In John 13:20 Jesus Christ makes a statement that is often either overlooked in this age of diminishing church attendance and increasing television ministry viewing. Ministers, particularly television ministers, have become celebrities–religious rock stars. Some have global congregations numbering in the millions. In one case people are known to fly in to Sunday services from distances too far to drive. This scenario is common among those churches whose ministers’ have become household names, whose wealth and life-styles are compared to those of movie stars, musicians and professional athletes. When compared to the Lord’s following, which He called His “little flock” and His “remnant,” something seems out of kelter.
Recall Him comparing His church to a mustard seed that would grow to be a large tree in which birds would build their nests. He also compares His true church to bread dough in which leaven has been placed (Lk. 13:19-21). Birds pollute trees with their feces. Leaven makes bread dough greatly increase its size. Contrast Christ’s reference to a large tree and size-expanding leaven to His Words recorded in Matthew 7:13,14 where He tells Truth seekers that “FEW” will “find” (enter) His “strait” (difficult) “gate” (church) and “walk” (obey) His “narrow” (My way only) “way” (path) that will lead to eternal life. “Many,” He warns, will enter Satan’s “wide” (come as you are) gate and walk his “broad” (stay as you are–it’s all good) path that will lead to destruction. Note that Jesus offers no other church options. Chruch people identify with one church or the other. Note also that entering into and living the way of those two churches will LEAD TO one’s final destination. In many other passages, the Lord makes it clear that entering into one of these two church situations and living according to that church’s policies does not automatically award the believer’s his eternal reward. Rather, each gate and way, if entered and followed, LEAD TO one’s eternal reward. Romans 5:21 and 6:22 make it clear that the END RESULT of entering God’s gate and walking His way WILL LATER BE ETERNAL LIFE, IF one endures (maintains) one’s righteousness to the END of one’s life or the Lord’s Second Advent, whichever comes first (Mat. 10:22). Now notice Matthew 7:15 where Jesus explains verses 13 and 14. Here He warns us about false prophets who will beacon us to enter their wide (show up, ‘fess up and pay up) gate and walk their broad (all grace–no Law) path and receive instant salvation and a license to sin due to God’s endless supply of grace. Read Hope and Salvation and The Grace–Truth Connection. Key words–Hope and Grace respectively.
Returning to John 13:20, let us carefully examine Christ’s “fine print” Words. Note that He begins the statement with “Verily, verily.” “Verily” means Truth without exception or beyond question. Note that He repeats the powerful word for emphasis. Recall that when Joseph was explaining pharaoh’s two dreams about the same subject (a coming famine), he told him that when God repeats something it means that the subject is settled–it is undeniable truth. Notice in verse 21 that Jesus says to His disciples: “Verily, verily I say unto you, one of you will betray Me.” Then in verse 27 He says to Judas, “What (not if) you do, do quickly.” Jesus knew what Judas had decided to do. Though it was a future event, it was, in His mind, already done because of Judas’s mind-set. The sin had already been committed. Note that the Book of Revelation was written in PAST TENSE even though what Jesus prophesied would not take place until thousands of years in the future. In His eyes, it is a done deal Now back to John 13:20.
Here Jesus is saying to His disciples that there is a spiritual bond between Himself and those whom He sends. Recall that the word “apostles” means “sent ones.” Here is where the vast majority of those who “answer” or “surrender to” God’s supposed call to the ministry board the wrong “train” that is on the wrong “track.” In the series titled Bait and Switch I warn about ministers who hear what they believe to be God’s call to service and assume that He is calling them to serve in the church organization in which they are involved. IF, and that is an enormous IF, one is called to God’s ministry, His call will be to preach His message, not church doctrine. This guarantees that no Catholic or Protestant Church will ordain him. I am persona non grata to “the church.” My sin? I speak and write God’s Word, which is worda non grata to their congregations.
Note in John 13:20 that Jesus says: “…. he who receives whomsoever I SEND receives ME … AND HE WHO SENT ME.” The question then becomes, how do people know who is God-called and who is self-called, or momma-called or church-called? The answer is simple but rarely applied. The one sent by God PREACHES GOD’S WORDS. In other words, they are known by their fruits. MESSENGERS CHOSEN BY GOD SPEAK AND LIVE THE HOLY SCRIPTURES WITHOUT VARIATION? In the vast majority of cases those “called to the ministry” reject God’s Holy Scriptures. Question: how do thousands of false prophets get away with producing bad fruit–preaching false doctrines? Answer: by keeping their congregations ignorant of the Holy Scriptures. Satan’s apostles teach and preach church doctrine instead of God’s doctrine. Regardless of the “church” involved, that church’s “truth” consists of whatever the people’s itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3). Due to almost total ignorance of Bible Truth, they do not know that they are being lied to by representatives of the father of lies (Jn. 8:44). And even worse, THEY REFUSE TO HEAR THE TRUTH FROM OTHERS THOUGH THEY KNOW THEY ARE BEING TOLD LIES BY THEIR MINISTERS. I find it incredible that I can show church people, including preachers, God’s Truths in His Word and they will reject them 99.99% of the time. As noted in a previous series, today’s church “truth” is totally subjective, meaning that God’s Truth means whatever the hearer or reader wants it to mean.
But this is not a new phenomenon. The Prophet Isaiah faced the same problem. In chapter 30 of His Book God is speaking through him, saying: “This is a rebellious people, lying children WHO WILL NOT HEAR THE LAW OF THE LORD. They say to those I send, ‘Do not see the Truth, do not preach to us right things. Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits. Get off of God’s path, turn aside from it; remove the Holy One from before us.'” I have heard statements of that sort from people wearing crosses around their necks. Jesus speaks to them in Matthew 7:21-23 where He is talking about those He referred to in verses 13 and 14. Read verses 13-23.
Lastly, let us be reminded of what Jesus said in the focal passage (Jn. 13:20) where He makes it abundantly clear that whoever receives (believes and obeys) His messenger receives both Himself and His Father. As I have written before, three of my friends have died sudden, unexpected and unexplained deaths because they refused to hear what I told them. In each case God told me what He was going to do and why. In one case He showed me how the person would die. God is serious about His Word. Can we be any less serious? Knowing the power of the words I say and write, I make certain that they are His Words that He is speaking through me via His Holy Spirit. We must realize that His Words are not only life, they are also death. His Word does not change. We must decide whether they will bring us life or death. L.J.
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