In Hosea 8:7 the Lord God Almighty warns those who identify with Him that HE WHO SOWS THE WIND WILL REAP THE WHIRLWIND. In other words, HE WHO TRAMPLES GOD’S WORD WILL BE TRAMPLED. What we are witnessing on the nightly news bears record of those prophecies coming to pass. In Hosea 8 the Lord is warning Israel–God’s chosen and greatly blessed people–that because they had continued to sin after being blessed by Him, cursings were on the way–from Him. God’s prophets had been warning them for many years, but to no avail. Because they had been sowing the spiritual wind, the physical whirlwind would eventually arrive.
In Daniel 8 we find the same scenario being described in visions that would be played out in the distant future in physical form. That future that Daniel saw in his vision and prophesied would take place at a time unknown to him has arrived. The final outcome is yet to materialize but, If I am hearing the Lord, the final fulfillment of Daniel’s visions will soon take place. The signature sign of the beastly visions is stated in verse 12: “… IT CAST THE TRUTH TO THE GROUND and practiced (did what it wanted) and prospered (grew in size and strength).” Stated in common language, what the Lord showed the prophet foretells of a time when a religious force (little horn) would arise on the world scene and become extremely powerful so that it would eventually exercise power over many nations and people. This spiritual force would overcome God’s church and replace it in the hearts of the masses. It would do away with the preaching of God’s Truth by substituting its own “truths.” This “little horn” (Dan. 8:9) is what came to be known as Catholicism which today holds great influence over much of the world and is in the process of bringing all religions into its fold. Pope Francis is calling all religious people to “come home” to the Catholic Church. If I am hearing the Lord’s voice, he will succeed.
The primary weapon in Francis’ religious arsenal is the Sunday Sabbath. Soon the entire world will come under a global dictate which will command and enforce the observance of a Sunday Rest (Sabbath). This law will be enforced by international, national, state and local governments. Read about this eventuality in the two-part series titled Killing the Messenger and Killing the Messenger 2.0. Key word–Killing. Please read those two series. For instructions concerning how to download them, read the section under the NOTICE heading on the website’s home page.
As I wrote in considerable detail in the series titled Simon of Samaria (key word–Simon), at one time the Holy Roman Empire ruled much of the earth by defeating and enslaving many nations. Because of its connection to the Catholic Church (thus the “holy” designation), the Romans forced the heathen people they conquered into the Catholic Church. To placate their new “converts,” the church adopted parts of those nation’s religions. For this reason heathenism became the source of many of professing Christendom’s doctrines and customs. A partial list of such foundational “truths” is found on the home page of this website. Each of those “truths” is written about at length in its own series. For a free list of this website’s series email me at
When the so-called “Protestant Revolution” took place the protestors, believing that Catholicism’s heathen “truths” were God’s Truths, retained many of them and incorporated them into what would come to be known as “Protestantism.” As a result, Protestantism is in reality Catholicism under a different name. As stated earlier, Pope Francis is successfully calling all religions to come under Catholicism’s religious umbrella. Read The Ingathering. Key word–Ingathering which I wrote several years ago when the Lord began to speak to me about this world-changing situation. Because of this religious “ingathering” in which the world will come under the control of the Catholic Church, the Protestants, along with all other religions, will join her in a war against God’s people. This war, its cause, its outcome, etc., is in the Killing the Messenger series.
Because God’s Word has been “cast to the earth” and trampled under foot by the entity that advertises herself as “One Nation Under God”–the God she supposedly “Trusts”–God is now trampling her under the feet of millions of heathen people from around the world. As we have seen of late, many Americans have joined the heathen hoards in condemning their own country for a variety of reasons. The “Christian nations” being flooded with heathen people are condemning the invaders for trampling their national laws when they enter their countries illegally. As prophesied, God is showing Americans, along with other so-called “Christian nations” who are suffering the same fate for the same reason, that He meant what He said in Hosea 8:7. Because they have cast His Law to the ground (sown the wind–become heathen), they are having their laws trampled by heathen hoards (reaping the whirlwind). And the Lord they profess has “saved them” is the One Who is sending them.
I believe that the gracious God is giving America one last opportunity to humble herself before Him, confess her personal and national sins, repent, turn from her wicked ways and seek His face (His ways). True to His Word, if she will obey those commands He will stop the whirlwind and bless her. However, if she (and others who follow her lead) do not follow His commands found in Second Chronicles 7:13-15, she (and they) will receive the same curses He poured out on Israel because they refused to obey Him.
Personally, I do not believe America has the collective will to return to the Lord. As I have stated on several occasions, I believe that due to president Trump’s policies, America will experience a short period of social, financial and international success. I believe that she will have a time of “revival” during which it will appear that she is on her way out of the religious malaise in which she has wallowed for several generations. However, her “revival” will be nothing more than a return to the Satanic teachings of the Catholic/Protestant Religious System known as “the church.” In the midst of this seeming spiritual transition a famine will overtake the earth the likes of which will have never been experienced. This will prompt the creation of a single, global, all-inclusive church which will declare war on God’s people whom the world will blame for the famine that will soon envelop the world. At that time His true apostles will expose the world’s religion for what it is and has been for almost 2000 years–a counterfeit religious order designed by Satan to imitate God’s church and thereby lure the world’s salvation-seeking masses into it. The Almighty is going to show the world who is Boss and will use His true apostles to do it before the entire world using signs, miracles and wonders such as have never before been seen.
He has shown me that He will publicly and graphically expose “the church” for what it is–a Satanic counterfeit of His true church. Through television and the internet, His true apostles will display His mighty power as never before. The Book of Acts will pale by comparison to His display of power on the world scene. Get ready. If I am right, this will all come to pass in four to eight years. Read how the Lord revealed this soon-coming time to me using the key word–Gun.
Following the global church’s war against God’s church, He will take His saints to a place of safety where they will be protected and provided for during the following 3 1/2 year time of terror, death and destruction known Biblically as the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Read about this period using the key word–Tribulation. L.J.
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