One of Satan’s more enduring and effective deceptions concerns the origin of the Old Testament Law. Unquestioning believers have been taught that the Law was presented to Moses by God the Father on Mt. Sinai as the method by which he would lead the Jews. Later, church theology holds, Jesus came to earth to do away with His Father’s stone-etched Law and to replace it with a more lenient, pliable “way” which He Himself had formulated–a selection of options from which one could choose those passages that confirm one’s religious mind-set while rejecting those that did not.
The theory of two covenants–one old, one new–authored by two different deities–the Father, the Son–for two different peoples–one Jew, one Gentile, makes it easy for the believer to ignore the old and accept the new in that, in man’s view, new and changeable is always better than old and unchangeable. The Old Covenant, parishioners are told, was God the Father’s heavy-handed, demanding method of dealing with a sinful, stiff-necked Jewish people. By contrast, the New Covenant was designed by Jesus to appease open-minded, intelligent Gentile people. Few of Satan’s deceptions are as devastating as the “Law nailed to the cross” ruse has proven to be. That it was Jesus Christ, then known as the Word (Jn. 1:1-4) who led the Israelites out of Egypt, gave Moses the Ten Commandments, then provided for and protected “… the church in the Wilderness” of Sinai (Acts 7:7:38/1 Cor. 10:4) during the 40 years of wilderness wandering has been established beyond a doubt. As the Scriptures reveal, He is the God and Author of both Old and New Covenants. He has not changed. And neither has His Word–the Father’s Truth, His gospel, His Way of Life which leads to eternal life for all who will believe and obey it with faith in His Son. Not so says the Counterfeit Church who claims that the Law in its entirety was nailed to the cross–done away with–by Jesus at His death. Question: Why then did God say of the One He would one day send to earth to be the Savior of mankind that He would MAGNIFY THE LAW AND MAKE IT HONORABLE (Isa. 42:21). Jesus did away with the sacrificial law, but He HONORED AND MAGNIFIED the moral Law, stating that not so much as a jot or tittle could be removed from the Law (Mat. 5:18) until heaven and earth had passed away and all of God’s will had been fulfilled, which will take place when the old heaven and earth have been removed and the new heaven and earth have replaced it. Then and only then can it be said that “… all is fulfilled.”
In Romans 6:23 God tells His church that the end result of her sins is death. In 3:25 He tells her that Jesus came to cleanse her of her PAST sins. He then gave her His Holy Spirit to empower her to remain free of sin by obeying His Law (overcome Satan) which will enable her to live with Him forever (Rev. 3:21). In order to keep sin out of our lives we must first know what constitutes sin. As has been pointed out previously, sin is the transgression (breaking) of the Law (1 Jn. 3:4). In James 2:10,11 He tells us that to break even one of the Ten Commandments is to break the entire Law, making one a worker of iniquity (Lawlessness). Knowing this, Satan has enticed the professing church to break the fourth commandment–God’s etched-in-stone Sabbath commandment (not option). By so doing he has convinced every member of the Counterfeit Church to embrace iniquity. It is to those people that Jesus will proclaim: “I know you not, depart from Me ye workers of iniquity, for you set aside My doctrines and obeyed the commandments of men. You worshiped Me in vain, calling Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ while refusing to do what I commanded you to do. You chose the broad gate and wide way instead of My strait gate and narrow way. You turned My grace into a license to sin, declaring that your sin did not earn you death, but rather eternal life. By declaring yourself ‘saved’ while continuing to sin, you disgraced Me before men by crucifying Me again and again, thereby nullifying the work of My blood while dishonoring My Holy Spirit. By disobeying My Word you denied both Me and My Father.” Notice to whom these Words will be spoken: Those who call Jesus ‘Lord, Lord’ and remind Him of all the won- derful works they had done in His name. As did the five foolish virgins when arriving at the door to the marriage feast, these church members will stand before Him on Judgment Day expecting to be handed the keys to their heavenly mansions only to hear Him say, “Depart from Me, I never knew you.”
Each of the above statements was made by Jesus while on earth. Yet religious man denies them, declaring that grace abolishes them all. In so doing the church denies both Father and Son (Jude 4). Reader, God is calling you to come out of the Counterfeit Church and to remain separate from it; to not touch it (stay clear of it). Then, and only then, will He be your God and you will be His child (2 Cor. 6:17,18). Anything short of total rejection of so-called “Christianity” and total obed- ience to God’s Word and Way will result in death. He who rejects this command, who has gone through the wide gate and is walking the broad way of Satan has plenty of company, for “… many go in thereat.” Millions stand in “… the valley of decision” (Joel 3:14). Will you make the right decision and live? Or will you simply go back to church?
Many a sermon has been preached about the “Roman Road” which supposedly leads the believer down the road of total grace and in the opposite direction of the Law. Believers by the multiplied millions, unwilling to examine “… the whole counsel of God” in search of His Truth, have blindly followed their false prophets (hirelings) through Satan’s wide gate and along his broad way that lead to destruction (Mat. 7:13,14). By following the church’s so-called Roman Road, one is con- veniently led around some vital verses found in chapters two and three. By ignoring these passages, the church has caused generations of God-seekers to miss Him. Let us examine these rejected Scriptures in order to learn the Truth that Law deniers and their master do not want you to learn.
Let us begin by remembering two verses that I have tried to brand into your minds (hearts): First John 3:4–sin is the break- ing of the Law. Romans 1:7: Paul’s letter (and the entire Bible) was written to, about and for the church. The remainder of this posting will highlight the fallacies concerning the Law found in the church’s Roman Road doctrine.
The entire first chapter in Romans serves as a warning about sin (Law-breaking) and its inevitable consequence–death. In chapter 2:1-13 God, through Paul, chastises church leaders for breaking God’s Law while teaching their parishioners to obey it. He refers to obedience to the Law as “well doing” (7) and “work(ing) what is good” (10). He reminds them that their Israelite ancestry is irrelevant–that all men will be judged by their obedience to God’s Law. Notice that Romans 1:7 through 8:3 is a discourse on how to become and remain JUSTIFIED. The term is used 21 times in various forms.
In 2:14 Paul reminded the church that obedient “Gentiles” are justified because, having the Law written in their hearts, they “… do the work of the Law,” which enables them to remain justified (Jam. 1:22). Biological Gentiles have never had the Law; in fact, they reject both the Law and thereby the God Who wrote it. Note with whom the Lord said He would make a New Covenant and into whose hearts He would write His Law–Israel (Jer. 31:31-33/Heb. 8:8-12). I will write more on the Counterfeit Church’s false claim to be the recipient of the New Covenant later. There I will show that the “Gentiles” to whom Paul was sent were in fact Gentilized Israelites who had adopted the heathen ways of the Gentiles among whom God had scattered them. I will show that in order to become a child of God one must join the Commonwealth of Israel and obey the God of Israel in all things, including His Law. Those who do so today comprise God’s church–“… the Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16)those who have entered the strait gate and are walking the narrow way leading to eternal life.
In 2:17 Paul reminded church leaders that they were Jews. Having the Law, they had status with God in that they knew God’s will and approved of the things most excellent, which are found in the Law (18). Note that God’s will and the things He considers most excellent are found in the LAW. Having knowledge and the Truth of the Law, He expected them to be guides to the blind, a light to those in darkness, instructors of the foolish and teachers of babes (19,20).
In 2:21-24 Paul makes certain that the reader knows which Law he is referring to by using three of the Ten Command- ments as illustrations: idolatry (#2), adultery (#7) and theft (#8). He told the Jewish church leaders that by disobeying the Law they had become like the “Gentiles” (Gentilized Israelites and biological Gentiles) to whom they ministered (25).
In 2:26 Paul equates being a child of God (an Israelite) with obedience to the Law. Recall James 2:10: to break one com- mandment is to break the entire Law. This includes the Fourth Commandment–God’s seventh day Sabbath Law which was kept until A.D. 364 when the priest of Rome declared that from that time onward the (Catholic) church would observe the heathen sabbath–the first day of the week. When the so-called Protestant Revolution (Restitution) occurred, the mother whore’s harlot daughters retained many of her doctrines, the heathen sabbath being one of them.
Note in 2:27 that a “Gentile” (Gentilized Israelite or converted biological Gentile) who obeys the Law will judge the Jew who does not. Finally, in 3:1,2 Paul notes that the Jew has an advantage over the non-Jew in that the “oracles of God” (the Law) is part of the Jew’s daily life. All Gentiles of whatever type are required to obey God’s Law in order to inherit eternal life. In 3:4 he says that doubters judge God’s WORD and thereby find HIM wanting (God and His Word are one in His eyes-Gal. 3:23-25/1 Jn. 1:1-4/Rev. 19:12). In 3:5 he notes that those who reject God’s Law will face His wrath. Have questions or comments? Contact me at LPJ41, or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751 U.S.A. or (903) 677-5642. English only.
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