Among the most deadly, if not THE most deadly of Satan’s deceptions relative to professing Christendom is the theory that the law was “… nailed to the cross” at Christ’s crucifixion, thereby removing all requirements of the Old Covenant from the spiritual life of the New Covenant Church. This error is caused by the Counterfeit Church’s failure to accept the documented fact that God gave Israel two Laws by which to live, one temporary and flesh-oriented, the other eternal and spirit-oriented. During His final meal Jesus did away with all blood sacrifices. Upon His death He removed the automatic death penalty for all PAST sins (Rom. 3:24). The Institutional Church will agree with these statements in most cases. However, the remaining effects of Jesus’ life and death have been either relegated to meaningless status or rejected outright. It is this error that the postings concerning God’s Royal Law (Jam. 2:8) will address.
In Exodus we find God–the Word Who became Jesus Christ-Jn. 1:1-4,14) leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. But they are not alone, for we are told that “… a MIXED MULTITUDE came out WITH them” (Exo. 12:38). There being only two kinds of people–Israelites and all others, called Gentiles–the multitude that came out of Egypt WITH Israel was comprised of Gentiles who had embraced the God of the Hebrews. And remember that only those who observed PASSOVER the night before their extraction could come out, meaning that these people had, along with the Israelites, observed the commanded activities. Following their removal from Egypt God would not allow Israelites and Gentiles to remain two distinct groups. For this reason He introduced them to “one Law” that would govern both Israelites (“homeborn”) and Gentiles (“strangers”), making them ONE HOUSE called Israel (Exo. 12:49). He later wrote that Law in stone with His finger at Mt. Sinai. Since that time ALL PEOPLE have been held accountable to that Law, as the following postings will reveal.
Sin, we are told in Romans 6:23, results in death–separation from God (Isa. 59:2). Continued sin ends in consumption by fire (Rev. 20:15;21:8) which will turn sinners into ash upon which the righteous will walk (Mal. 4:3). Righteousness, we are told in First Peter 4:16-18, is required for salvation, for “… only the righteous shall be saved.” Peter identifies the righteous as those who have obeyed the Word of God. Therefore, it behooves the seeker of Truth to first and foremost determine the Scriptural definitions of sin and righteousness. God provides both definitions in one verse–First John 3:4: “To transgress the Law is sin; for sin is the transgression of the Law.” Righteousness is the absence of sin; sin is the breaking of God’s Law; therefore righteousness is obedience to His Law. Notice that in God’s definition of sin the word “IS” is used, denoting present tense. This was written several decades after the New Covenant Church was founded and was written for us today. This means that God’s Law is in effect NOW and is NOW used as the standard of right and wrong for those who believe God. The Counterfeit Church, however, does not believe God and has “… nailed to the cross” the very standard by which the Biblical Christ will judge her. The posting relative to Christ’s resurrection discusses the church’s counterfeit christ.
When asked the definition of sin, the typical churchite will recite the dogma of his/her religious organization. The one definition one will not hear is the one voiced by God through John. To admit that His definition is right would expose the entirety of professing Christendom as workers of INIQUITY–Lawlessness–a sin for which Christ said He would reject her (Mat. 7:20-27). Notice that those He will reject will be the super-religious who will call Him ‘Lord, Lord’ and remind Him of all the wonderful works they had done “… in Your name.” Notice why He will reject them? Lawlessness/iniquity–rejection of His Ten Commandment Law. The Truth concerning the Law will be brought out as we “Prove all things ….”(1 Thess. 5:21) by God’s Word. Now that we know exactly what sin is, let us see what God says about those who commit it. Bear in mind that GOD IS SPEAKING TO THE CHURCH ABOUT THE CHURCH THEN AND NOW. Consensus holds that the Apostle Paul was the writer of the Book of Hebrews. Therefore I will approach the epistle accordingly.
In Hebrews 10:26-31 Paul warns God’s church that “… if we SIN WILLFULLY after we have received the KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH, there remains NO MORE SACRIFICE FOR (ONE’S) SINS.” By using the word “we,” Paul included himself in the warning. He continues by saying when a church member sins willfully (knows that the act is sin but commits it anyway) he trods Jesus Christ under one’s feet, dismisses the blood He shed as an unholy thing and rejects the Holy Spirit of grace. Jude 4 says that when one knowingly sins he denies both Father and Son. God declares His vengeance upon church sinners who should be fearful in that they have fallen into His hands (become part of His church). The parable of the five foolish virgins is a prime example of the effects of having committed one’s life to Him, then falling away. Note again that He, through His messengers, is addressing His church then and now.
The Counterfeit Church excludes herself from the statements found in the Book of Hebrews, claiming that the New Covenant allows her to sin with impunity due to the death of Jesus Christ Who, knowing that man must sin due to having received Adam’s sin DNA, died so that parishioners could defy Him and the Father and get away with it. The church con- tends that, she being a religious “victim,” God is forced to allow her to break His Law at will, the blood of Jesus blotting out each sin as rapidly as the sinner can repent.
An even more powerful statement relative to sin among church members is found in Hebrews 6:6: “… for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened (become cognizant of what sin is), and have tasted of the heavenly gift (grace), and have partaken of the Holy Spirit (been converted), and have tasted (known) the good WORD OF GOD and the powers of the world to come, if they shall FALL AWAY, TO RENEW THEM AGAIN UNTO REPENTANCE, seeing that they CRUCIFY TO THEMSELVES THE SON OF GOD AFRESH (AGAIN) AND PUT HIM TO AN OPEN (PUBLIC) SHAME (AGAIN).” Then Paul compares such church members to thorns and briers “… whose end is to be burned (in the Lake of Fire).”
The message concerning the Law, sin and the church is clear: when we sin (break one of the 10 Commandments–commit iniquity) we spiritually nail Jesus to the cross, humiliate Him before the world, declare that His sacrifice was meaningless, and deny His work of grace through the Holy Spirit. The Counterfeit Church does not believe these Words of God, contend- ing that sin is an unavoidable part of the christian’s life due to being victims of Adam and Eve’s fall. Truly, Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). See the postings on Human Nature for more detail.
Satan’s deceptions relative to grace and the Law have resulted in several deadly church doctrines: 1) the Law has nothing to do with sin, 2) the Law was was nullified and destroyed by Jesus on the cross, 3) grace replaced the Law relative to the way God views sin, and 4) man has been given the power to redefine sin, which is ignored by God as long as the sinner confesses and repents regularly.
The Counterfeit Church teaches that sin has nothing to do with God’s Law, that sin is whatever each sect declares it to be, and that one is expected to sin until one’s final breath, at which time all sins committed since the last confession are sum- marily erased as one speeds upward toward heaven where one’s mansion awaits. Is this truth or heresy? God tells us. To be continued. Have questions or comments? Contact me at or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751 U.S.A. or (903) 677-5642. English only.
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