Nowhere in God’s Word are we told that the Law was nailed to the cross, done away with, nullified or subject to change. Nowhere are we told that grace has replaced the Law in the life of the New Covenant Church. It is to a third deception that we will soon turn due to the fact that it is the primary way by which Satan has gained control of the church (Catholicism/ Protestantism), thereby rendering it counterfeit. But first, a clarification is in order.
Satan has for years kept the Counterfeit Church deceived about the Laws of God. He has convinced most church people that He created one Law having two parts: the sacrificial Law and the moral Law. Ignorance of the fact that He created two separate Laws at two different times for two different reasons has caused many in the church to reject His moral, Ten Commandment Law, having lumped it in with His sacrificial Law which He did away with on the final day of His human life.
Churchman does not understand that several months after writing the Ten Commandments in stone, the Lord “added” another (sacrificial) Law because of “transgressions” against His moral Law (Gal. 3:19) written on stone tablets designed to endure forever. It is to this Law that Paul and others refer when telling the church that the Law must be obeyed with faith in its Writer. This same Paul, writing under the unction of the Holy Spirit, called the Ten Commandment Law “holy, just and good” (Rom. 7:12), saying that one can remain justified only by obeying that Law (Rom. 2:13): “It is not the hearers of the Law that are just(tified) before God, but (only) the doers of the Law shall be (remain) justified before God.” This is denied by the church, thereby emulating their religious ancestors who “… caused men to stumble at the Law” (Mal. 2:8). This in the face of First Corinthians 10:11 which tells us that the things written in the Old Testament were written for “… our instruc-tion.”
The grace vs Law war began not long after the founding of the New Covenant Church. Within 150 years Satan had won the war for the hearts of religious men. The Institutional Church has been at war with God ever since. Only total surrender to God evidenced by obedience to His Law will qualify man for eternal life. There will be no fence-straddlers (luke-warmers) in the Kingdom of God. They are spiritual vomit which God will spew out of His mouth ” (Rev. 3:16).
Satan knew that the Ten Commandments covered every sin known to man. He also knew that to break or alter even one of the commandments amounted to breaking them all in the eyes of God (Jam. 2:10,11), thereby making one a worker of “iniquity” (Lawlessness). He had only to convince the church to reject or alter one Commandment in order to separate her from her God (Isa. 59:2), which would result in death (Rom. 6:23). Because God had made the Sabbath commandment His test (sign) commandment (Exo. 31:13-16), it was Satan’s choice to draw man away from God. To be continued.
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