In Exodus 12:38 we find Israel being brought out of Egyptian slavery by the Rock (Jesus Christ–1 Cor. 10:4). Note that they were not alone, for “a mixed multitude came out with them.” This multitude was comprised of various Gentiles whose nations had been defeated by Egypt and their people had been made slaves of their captors. These were Gentiles from various societies who, after seeing what God had done to the Egyptians, had embraced Him and His Law and, as a result, had become part of the commonwealth of Israel, making them equal inheritors of God’s promises to His chosen people. He later proclaimed that “One Law” would govern both Israelites and Gentiles (Exo. 12:49). There would be no Gentile tribe made up of those who had exited Egypt with Israel. GENTILES BECAME SPIRITUAL ISRAELITES BY OBEYING THE GOD OF THE ISRAELITES. Through marriage and adoption they melded into the various tribes and became known as Israelites. Nothing has changed. The true church is comprised of obedient biological Israelites and obedient biological Gentiles who became known as spiritual Israelites. In God’s eyes, they are one and the same in that they all have the same commission, which brings us back to the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus.
In the first posting of this series we studied God’s Words relative to converted Gentiles’ overall spiritual condition before and after conversion. In this posting we will study the specific characteristics they manifested which set them apart from the world in which they lived. I know of no sources for such information that can compete with the Book of Ephesians and the third chapter of First John. Let us examine these treasure chests of Truth relative to the life a true child of God lives (one’s “walk”) while awaiting Christ’s return.
In Ephesians 3:1-6 Paul reiterates the converted Gentiles’ place in the family of God. They are “fellow heirs, being of the same spiritual body and partakers of the same promises of Christ found in the Holy Gospel” (vs 6). Those promises were made to the Israelite fathers–Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus came to earth to: “confirm the promises made to the fathers” (Rom. 15:8). Converted Gentiles enter into those promises, being fellow heirs with their Israelite brethren. Paul assures the Ephesian Gentiles that they are fellow-heirs with the Israelites, the promise culminating in verse 19 where they are told that they were: “to know the love of Christ, that they (Gentiles) might be filled with all of the fulness of God.
In 4:1-6 Paul characterizes the true saint as a prisoner of the Lord who humbly occupies the position in which God has placed him. Beginning with verse three Paul stresses the unity of beliefs and actions within the Body of Christ, telling them and us that “there is ONE body, and ONE Spirit … and ONE hope of His calling (salvation), ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE (Christian) baptism (read John’s Baptism. Key word–John’s), ONE God and Father of all Who is above all, through all and in all.”
In 4:11-16 Paul goes into more detail concerning the Christian “walk” by explaining how God established certain offices within His church: “And He made some (men) apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers for the PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of THE (ONE AND ONLY) Body of Christ (church)” which is neither Catholic nor Protestant. Why did God place such ministries within His church? “FOR THE PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS, FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY AND FOR THE EDIFYING OF THE BODY OF CHRIST (vs 12).
In verses 13-16 Paul paints the picture of the end result of church ministry. It was to mature the body until “we all come to the unity of THE (ONE AND ONLY) faith, to THE (ONE AND ONLY) knowledge of the Son of God. Until we all manifest a PERFECT MAN, TO THE MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF THE FULNESS OF CHRIST.”
It is absolutely essential that the true Body of Christ found within the professing church not be led here and there after the teachings of false prophets whom Jesus warn about in Matthew 24:4 and whom the apostles continually fought throughout their ministries. The Apostle Peter noted that not all in the church were God’s true saints, stating that judgment was ongoing in the church, and only the Very Elect within her would be saved (1 Pet. 4:17,18). Recall that in the parable of the 10 “virgins” (Christians) in the church, only half of them were true saints (Mat. 25). Jesus warned the false Christians in the church of their fate, telling them that they would stand before Him at judgment and would remind Him of “all the wonderful works we have done in Your name.” To them He will say, “I never knew you; depart from Me you workers of iniquity” (Lawlessness)–Mat. 7:23. He makes this clear again in verses 13,14. The strait gate is His tiny church and the wide gate is today known as Catholicism/Protestantism. Notice that goth gates are entrances into a body of believers and both ways are Christian “walks,” only one of which was God’s way. Notice also that only a few “find” God’s gate and walk His way.
In 4:15,16 Paul makes a statement that is ALWAYS passed over by those within professing Christendom. He states that we must “grow up INTO Him (Christ) IN ALL THINGS.” Paul, who received his Gospel directly from Jesus Christ through revelation, states in no uncertain terms that WE MUST EVOLVE (THROUGH OBEDIENCE) INTO CLONES OF CHRIST HIMSELF. The Word CHRISTIAN literally means “little Christ.” The saint must become a spiritual twin of the Lord Himself. Read The Unknown Power of God’s Very Elect. Key word–Unknown.
Understand that there will be multitudes of people on earth in the future who will not live within the Kingdom of God proper, but will live outside of it and will be scattered throughout the earth. Read the Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. The headquarters of God’s earthly kingdom will be located in the area God promised Abraham’s Israelite descendants. Within that area God will place “New Jerusalem” as His universe capital. The Kingdom of Godwill be a walled edifice with gates made of pearl and streets made of gold and will be lighted by the glory of God and Christ. This edifice will be 1500 miles long, 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles high. Only the Very Elect will live within that paradise. These are they about whom Jesus spoke in Revelation 3:21 and John wrote about in 1 John 2:6. These are they about whom Paul wrote in his letter to the church at Ephesus (4:22-24). These are they who, during their human lives, discarded the “old man” of sin and put on the “new man” of righteousness who is “created in RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUE HOLINESS.” These are they who will sit with Christ on His throne from which they will rule the universe forever. Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers.
In Ephesians 5:1-17 Paul wields the “SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD” without hesitation and sparing no one. Note that he does not exclude church people. He makes it clear who will and who will not have a part in God’s future world. Read this passage carefully while remembering Christ’s Words found in Matthew 7:23. Do not be taken in by Satan’s false prophets with their “Show up, ‘fess up, pay up and you’ll go up” message. L.J.
Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:21–“Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good.” No matter the source, prove everything on the spiritual level. Failure to do this is the reason for the mess professing Christendom is in today.
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