In Hebrews 2:1-4 the Apostle Paul encourages the Israelite converts to pay close attention to what the apostles had heard Jesus say and seen Him do which they wrote about and preached. Paul says in 2:3 that if we do not heed the lessons they taught and obey what He said, that we would “neglect (lose)” that which is promised the “heirs of salvation” (1:14). An heir has the PROMISE of something. As HEIRS true saints have a promised INHERITANCE (salvation) that they will receive upon Christ’s return IF THEY ENDURE (IN OBEDIENCE WHILE BEING PERSECUTED) “UNTIL THE END” OF LIFE (Mat. 10:21,22). Romans 5:21 and 6:22 reminds us that ETERNAL LIFE is the END RESULT of a life of RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS. It is the job of God’s messengers, both physical (human) and spiritual (angelic), to “minister to those who are “HEIRS OF SALVATION.” Those who are seeking eternal life must know, believe and obey God’s Law in order to receive the inheritance that is being reserved for them. They must not let the words of the apostles “slip” away through unbelief or disobedience (2:1). Jesus and His apostles performed signs, miracles and wonders in order to prove that what they were saying was true (2:4). Nothing has changed. He is the Lord; He changes not. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His will never changes. The problem is twofold: 1) finding men who have the faith and holiness of Christ needed to minister as He and the apostles ministered and 2) finding people who believe that God will do what He did through His original apostles. Both groups are extremely small.
Beginning in verse 5 Paul tells us what God has in store for those who spend the post-conversion part of their lives “walk(ing) as He (Jesus) walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) and “overcom(ing) as He overcame” (Satan)–Rev. 3:21. Paul notes that God never promised the angels that He would place “the world to come” under their control (vs 5). This world will be ruled and reigned over (vss 5, 8) by other types of beings during the millennium (Rev. 5:10; 20:6). Who are those nonangelic beings who will inherit the earth and rule it and every thing and every one on it with Jesus Christ for 1000 years? Paul tells us in verses 6-8 that it is MAN, ALONG WITH CHRIST WHO WILL REIGN OVER THE EARTH.
The psalmist, knowing through revelation what God was going to do for those who make the cut, asked Him: “What is man(kind), that You remember him? or the son of man(kind) that You commune with him? You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor and put him over all of the works of Your hands. You have put all things in subjection under his feet.” Then the psalmist states: “For in that He (God) put all things (the earth and everything on it) under him (man), He (God) left nothing that is (presently) not put under him (man). However, we do not yet see ALL THINGS (that God created) under man’s control” (vss 7,8). Here he is referring to the heavens and the heavenly bodies.
When did God place all things on earth under the control of man? Genesis 1:26 we find God saying this: “Let us make man in Our (physical) likeness and in Our (spiritual) image, and let them (mankind) HAVE DOMINION (rulership) OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, AND OVER THE FOWL OF THE AIR, AND OVER THE CATTLE, AND OVER ALL THE EARTH, and over EVERYTHING THAT MOVES UPON THE EARTH.” Then in verse 28 He says to the man He had just created: “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (with people), and SUBDUE (control) it (the earth) and have dominion (control) OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, THE FOWL OF THE AIR AND OVER EVERY LIVING THING THAT MOVES UPON THE EARTH. Read The Unknown Power of God’s Very Elect. Key word–Unknown. God never changed His will for man, which is to have dominion over the earth and everything under, on and above it. However, man’s sins nullified God’s will. As I proved in the “Unknown Power” series, God’s Very Elect still have the power that He gave to Adam. However, that power involved only the earth. There is more–much, much more.
Now let us return to Hebrews 2:8: “BUT NOW WE DO NOT YET SEE ALL THINGS put under man’s feet (dominion/control). Notice that He did not say “all things ON EARTH put under man’s feet. All things on earth remain under the control of those who believe God and obey Him. In 2:8 Paul is referring to the things God created beyond the earth–THE UNIVERSE.
Though God’s true saints do not yet see the earth and the universe placed under our feet, “we do see Jesus” who was “made a little lower than the angels, suffered a violent death, was crowned with glory and honor and, due to God’s incredible grace, died “to bring many sons to that same glory. Both Jesus and His spiritual brethren are all of God, so that He is not ashamed to call them His brethren. As He says, these are those who make up God’s true church. He and His brethren (God’s sons) put their faith in the Father (vss 9-13). In verses 14-18 we are told that Jesus became flesh and blood in order to not only overcome Satan’s temptations to sin, but, by His sinless life, showed man that he (man) can also overcome Satan by the same Holy Spirit. Those who do so will become His spiritual brethren who are fellow heirs with Him who will, with Him, inherit the universe. Until then they are only HEIRS, not yet inheritors, not yet having all things “put under their feet.” L.J.
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