There is a deity in the life of every individual that has ever existed, that now exists, or that will ever exist. One of two deities is in control of each living person on earth at all times. The question is, which deity is in control of which person? An added dimension relative to this Biblical Truth is that if the majority of people in a nation come under the control of one of the deities, the nation as a whole will reflect the character of that deity. Either the Biblical God or the world’s god (Satan–2 Cor. 4:4) directs the moral character of each individual on planet earth at all times. As Jesus tells us in Revelation 3:14-20, if one serves both deities, He sees that person as serving Satan. So much for “sinners saved by grace.”
Another consideration relative to this subject is that both a person and a nation can change deities (gods). In the case of the Satan-controlled individual, (including sinners saved by grace), to change from Satan to the Biblical God is known as “conversion” (Mat. 18:3/ Act 3:19/ Jam. 5:20). Conversely, when one who is controlled by the Biblical God changes gods, this is known as “backsliding” (Jer. 5:6; 14:7). Conversion refers to a spiritual reverse-course (“about face”) relative to one’s thoughts, words and deeds, followed by the convert’s “walk” in the exact opposite “direction” from the walk (life) he/she was previously living. True, Bible-believing and obeying conversion is required in order to receive salvation at the return of Jesus Christ.
The exact opposite of “conversion” is “backsliding” which refers to a person who was converted in the past, but who returns to serving Satan. Most church people believe that this is impossible, claiming that “once saved–always saved.” This “truth” is not Scriptural. Read Second Peter 2:20-22. Until one has taken his final breath, one only has the “hope of salvation” (1 Thes. 5:8/ Heb. 3:6/ Rom. 8:24,25). PLEASE STUDY THESE PASSAGES. “Once saved, always saved” is the basic “truth” Satan taught Adam and Eve. And we know how that turned out. He convinced them that, because they were created by God and given a beautiful garden to live in, plenty of everything, etc. that they could defy Him and nothing would change. The Bible Truth is that sin separates us from God (Isa. 59:2). We cannot walk with Him if we are separated from Him (Amos 3:3). Read First John 3:1-10 very carefully. Note the STRICT DICHOTOMY (difference) between the sinner and the saint. THERE IS NO MIXING OF LIGHT (HOLINESS) AND DARKNESS (SIN). DO NOT LET SATAN’S FALSE PROPHETS TELL YOU THERE IS. AND DO NOT FALL FOR THE “JUST REPEAT AFTER ME” GARBAGE THAT SUPPOSEDLY SAVES THE SINNER. Again, study First John 3:1-10. The Greek wording for the total dichotomy is to “make a clean cut” between one’s former and one’s new life. “All (old) things have passed away, behold, ALL things are made new” (2 Cor. 5:17/ Eph. 4:24). We are told to grow in holiness until “we come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13).
What we are seeing today relative to the United States of America is the culmination of God’s wrath on the people of a nation who, having once been obedient to Him (God in), have rebelled against Him (God out), resulting in god in (Satan’s total control of the nation). Having rejected the Biblical God’s Word (God out), the vast majority of Americans have embraced the god of this world
(god in) who has filled the void caused by God’s departure. This rebellion began in the church as the doctrines of men gradually replaced the commandments of God as spiritual “Truth.” Man’s perverted gospel truth has replaced God’s Gospel Truth and became “God’s truth” to those who blindly follow him to their destruction. In Matthew 7:21-23 we find Jesus warning those who will face Him on Judgment Day having believed and obeyed church doctrine rather than His Word. He says concerning judgment: “Not every one who calls me their Lord will be saved, only he who does the will of My Father in Heaven” will be saved. He says that, on the day of judgment church people will remind Him of all of the wonderful works they had done in His name. “And then I will say to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU, get away from Me, you Lawbreakers.'” Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 to see how the United States of America, the “NATION UNDER GOD,” which proclaims to “TRUST IN GOD” has backslidden into becoming the most God-rejecting, God-cursed nation the world has ever seen. Notice that England, second only to America as God’s “lights to the world,” is suffering the same curses, and for the same reason–REJECTING OF GOD’S WORD, THEREBY REJECTING BOTH THE FATHER AND THE SON (Lk. 10:16). Their punishment has only just begun.
Question: How did this happen to this once God-loving, God-obeying, God-blessed nation? How did she backslide so completely? How did America–the “City on a Hill”–go from being the greatest nation on earth to being the world’s moral sewer? from being God’s “light to the world” to being the international leader in the creation of and spreading of moral darkness?
Answer: She pushed the Biblical God out of her individual and national life, thereby allowing Satan to fill the void. A spiritual void is like a vacuum–IT DEMANDS TO BE FILLED. We are all born with a spiritual need. Either God or Satan will fulfill that need. Where God does not fill one’s spiritual vacuum, Satan does through his fallen angels (devils/ demons). By filling the void left by God’s departure, Satan and company have assumed control of the United Stated of America–with the exception of a minutely few individuals–God’s Very Elect.
These are God’s true saints, His miniscule Body of Christ (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14) which the Lord calls His “peculiar treasure,” His “remnant,” His “little flock,” His “holy nation” of “priests.” These are they who have obeyed His command found in Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 by coming out of the Catholic/Protestant religious system and staying out. They obey His command to “touch not that unclean thing.” These few souls are surrounded by millions of Truth-rejecting people who have pushed God out of their private and corporate lives and, as a result, have become habitats for Satan’s devils. The Apostle Jude writes about the church’s early invasion by “certain men who have crept in (into the church) unawares who were ordained to condemnation. These are ungodly men who have turned the grace of God into a license to sin, thereby denying both the only Lord God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (vs 4). These were the false prophets who split God’s church in half and then subdivided them into hundreds of divisions (denominations) that constitute what calls itself “the church” today. God will destroy the abomination known as Catholicism/Protestantism upon His return to earth. This is the Great Whore (mystery, Babylon) and her harlot daughters written about in Revelation 17:1-5.
Today the spiritual descendants of the false prophets who created “the church” control the lives of those whom Satan has lured into his religious system. These men and women are controlled by Satan’s “seducing spirits”/ “devils” who place His doctrines in their brains just as Satan did to Adam and Eve. These church “truths” are called “doctrines of devils” in First Timothy 4:1. These are the spiritual forces (beings) the Apostle Paul warned about in Ephesians 6:10-16 where he calls them “principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world.” They are “wicked beings” who flood professing Christendom with “spiritual wickedness.”
Having been one of those who was controlled by those forces, I can speak with authority about them, which is why I was selected by God to present this website to the world. From day one I knew that my job was to speak God’s Truth to the billions who are trapped in the belly of the religious beast, who believe that they are saved, born again, sanctified and heaven bound–not one word of which is Biblically true.
America has rejected and expelled the very God Who created her. She has rejected His purpose for her existence on this planet. America has pushed God out of her families, out of her sexual relationships, out of her schools, out of her governments, out of her social relations, out of her legal systems, and most deadly of all, out of the church. She has not only rejected God by rejecting His Truths, she has replaced Him by committing what I call “Scripture reversal.” In this Satan-designed maneuver, whatever God calls good, Americans call evil, and what He calls evil, they call good. For example, Godly marriage and the sanctity of life which God calls good, Americans call bad. Conversely, God calls same-sex marriage and abortion bad, but the people call them good. Scripture reversal and its outcome was prophesied in Isaiah 5:20,21 where the Lord pronounced a “woe” (curse) on those who call evil good and good evil. These people, He said, are “wise in their own eyes.” They have replaced the Biblical God with billions of new gods–themselves. They have declared that sin is good and holiness is evil. This is not a new abomination.
The first time we hear that sin is both mentally and spiritually beneficial is in Genesis 3:3-6 where we find Satan telling Eve that by disobeying God she and Adam would “become as gods, knowing (able to determine) good and evil.” Then in verse 6 they learn that Satan was right. Upon seeing the forbidden tree, Eve immediately concluded that the fruit was good to “make one wise” (able to determine good and evil). In verse 22 God confirms that Satan and Eve were right. Sinning man could determine right and wrong for himself. But he would pay a terrible price for this power. This history-making deception was the seed from which all false religions sprouted, including the hundreds of “churches” that make up professing Christendom.
Anyone who doubts that God has been rejected and pushed out of this once-great nation need only turn on the evening news. As I have noted, I am not easily surprised. Until recently I believed that nothing could shock me. I stand corrected. I AM SHOCKED BY WHAT IS GOING ON IN MY BELOVED NATION. The only thing that keeps me emotionally level is knowing that God is in charge. Nothing happens that He does not do or allow to be done. Admittedly, He has to remind me of this truth occasionally. Still, it is devastating to watch “America the Beautiful” turn into America the Abomination, BEING LED TO HER SPIRITUAL DEATH BY THE TWO-HEADED BEAST CALLED “THE CHURCH.”
What the Lord is doing to America is a replay of what He did to the first “light to the world”–ancient Israel. Like here ancestors, America has backslid straight into the waiting arms of Satan. As a result, she will suffer the same end. Though terrible, what we are seeing today is but the “beginning of sorrows” that Jesus warned about in Matthew 24:1-8. America, like her ancestors, will be slaughtered, defeated, and the survivors will be taken to foreign countries as slaves. Why? BECAUSE SHE REJECTED HER MAKER. Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 tell us WHAT WILL SOON TAKE PLACE. STUDY those chapters and compare what you are reading to modern America. Then read about the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord that will soon envelop the entire world. Key word–Tribulation.
There is still time for those with spiritual eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to believe and obey God’s Word to avoid what lies just ahead of us. God promises to take His Very Elect to a place of safety where He will provide for and protect them while the world around them wallows in death and destruction for the final 3 1/2 years of this age. Study what I tell you from God’s Word. Believe and obey it. Do not take my word for anything. CHECK EVERYTHING OUT USING THE ONLY SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL TRUTH AVAILABLE–GOD’S HOLY BIBLE. L.J.
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