Many Americans, including those in the various churches, faiths, denominations, etc. that litter our spiritual countryside, revel in the fact that we are a pantheistic society, welcoming any and all religions no matter how Satanic they may be. “Freedom of religion” has become the mantra of those who believe that our nation was founded on a “come-one-come-all” mindset relative to spiritual matters. Joint worship services are the current rage. “We all worship the same God” is the go-to mantra among the more spiritually enlightened. “Inclusion” has become the thread that is uniting the various religious outlets. But did the founding fathers, under the leadership of the God of the Bible, intend for any religion other than Scriptural Christianity to find a home on our shores?
From the inception of this land mass as a nation, those who braved the waves of the Atlantic to get here came with one thing in mind–to be free to worship God as individuals, not according to a governmental dictate as had been the case in England where the nation had for many generations been under either Protestant or Catholic religious dictates depending on the religious bent of the one occupying the throne. The English monarchy ruled the nation with an iron hand. The masses had to obey the dictates of the reigning king or queen or risk being persecuted, many unto death. To escape this ever-changing situation, many came to these shores to establish a haven where they could worship God according to His Word, not according to royalty’s interpretation of that Word. But as is the case with all things in which man is involved, things changed. Early on Satan began to weave his ways into the spiritual fabric of the society. The result–the U.S. is no longer a Christian nation. With this in mind, let us examine the writings of the founding fathers relative to religion. Let us determine if they envisioned a pantheistic society such as the morass of heathen offerings that now pollute the spiritual air of our country.
Note that the expression: “One nation under God” is singular–“God,” not “gods.” George Washington recognized that the Biblical God had ordained the establishment of this nation. When offered a crown upon His election to the presidency, he replied: “America already has a King; God is our King.” Question: Who was the God to which he was referring? Buddha? Alla’? Hare Krishna? Or perhaps all of the above? Did he or anyone else involved in the establishment of the nation ever entertain the concept of a multi-god/multi-religion society? Let us examine the writings of some of our nation’s progenitors to determine if any God other than the God of the Holy Bible was ever considered.
Examining the writings relative to the establishment of the first colonies we find in 1601 King James I issuing the first charter with these words: “We greatly commending and graciously accepting of their desires for the furtherance of so noble a work, which may be the providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the glory of His divine Majesty in propagating the Christian religion … for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian religion.” Note that he referred to the Christian religion and the Christian God ONLY.
In 1602 the Pilgrims expressed a similar sentiment in the Mayflower Compact: “Having undertaken for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith ….” Being convinced that they were Israelites, they went so far as to call themselves “… the seed of Abraham, God’s servant, and the children of Jacob.” Some wanted the national seal to depict Moses leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. Others wanted to call their new home “New Canaan” or “New Israel.” Eleven states’ Bills of Rights are founded on Biblical principles. Some had in their charter that only a Christian could hold public office. Not one charter or Bill of Rights mentioned any religion other that the Christian religion. As an example of His attitude toward the heathen, God warned Israel that, upon entering the Holy Land, to have nothing to do with the Canaanites. Israel was to remain separate from them. He intended that His new nation do the same.
Throughout the writings of our national originators there is made repeated references to God, never gods, and the Bible, never any other religious writings relative to the founding of the republic. Nowhere are we told by them or their chroniclers that they envisioned a time when any other god or religion would be found in the nation. No other god or religion is mentioned in reference to the daily conduct of individual, communal or national affairs. Every reference to the people being allowed to worship as they saw fit referred to THE PROHIBITION OF A STATE-DICTATED RELIGION. The much-quoted statement relative to “THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE” referred to the prohibition of such a religion. It did not refer to allowing any other religion to take root in the nation. God knew, as did the founding fathers, that when saints and sinners mix, sin wins 99.99% of the time. The parable of the leaven explains this graphically. The histories of both ancient and current Israel (Christian nations) do also. An open-minded, Truth-seeking study of the Old Testament and the words of the apostles will reveal that the prophets and apostles were continuously warning God’s people to steer clear of other gods and other religions. Rejection of God’s Words resulted in the destruction of ancient Israel and is bringing about the demise of all self-proclaimed Christian nations today.
In the cases of both ancient and modern Israel, it was when liberalism began to raise its ugly head that, first religion, then the political system, then the society in general stepped onto the slippery slope leading to destruction. Ancient Israel’s descent into Satan’s abyss is a matter of historical record. America’s current descent is obvious to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. The nation is rotting from within. Political correctness has replaced Biblical standards of behavior. “I” has replaced God. Social media apparati have replaced the Holy Bible. Approval by others is more important than God’s approval. Fame and fortune have replaced righteousness and obedience as the goal of the average “Christian.” ‘I’m O.K.–You’re O.K.” has replaced “Get right and stay right with God.” The Church of Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-17) has come back to life in the form of professing Christendom.
Reader, seek God while He may be found. But be careful where you look. You will not find him in the Babylonian edifices inhabited by professing Christendom. Neither will you find Him in any other of heathenism’s holy chambers or in her sacred writings. Come out of her and be separate, touch not the unclean thing. Then and only then will God be your God and you will be His child (2 Cor. 6:17). L.J.
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