Testament=a document that chronicles what one has done, is doing and will do. Covenant=a two-party agreement detailing the expectations placed on the parties involved. In that the Bible is both a testament and a covenant relative to God and His people, I use the two terms interchangeably.
Church people have been taught for some 1800 years that the Old Testament–a “Jewish” document–has been done away with and replaced by a New and improved Covenant. According to church doctrine, the new rules of engagement involved a change in Headship, governance style, behavior expectations and basis of faith. This religious slight-of-hand is part of Satan’s modus operandi by which he gained control of professing Christendom (Catholicism/Protestantism) and maintains it unto this day.
Not long after the founding of the New Covenant Church on the Day of Pentecost some of the leaders and would-be leaders, intent on replacing God’s totalitarian style of governance with a more user-friendly style of self-rule, began to wrest control of the church from those who adhered strictly to God’s exclusive strait and narrow way. Pointing toward their inclusive wide gate and broad way, Satan’s false prophets began to entice people away from God and to themselves. Some 170 years after the founding of the New Covenant Church their descent into apostasy culminated in the creation of Catholicism–the Whore Mother church of Revelation 17:1,5,6,15;19:2–which later gave birth to Harlot Daughter churches during the so-called Protestant Restoration. The Protestant church eventually birthed a religious smorgasbord of denominations, churches, faiths, etc. designed by her founder (Satan) to scratch every religious ear-itch known to mankind. His ruse has worked to perfection as the ever-growing list of self-governing “churches” reveals. His message to the churches is the same as it was to Adam and Eve: “Follow me and I will give you self-rule and eternal life.” As in Eden, drastic changes in the mind-set of parishioners was needed for him to gain control. This began to take place shortly after the founding of the New Covenant Church.
Satan, through his false prophets, set out to convince the church that GOD THE FATHER had RULED his one ISRAELITE church by a strict, no-option, unchanging LAW for many years. However, His new and improved model supposedly had JESUS THE SON in charge of a system of GENTILE churches which He would COAX through a series of OPTIONS, any and all of which could be accepted, changed or rejected at will. Most parishioners took Satan’s bait. Within 170 years of its founding, what had come to be known as “the church” in no way resembled the Church of God, which by that time was a mere remnant of the original body. Apostasy now reigned; the loaf had been leavened;birds filled the tree. Satan had accomplished his goal–he had repeated his Edenesque victory. Eventually the monster, now known as the Universal (Catholic) Church, began to spread her spiritual poison throughout the world through extensive missionary efforts. No sooner had her Harlot Daughters been birthed than they too began to spread the heathenism they had brought with them during their “Protesting” revolution/ restoration. Today millions of God-seekers continue to be enticed into their respective webs where Satan awaits to devour them while convincing them that they are serving God.
As with all traditions, the “God has changed” doctrine has been handed down from generation to generation. Being put forth by “ministers of righteousness,” the changed doctrines have become “Bible Truth,” though no Scriptures confirm such. Man, being Scripturally lazy, has accepted the church’s heresies as fact. If one should stumble over God’s Truth, he/she is quickly corrected by the “scholars” in one’s sect who have already discovered God’s errors and have corrected them through “Apostolic Interpretation.” I have met such Biblical Progressives–they are frightening. One can see the more famous of their ilk on talk shows and paid advertisements where they advertise their latest “Christian” movies, books, campaigns, etc. in which they, like the so-called “churches,” loudly and often call God’s Word a lie, to which the Truth-challanged masses say “amen.”
Like physical disease, spiritual disease takes many forms. And like physical disease, the only cure is the removal of the disease from the body. Like leaven which affects the whole loaf, spiritual disease (man’s version of Christianity) will destroy the body if allowed to remain within (Rom. 6:23). Such sin must be totally and permanently removed for the second part of the Rome passage to come into effect–the gift of God is eternal life IF one excises death-producing error/sin from one’s life and keeps it out (Mat. 10:22). One such sin/error is the belief in a change if Headship, etc. with the coming of the New Covenant. Truth-seekers, hear the Word of the Lord. That Jesus was the God of the Old Testament that dealt directly with the Israelites, and that His gospel was the same then as it is now are Biblical facts that the church rejects outright. Let us “Prove All Things” relative to this question.
In Hebrews 3:1,6-4:14 Jesus, through Paul, warns the Israelite Church not to harden their hearts as THEIR FATHERS had in the wilderness when they “… tempted ME and saw MY works for forty years.” In verses 10 & 11 He adds “… I was grieved … I sware in MY wrath that they would not enter into MY rest.” Who was the I and ME the Israelites dealt directly with in the Sinai wilderness, WHO gave them God’s Law of Life on Mt. Sinai, WHO brought them out of Egypt then sustained them for 40 years, and WHOSE wrath they had incurred (Heb. 3:1,6;4:14). Do these Scriptures refer to Jesus the Son or to God the Father? As always, the answer is found in the Truth (Jn. 17:17).
In First Corinthians 10:4 Paul reminds the church that the Israelites coming out of Egypt “… drank of that spiritual ROCK, and THAT ROCK WAS CHRIST.” In 3:9 He warns the church not to “… tempt CHRIST as some of THEM (their ancestors) had after HE brought them out of Egypt. Note who the Corinthian Church’s BIOLOGICAL FATHERS were–ISRAELITES– and WHO the GOD was WHO brought them out of Egypt–the One who would later become JESUS CHRIST.
Further proof that the One who would become Jesus of Nazareth was the God of the Old Testament is found in Galatians 3:8 which says that the SCRIPTURE (JESUS-Jn. 1:1-4/Rev. 19:13) personally preached THE GOSPEL to Abraham. Neither Jesus nor His gospel has changed. He is the Lord; He changes not (Mal. 3:6). Another passage that proves that Jesus was the God of the Old Testament and that His gospel is the same now as then is Hebrews 4:2: “For indeed, THE GOSPEL that was preached to US (the New Covenant Church) was preached to THEM (their Israelite fathers) as well.” In Matthew 4:23 and 9:35 we are told that Jesus went about preaching the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. Through His ministers He continues to preach that same GOSPEL and will do so until the end of the world (aion-age) (Mat. 24:14). God tells us that the gospel-preaching God of the Old Testament and the gospel-preaching Jesus of Nazareth/the Word/the Scripture are one in the same. The Bible provides additional proof of the identity of the God of the Old Testament.
In John 1:18 we are told that “NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME.” If the God of the Old Testament has never been seen, who was the God that He spoke to Adam, Eve, Abraham, Moses, etc. face-to-face? Who was the God who appeared to men some 44 times? Who was the God that wrote the 10 Commandment Law in stone and handed the plates to Moses “… to give to us”? Who ate with the 70 elders on Mt. Sinai? Who was the ROCK that sustained the children of Israel for 40 years in the desert of Sinai? Who gave them water and manna and protected them from their enemies? Answer–the Word Who would later become the humble carpenter of Nazareth. He is the God who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8), in Whom there is no shadow of turning (Jam. 4:17). His Law (10 Commandments) which Paul called holy, just and good (Rom. 7:12), is the same as it was when He wrote it. His tiny, hated and ostracized church is also the same yesterday, today and forever. All others are counterfeit. Next–the place of the Old Testament in the New Testament Church.
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