A childhood song sung in Sunday School classes for generations proclaims that “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” The Lord’s love for all of mankind is supremely and undeniably real for those who claim the Biblical God as their spiritual leader and lover of their very souls. The Holy Bible proclaims above all else His love for all of mankind, as well as His care of those who look to Him for sustenance, protection and life itself. When a church person is asked how he/she knows that the above is true the answer, no matter what words are used, comes down to this general statement: “BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS SO.” Which is true. God even cares for those who do not care for Him. In His Word He assures us that He sends “sunshine and rain on the just(tified) and the unjust(tified” (Mat. 5:45). Billions of people have believed all of the above Biblical statements for thousands of years. Why? BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS IT IS SO. Every professing Christian believes the Truths written above BECAUSE IT IS WRITTEN IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. The common attitude is this: IF IT IS IN THE BIBLE IT IS TRUE. PERIOD. Why? BECAUSE THE BIBLE IS GOD’S WORD.
However, not everything God has written in the Bible is taken at face value by those who proclaim its divine Authorship. This ministry is dedicated to pointing out that Truth to those in the Institutional Church, the vast majority of which reject 99% of what I point out to them in the Scriptures. Though there are many Truths declared by God in His Holy Tome that are rejected by professing Christendom, the subject of this series (the existence of and work of Satan and his fallen angels among the world’s population) is among the least believed of all, even though it is proven literally dozens of times in the Holy Scriptures. Many of the proofs concerning the devil and his demons are proclaimed by Jesus Christ Himself as recorded in the four Gospels.
However, church polls reveal that possibly one half of professing Christendom does not believe in the existence of Satan. Even fewer believe in demons/ devils. Due to a lack of spirituality, at least half of those church people questioned did not believe in a supernatural being called Satan/the devil or spirit beings called devils/demons. Most people in the world, including the church world, are ignorant of one of the most powerful spiritual forces on earth today. The purpose of this and the following postings, is to provide for the Institutional Church what she is not receiving from her ministers who tell her what she wants to hear, which is not what God wants her to hear. As a result, most of the world’s population has no idea what they are dealing with on a daily basis. This is Satan’s world–he controls most of what goes on among the world’s populations. Only those who are filled with the Spirit of God and are led by that Spirit (Rom, 8:14) are not under Satan’s control. As Jesus warned would be the case, only a few know the Truth and apply it in their lives (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). The many, He warned have chosen to enter Satan’s religious system and walk his path.
The following series will focus first on what the Bible says about Satan himself. Then we will look into a phenomenon that is sweeping the world and is gaining popularity at an alarming rate–DEMONISM. I deal with Satan on a daily basis, rebuking him and reminding him of who I am relative to who he is. I know that he is much more powerful than I am in and of myself. But I am not on my own. As was the case of Jesus, the apostles and other true saints then and now, “greater is He who is in me (the Holy Spirit) than he (Satan) who is in the world” (1 Jn. 4:4). I have had many dealings with demons (Gk–demonia). The Lord has exposed me to different spiritual situations so that when I speak or write, I do so from a background of personal experience. In the past I have both won and lost battles with Satan and his spiritual assistants. I have learned why I lost some of the battles and have “made up (repaired) the hedge” that allowed them to breach my spiritual defenses in the past. I take as a fact that the Apostle John was right as stated above (1 Jn. 4:4) and that the words of Jesus to His first apostles is true for me today. To them, to me and to whomever else truly believes and obeys, the Lord’s Words ring true: “Behold, I give you power to rule over demons … and (power) OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY”–SATAN, the demons’ master (Lk. 10:19).
With those Words embraced as Truths BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS THEY ARE, let us enter into our study of Satan and his angelic minions who, as the following studies will show, are in almost total control of the world today and are gaining ever more power with the passage of time. Only God’s true saints can stand up to them and put them in their place, (Jam. 4:7). The ministries of both Jesus and His apostles serve as our examples of how to deal with evil spirits. 2 PAGES.
Is Satan real? Do you recognize his activities when you see or experience them? The vast majority of church people do not fully understand who and what Satan is and therefore do not recognize his power over them. A general statement will reveal his and his demons’ works in their lives as well as the lives of those outside the church. In Isaiah 59:2 the Lord tells us that SIN (breaking God’s Law–1 Jn. 3:4) SEPARATES US FROM GOD. Sin causes God’s Spirit to depart from the truly converted who received the Spirit at following baptism. Without God’s power, we have no chance against Satan who can to us whatever he wills. The man Jesus was no different; He knew that without the Holy Spirit He was at the mercy of the devil (Jn. 5:30). Everything He had and could do was given to Him by His heavenly Father. He confessed that even the Words He spoke had been given to Him from above (Jn. 12:44-50).
Recall that Kind David, having sinned with Bathsheba, begged God, saying: “Please do not take your Spirit from me” (Ps. 51:12). David knew that God had every right to do so. He also knew that if God removed His Holy Spirit from him, he would have no power against the devil. He knew that, without God’s Spirit (power) he would become low-hanging fruit for his moral enemy. David knew how powerful Satan was and knew that he had no chance against him without the Lord’s power.
In the following posting we will take a historical trip back in time to learn how Satan came to possess total power over most of mankind, including the Catholic/Protestant Church System. In the following segments we will learn who and what he was in the past and how he came to be who and what he is today. The transition of this once incredible angel from the heights of greatness to the depths of vileness is a lesson for anyone who believes that they are right with God but do not obey Him. I have dealt with such people one-on-one. The end results of those discussions were not what they expected, unless they expected death, which was what they experienced soon after they rejected God’s Words found in His Holy Scriptures. Stay with me in order to glean some valuable information about what is going on all around us which we do not see but, with Scriptural wisdom, we can know is real because THE BIBLE TELLS US SO. The children’s song speaks the Truth of God. Let us embrace it as the eternal Truth it is and walk in it. Let us approach the following information with our minds, eyes and ears open to the Spirit-spoken and written voice of God. L.J.
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