The two most holy ministers in the history of mankind began their first recorded ministerial statements using the exact same Words. In part one of this series I noted that John the Baptist, whom Jesus Himself called “holy,” began his Biblically-recorded ministry with this statement: “REPENT, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND (Mat.3:2).
In chapter four Jesus Christ, having been baptized by John, came into Galilee where He began His ministry. John had gone before Him as the voice of one crying out in the wilderness of Judea, saying: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.” He was the one who baptized in water those who repented of their sins, telling them to make the coming One’s paths straight. John was God’s appointed messenger who prepared the way for Jesus Christ (Mk. 1:2,3,8).
Now came the One whom John had prophesied would baptize true seekers of righteousness “with the Holy Spirit and with fire, Whose fan is in His hand with which He will thoroughly purge His floor and then gather His wheat into His garner and burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire” (Mat. 3:11,12). He would cry out in the spiritual wilderness of Satan’s world. He would bring with Him “great Light” which would guide to eternal life those who sat in the great darkness of that world. The same Light shines out now to those sitting in the even greater darkness of the modern world. This Bearer of God’s life-giving Light would begin His recorded ministerial proclamation exactly as did the one who had prepared His way before Him. Jesus said: “REPENT, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND (Mat. 4:17). The fact that both holy men said the same thing means that their statements bear life and death significance in that what the people were commanded to repent of both then, and must repent of now, is the same: BREAKING THE LAW OF GOD WHICH IS THE LORD’S DEFINITION OF SIN, THE WAGES OF WHICH IS DEATH.
With those identical words both Jesus and His forerunner announced to those in the spiritual wilderness of their world the WAY of the TRUTH that would, IF BELIEVED AND OBEYED, lead to eternal LIFE. Jesus would later say about Himself: “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE (Jn. 14:6). He was God’s LIGHT manifested in human form. In John 9:5 He would tell His disciples that as long as He was in the world, He was the Light of the world–the Word (Light) made flesh (Jn. 1:1-4,14). He also told them that, upon His departure, they would be the Light of the world (Mat. 5:14). What Jesus and His apostles possessed that made them the Light of the world was THE LAW–THE WORD OF GOD. BY LIVING ACCORDING TO THE LIGHT (LAW) THEY WOULD BECOME THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Judas rejected that Light. His spiritual death reflects the condition of those who reject God’s Law (Light) in this life. He did not know he was a walking corpse until Satan had finished with him and had allowed him to see the truth. Realizing that he had committed spiritual suicide, Judas committed physical suicide. Modern day Law-rejecters are unwittingly committing spiritual suicide.
Now let us delve into the Law–temptation–repentance–kingdom of God connection. Be it known that the Gospel (Law) of God was used by the first apostles to teach the New Testament Church the ways of the Almighty (Eph. 2:20). The church was taught that the Law had to be studied, believed and obeyed in order to gain God’s approval (2 Tim. 2:15). In Second Timothy 3:16 the Apostle Paul told the church that all Scripture is inspired by God and good for learning God’s doctrines, for reproof (pointing out error), for correction (of the error) and for training in righteousness, THE END RESULT OF WHICH IS ETERNAL LIFE (Rom. 5:21).
The “Scripture” Paul alluded to did not include the New Testament because it did not exist at that time. Only after eleven of the original apostles, along with Paul, had died would it come into existence through John’s efforts. The Holy Bible would then be comprised of writings of both the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles (Eph. 2:20). Be it known that the One referred to as “the Scripture” (the Word–Jn. 1:1-4,14) had earlier preached the Gospel (Law) to ABRAHAM (Gal. 3:8). This was the same Gospel He would later preach to the apostles as Jesus of Nazareth. It was the same Gospel they in turn preached to the New Testament Church (1 Cor. 10:11). It is the same Gospel (Law) modern day apostles preach to those who will hear it.
It is that same Gospel/Law/Commandments/Light/Truth/Word–THE WILL OF GOD IN PRINT–that must be studied, learned, believed and obeyed in order to be a part of the Church of God (Kingdom of Heaven/Body of Christ) in this life. Note that Jesus preached “the Gospel (good news) of the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat. 4:17). He began His ministry preaching this foundational Truth: TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD UPON HIS (CHRIST’S) RETURN ONE MUST HAVE BEEN IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN PRIOR TO HIS RETURN. ONLY IF HE IS OUR LORD IN THIS LIFE WILL HE BE OUR SAVIOR IN THE NEXT LIFE. HE IS OUR LORD ONLY IF WE OBEY HIS LAW (Mat. 19:17). OTHERWISE, HE IS NOT OUR LORD–SATAN IS.
Jesus noted that calling Him one’s Lord does not qualify one for salvation. He says in Matthew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not preached in Your name? and in Your name cast out devils? and in Your name done many wonderful works?’ And then I will profess to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from Me you who work iniquity (Lawlessness).'” No matter what we do in His name, if we do not obey His Law it is all in vain (Mat. 15:9). In fact, if we do not obey Him, HE HATES EVERYTHING WE DO IN HIS NAME (Amos 5:21). Worse than that, if we do not obey Him we prove that WE HATE HIM (Deut. 5:9). What does this say about so-called Sinners Saved By Grace? They prove that they HATE HIM.
Without exception, those who tell you that God’s grace and your faith is all that is needed in order to receive eternal life are liars whose spiritual father is the father of lies. These are Satan’s false prophets whom he has sent throughout the world to present what the Apostle Paul called his (the devil’s) “perverted gospels” which exalt “other Jesuses'” as the messiahs of the various “church” groups. These different “gospels” are specifically-designed versions of “truth” as determined by each group (Gal. 1:6-9). The various “Jesuses ” they embrace are specifically designed by each group to grant them salvation based on their respective group’s brand of “truth” (2 Cor. 11:4). Ironically, the hundreds of different conflicting, competing, contradicting groups (churches, denominations, faiths, congregations, etc.) who refuse to have anything to do with each other, all claim to have the same Head–the Biblical Christ–and the same God. Amazing.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13,14 that we must enter His strait gate (church/Kingdom of Heaven) and walk His narrow way (obey His Law) in order to spend eternity with Him in the Kingdom of God. This is where Satan enters, his quiver filled with temptations designed to lure salvation seekers away from God’s strait (exact) gate (church) and from His narrow (My way only) path and into his (Satan’s) wide (“only believe”) gate and onto his broad (“any way you want it”) path. Jesus warned that only a few would choose to enter His strait gate and walk His narrow path.
Not only does Satan present a much easier way, he makes his way appear to be God’s way. He is, as Scripture tells us, “wily”–cunning, deceptive. He is “as a roaring lion going about seeking whom he may devour.” He destroys his victims by keeping them ignorant of God’s Truth which is His Holy Scriptures (Jn. 17:17). Satan focuses His parishioners’ attention on his church doctrines (perversions of God’s doctrines–Gal. 1:6-9) and his saviors (other Jesuses–2 Cor. 11:4) while keeping them separated from God’s Truths. He does this by not allowing them to know God’s “fine print.” Only those who overcome Satan’s temptations will sit with Jesus on His throne in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21). Read The Kingdom of God. Key word: Kingdom. L.J.
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