Do you tremble at God’s Word? as those who call themselves by His name are commanded to do. Is your reverence toward God such that your spirit is stirred at the sight of a Bible? Do you look forward to studying the Scriptures each day? If so, you are walking in the direction of God’s kingdom. If not, you are walking in the wrong direction, as He tells us.
In the Holy Scriptures the Creator and Lord of the universe tells us why church people en masse refuse to tremble at His Word–they have embraced another God; they are practicing idolatry. Just as Satan enticed the ancient Israilites away from God’s Word and into idol worship, so he has lured their modern day descendants–the so-called Christian nations led by the United States–to follow in their religious footsteps. God characterizes such people (then and now) in Isaiah 2:8: “Their land is full of idols.” Let us prove the truth of these Words by looking at the United States–the world’s most notable “Christian nation.” For several generation her traditional idols have emerged in the form of entertainment personalities–rock stars, sports stars, movie stars, etc. The t.v. program “American Idol” has been among the nation’s favorite entertainment venues for several years. I know a woman who, along with her children and their friends, drove four hours and stood four hours to watch a rock band. Jesus Christ could announce that He would appear in Los Angles and would not draw the crowd that showed up to watch Koby Bryant play his last basketball game. It was reported that some seats went for as much as $63,000. Advertising for the football’s Super Bowl now goes for $6,000,000 per minute. Businesses gladly pay such exorbitant prices because they know that hundreds of millions of people world-wide will watch the game in order to see their idols play with a ball. Movie stars are paid millions of dollars because their adoring fans want to watch them pretend to be someone they are not and speak words someone else wrote. Musicians are paid enormous sums by people who want to be in their presence when they make sounds, twist and jump while wearing outlandish costumes. How many church people would stand in line for hours and pay to see Jesus Christ and to hear Him speak eternal Truths? They would all fit inside a high school gym. Proof? He is a permanent guest in the homes of two billion professing Christians in the form of the Holy Bible (Jn. 1:1-4,14/ Rev. 19:13) where He is ignored 166 hours each week. But He is not totally ignored. He is dutifully acknowledged for a couple of hours each week by being carried to church on Satan’s sabbath. See The Mark Of The Beast. Now back to America’s idols.
But of late even the entertainment gods have had to bow to much more personalized deities–internet gadgets. Millions of Mesmerized, mumbling, stumbling, staring zombies worship their pocket gods that demand and receive their unwavering attention. These deities are so powerful that they cause severe withdrawal symptoms should they be inadvertently left behind. Scientific studies have proven this to be true. Television made a stranger out of one’s neighbor; the internet has made a stranger out of God. In this “Christian nation” one can have an idiot box in hand continuously and not raise an eyebrow. But let one carry a Bible where others can see it and he/she is ridiculed as a “religious fanatic.” The exception to this the Koran. To openly carry one, read it and pray several times each day to its god is simply exercising one’s “right of religious expression.” Should a Bible believer be caught praying in public the fury of social indignation is directed his/her way. But Muslims can kneel in the middle of a busy New York City street, tying up traffic for half an hour, and all is well. Do not blame the devil for this. THIS IS GOD’S DOING. Let us see why He is bring such misery on the United States.
In spite of all that is going on in this country we do not see those who call themselves God’s people trembling before His Word, not even in their religious services where one will find an idiot box located somewhere on the body of the majority of parishioners. Many of them are in use as their hirelings assure them that they are saved, etc. Trembling erupts only when their ear-scratcher speaks too long, allowing the church across the street to get to the restaurant ahead of them. Or worse, when his inevitable John 3:16 message makes them miss the beginning of THE GAME. An example of man’s worship of entertainment took place several years ago when a local pastor announced to his congregation that, should his sermon go on too long, those who wanted to watch the kickoff of the Dallas Cowboys’ football game were free to leave in time to see it. Today, thanks to their pocket gods, they can watch the festivities without leaving their pews. L.J.
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