“In the beginning God (Elohim–Gods) created the heaven and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). We do not know the length of time that elapsed between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2–perhaps thousands or even millions of years. Much, some of it good, some of it bad, took place during that time. Genesis 1:2 introduces us to an earth that is tohu (“waste”) and bohu (“empty”) and covered with water (Jer. 4:23). The heaven above earth was saturated with darkness. We know that God creates nothing tohu and bohu (Isa. 45:18). This means that the earth and the heavens were not created waste and empty, but were later caused to become as described in Genesis 1:2.
That information prepares Bible believers for what is to come upon the earth in the near future. Two irrefutable Truths warn them that history is about to repeat itself. Those Scriptural Truths are: 1) the conditions that caused Genesis 1:2 are again being manifested on the earth, and 2) such conditions will cause the world to become tohu and bohu once again, and this time people will live through living hell and will be alive when the proverbial dust settles. Students of the Holy Bible recognize the signs that herald the end of the world as we know it. That time, they know, is about to arrive, and as the saying goes, “with a hammer in each hand.” The Scriptures tell us that those proverbial “hammers” will be held by Satan and God respectively. They will figuratively wield them during the final 3 1/2 years of the world as we know it. That time element is commonly known as the Tribulation Period.
Before delving into the details of this subject we need to understand the time elements involved in the three phases of the Tribulation Period–a time period consisting of 1) an extended number of generations that lead into 2) the Great Tribulation (the first 2 1/2 years of the Tribulation Period), followed by 3) the Day of the Lord (the final year of the Tribulation Period). Read the series titled The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord for specifics relative to the final three years of the earth as we know it now. I trust that the reader will read the Tribulation series. Therefore, in this series we will take a general (condensed) look into the three periods involved.
The first period covers most of the 2000 years since the founding of the New Testament/Covenant Church. During that time the vast majority of those within “the church” fell away from their Founder and, like Adam and Eve, went they own way. As did their original parents, these apostates “knew” with certainty that, though they were not following God, they were nevertheless pleasing Him and doing things His way. And like their original parents, they will learn the hard way that their apostasy was a huge mistake. Like their ancient ancestors (the nation of Israel), modern apostates will pay the ultimate price for rejecting the Word of the Lord and thereby rejecting Him (Lk. 10:16). Israel’s biological and spiritual descendants are following in the footsteps of their Israelite ancestors. To determine the identity of modern day Israelites read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Israel. Hint: The Jews (approx. fifteen million globally) comprise only a tiny percentage of modern day Israel which numbers in the hundreds of millions. Because modern day Israel, including the Jews, has rebelled against God, they will soon be cast into the Great Tribulation, which will be followed by the Day of the Lord, which will make the horrors of the previous 2 1/2 years pale by comparison. During that period Satan will express his hatred toward mankind. Then the Lord will punish sinning man as He pours out His wrath on those who rejected Him. As the Who and Where is Israel series explains, apostates will include those in the Institutional Church who, though having he “oracles (Words) of God,” refused to obey them.
Soon–I am thinking within the next five to eight years–the world will experience a time of spiritual repression, the likes of which has never been seen before. Based on Scripture, I believe that within three to five years there will come a governmental persecution against Christianity that will eliminate all teaching of, or references to, the Holy Bible and its Author. California is well under way to removing God from the state. Canada and Finland are already there. The United Nations forbids those in its 195 nation membership to speak or write against any religion, except one–Christianity. Note that Finland and Canada are known as “Christian nations.” I know from Scripture and from observation that a day will soon come when I will not be allowed to do what I do–legally. Read Persecution by that name.
Leading up to that point, we will witness a national and international turning away from the Lord that will rival the apostasy of ancient Israel, though on a much larger scale. America will suffer extreme famine, crime, invasion, military defeat, mass death and the enslavement of the survivors. The United States, Britain and the Jews of the Middle East (those of the Judeo-Christian religion) will bear the brunt of God’s wrath, just as did Israel of old, and for the same reason–apostasy (falling away from God). God had established first Israel, then America to be His light to the world during their respective times. Both failed to fulfill their commission and for the same reason. Both will suffer the same punishment.
But not everyone on earth will suffer through the living hell which is coming on the earth which will affect every living soul. Which brings us to the focal point of this series–GOD’S “PLACE OF SAFETY” WHERE HIS VERY ELECT WILL BE KEPT SAVE AND SECURE DURING THE COMING CARNAGE KNOWN AS THE GREAT TRIBULATION AND THE DAY OF THE LORD.
But before that happens life on earth will gradually become worse and worse as spiritual, political, social, legal storm clouds gradually cover the world. God promises that this period of “sorrows” will be obvious as the world seems to be turning “upside down. As this takes place the “beginning of sorrows” period (Mat. 24:8) will overtake the world’s civilizations. We are living in the middle stage of that period today. Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices to understand the significance of those “sorrows.”
As noted earlier, a time is coming, and soon, when owning a Bible will be a federal offense. Three people are now on trial for referring to that Holy Tome in Canada and Finland. They could each spend up to five years in prison for their felonious “crimes.” Because the time is short and darkness is coming when people like me will not be able to minister, I work night and day in order to get done what I can while I can. The Lord tells us to “work while it is day, for darkness is coming when no man can work” (Jn. 9:4). Now let us turn to the Book of Revelation where we are warned about what is coming upon the earth, especially upon the United States of America because of her calling to be God’s light to the modern world, a calling she has miserably failed to fulfill. “Unto whom much is given, much is required” (Lk. 12:48). The same rule applies to nations. Though given much, America has produced relatively little. The same is true for Britain and the Jewish state in the Middle East. No nations in modern times have been so blessed as those three which are peopled primarily by the descendants of the patriarch Jacob, whom the Lord gave the name “Israel,” meaning “power with God.” This is explained in the Who and Where is Israel Today series.
Following several years of increasing anti-Christian governmental legislation, God’s true people will be taken to a place of safety (Rev. 12:6,14) in order to keep them alive. According to verses 15 and 16, it will take a miracle from God to keep the government from killing them. This brings to mind Israel’s escape from Egypt. The first time He used water to swallow the enemy. In the future He will use the earth in the same way. This will be the second time He saved His people from certain annihilation. Bear in mind that only a “few” will be in that group as they make their way to the place of safety.
In Revelation 1:10 we find the Apostle John being introduced to the worst part of what this world is about to experience. Here we find him reporting that the Lord had taken him in spirit (in a vision) forward some 2000 years into the final year of the Tribulation Period called the “great and very terrible Day of the Lord” (Joel 2:11). This is a period of time which John refers to “the Lord’s Day” when He will pour out His anger on a world that rejected Him and His Son who had given His life on its behalf. God haters will believe that, with the end of the Great Tribulation, the terror is over. They will soon learn that what they had just experienced was a picnic compared to the situation in which they will find themselves. In the 16th chapter of Revelation we find the Lord showing John what that final year will be like. Jesus had warned them in Matthew 24 that this time in history will be worse than all of the horrors mankind has experienced throughout history–COMBINED. Sinners saved by grace who think God winks at their sins need to study this chapter very carefully. God does not appreciate them repeatedly crucifying His Son, then, following a few words of faked repentance, prepare to commit yet more sins (Heb. 6:6/ Rom. 2:5).
The most horrific things imaginable will take place during the Lord’s Day when He will unleash His anger on Satan-serving people. Revelation 16 speaks of seas becoming blood and every creature in them dying. Rivers will suffer in like manner. Earth’s surface will be burned by the sun as fire and heat plague the entire planet. Never before heard or seen thunder and lightning attacks will accompany the most terrifying earthquake the world has ever experienced. Islands will disappear while mountains will crumble like dirt. Large -sized hail will pummel the earth while huge projectiles will pulverize everything they strike. By the end of Satan’s and God’s actions two-thirds of the world’s population will have been killed. At the end of the 3 1/2 year-long attack, Jesus Christ will return to earth. At that time He will resurrect His Very Elect saints–both living and dead–and will take them to Jerusalem where they will assist Him in the creation of the Kingdom of God. Read that series using Kingdom as the key word.
The Lord’s attack will turn the earth into a wasteland. It will bring back memories of a time when “the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep” (Gen. 1:2). Some six thousand years ago, following Lucifer’s rebellion against God, the earth, along with all of the planets, became tohu and bohu. However, in just six days everything changed as the Gods (Elohim–God and the Word Who would later come to earth as Jesus of Nazareth) renewed the surface of the earth.
While all of the destruction from on high is going on, God’s Very Elect saints will be living in comfort and plenty somewhere on this earth. Having been to an area called Petra in the nation of Jordan, I believe that might be where God will keep His Law-keeping saints safe and protected while the world around them goes up in flames.
Jesus said that only a few salvation seekers would enter His church and walk His way to paradise. Many, He warned, would be called, but few would be chosen for having answered His call. These are those Very Elect saints who maintain their holiness as the religious masses around them turn their back on Him and serve the god of this world. Let us make sure that we are among the chosen few by loving Him and proving it by obeying His commandments (Law). Read John 14:15; 15:10, 22-24, First John 2:5; 3:1-10 and Second Peter 2:4-8. L.J.
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