, spiritually. Religion will regain some of its former acceptance. We have already seen a smattering of religious revivals take place. More revivals will spring up over the next few months during which many people will “get saved.” Many others will repent, rededicate their lives, etc. But the euphoria will not last long as things will quickly return to religion as usual and social life will become business as usual–the church/state situation that led us into this mess in the first place. As I have noted on several occasions: AS GOES THE CHURCH, SO GOES THE NATION. The church’s apostasy has been followed by the nation’s downward slide. Both failings will be interrupted temporarily. However, when the church eases back into her normal state of spiritual deadness, the society will quickly return to its old ways. Sin will again take center stage and will send this supposed ONE NATION UNDER GOD into a headlong rush back to the god of this world–Satan (2 Cor. 4:4).
I warned several weeks ago about a soon-coming, church-wide civil war. During this war all of the world’s religions, including so-called Christianity, will combine and will rise up against God’s people. Under the reigning Catholic pope, this one-world church, backed by governmental power, will come against God’s tiny church. Read The Gun, the message and the Miracle and Killing the Messenger. Key words–Gun and Messenger respectively.
We need not wonder why God has loosed the four horsemen on America and those nations who follow her lead. Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28, First John 2:2-5 and 3:1-10 explain everything in sword-wielding clarity. I know what I write and say is hard to read and hear. I come bearing God’s Truth, which at times makes people either fearful or angry, usually the latter. My commission relative to the church–the focus of this ministry–is not to make her people feel good about themselves, but to warn them that they are not who they think they are. Satan has deceived them into believing that they are saved and born again. Read Born Again. Key word–Born. Read The Sword and the Feather. Key word–Feather.
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