In First Peter 1:3,4 the apostle makes a statement that is deliberately overlooked when the subject of eternal life comes up among church people. Why? Because he uses the word “hope” relative to salvation. This is tantamount to blasphemy within the religious community where the Bible supposedly proclaims that once the prescribed ritual has been completed, the fix is in; salvation is awarded instantly. This supposed “truth” is proclaimed repeatedly from pulpits, podiums, screens and pages. Hope involves what one does not yet possess (Rom. 8:24/ 1 Thes. 5:8/ Titus 1:2/ Heb. 3:6; 6:11/ 1 Peter 1:13). Peter, God’s minister to God’s chosen people, wrote that the Almighty, in His abundant mercy, had begotten “US” (including Peter himself) to a lively “HOPE” (for salvation) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
However, if Jesus is to be believed, it was only after being born again that the Messiah was allowed to join the Father in the Kingdom of God which was then in heaven where it will remain until His return to earth. At that time true saints will be resurrected, saved, born again and will then go with Jesus into the Promised Land where He will establish the Kingdom of God on earth. Read Hope and Salvation and The Kingdom of God. Key words–Hope and Kingdom respectively. Also read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers.
In his writings Peter warns salvation seekers not to believe that the “Christian walk” is an easy one. We are told that walking the “narrow (restrictive) way” of the Lord after entering the “strait (difficult) gate” (His church) is problem-free experience. We are told by false prophets that we only need only to show up, ‘fess up, pay up and prepare to go up. The lives of the prophets, Jesus, His apostles then and now make it clear that such is not the case. Read Persecution using that word as key in order to learn the truth about the true salvation-producing walk of true Christianity. Recall how the religious world treated Jesus and His apostles, how they were beaten and killed. Remember the 50,000,000 people who were martyred during the Catholic Inquisition because they refused to embrace Satan’s religion agenda. Peter told the Jews of his day that they must bear up under their “trial of fire” in order “to be found worthy of praise and honor at the appearing (revelation) of Jesus Christ.” Read First Peter 4:12-19. Upon His return Christ’s true saints will be born again (changed from physical to spiritual bodily composition) and receive “the salvation of your souls” (vss 7-9,13). Read John 3:1-8/ First Corinthians 15:51,52/ Second Corinthians 3:18 and First John 3:2.
In First Peter 1:13-17 Peter tells us that we are to live this life in total control of our minds (hearts). We are to be sober and serious, holding onto our HOPE to the end of our lives (vs 9) so that we can receive salvation “at the revelation (return/appearing) of Jesus Christ” which will take place at the end of this age. Read Matthew 10:22 and 24:13. “As obedient children” we must look to our Savior as our example to follow, for “as He which has called you is holy, be holy in every aspect of your life …. because it is written, ‘Be holy for I am holy'” (1 Pet. 1:15,16). If we call on the Father who “judges every man according to his WORKS (obedience), we must pass our time now in fear (of Him)” (vss 13-17), for ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom ” (Ps. 111:10). In Second Corinthians 7:1 we are commanded to perfect holiness within ourselves in the fear of God. Read Hebrews 12:28.
As a man like all other men, Jesus of Nazareth operated under the same rules that we must follow relative to our relationship with God. Nothing was automatic for Him. We are told in Hebrews 5:7 that His prayers “were heard by God BECAUSE He feared” Him. If God’s Messiah feared Him, should we not also fear Him? The Messiah’s fear of God was one of the reasons He obeyed Him. BECAUSE Jesus OBEYED His spiritual Father, His Father heard His prayers. Ninety-nine percent of church prayers go unanswered due to the lack of fear. Lack of fear produces disobedience, which separates the one who prays from God, which deafens God’s ears to his prayers. We are told that if God hears our prayer He will answer our prayer. Read John 9:31 and Proverbs15:29. Being supposedly saved, born again, sanctified and rapture-ready does not open God’s ears. OBEDIENCE TO HIS COMMANDMENTS/LAW OPENS HIS EARS AND CAUSES HIS EYES TO BE UPON HIS RIGHTEOUS (OBEDIENT) SERVANT (1 Pet. 3:12).
Another Word that is anathema to the religious community is FEAR, specifically fear of God. We are commanded to fear that we will disobey one of His commandments and thereby fail to receive what He has laid up for us. Remember the rich man of Matthew 19 fame was rejected by Jesus because he refused to do “one thing”–obey the tenth commandment. In order to receive what God has preserved for us in heaven we must “purify our souls by obeying the Truth through the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Pet: 1:22). This message is also found in First John 3:3 and Ephesians 5:26 where we are told to keep ourselves purified and cleansed by “the washing by the (spiritual) water that is the Word” of God in order to remain as “pure as He (Christ) is pure.” This level of holiness is required in verse 23 where we are told that, being born (begotten– conceived) again by the Word of God (conversion) we must remain in that spiritual condition by obeying “the Word which is the Gospel that is preached to you” (vs 25). What does this say about the universally proclaimed “only believe and be sure to repent after each sin?” mantra put forth by so-called “sinners saved by grace (SSBG)?”
Peter speaks to the billions of SSBG in chapter two verses seven and eight, saying that they have stumbled over the Stone (Jesus Christ) that God has placed at the head of His church’s foundation, that by disobeying Him the church had made Him a “Rock of offense.” This characterization does not fit God’s tiny remnant which Peter addresses in verse nine where he contrasts them to those of the counterfeit wing of the church, saying: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people who show forth the praises of Him Who has called you out of darkness (disobedience) and into His marvelous light (Word/Truth/Law).”
In chapter three verses ten through twelve he continues speaking to those who would inherit eternal life, telling them that they must control their tongues, reject evil and do good for, “The eyes of the Lord are continually on the RIGHTEOUS, and His ears are continually open to THEIR PRAYERS. However, His face is against them that do evil (disobey Him).”
In chapter four verses seventeen and eighteen Peter reminds the church that judgment is on-going in the church, and that only the RIGHTEOUS (obedient) within the church WILL BE saved (upon Christ’s return). Remember that the wheat and tares, sheep and goats, good fish and bad fish, good trees and bad trees remain together until the end, THEN He will separate them, award the righteous and condemn the unrighteous.
In chapter five verse eight Peter issues this warning to anyone who might decide to follow the example of the five foolish virgins: “Be sober, be vigilant, for your enemy the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour.” Vigilance is the key. The foolish virgins, following the example set by Adam and Eve, failed to focus on the things of the Lord because they no longer feared God. We all know the outcome of fiasco. We must focus our attention on the true God and the things of Him, not on the things of the world and its god–Satan–who has blinded the eyes of billions of foolish virgins (Mat. 25/ 2 Cor. 4:4). The Lord tells us to concentrate on Him and His Word and He will provide everything we need. We must do what we must do in this life. But while going about our daily lives we can follow the example of the Apostle Paul who “prayed without ceasing” while making tents (Acts 18:1-3).
Relative to keeping our minds on godly things while working, etc., I recommend Scripture memorization which can be done while doing almost anything. I carry a list of Scriptures with me so that as I am doing what must be done I have my list to from which to choose verses. A good verse to start with is Romans 10:19: “Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.” During Biblical times most people were not only illiterate but also had no access to the Holy Scriptures except when visiting the local synagogue where they were read aloud. The key is to realize that faith, by which the justified live (Heb. 10:38), comes directly from God’s Word. Simply stated: FAITH IS TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD. We must always remember Christ’s Words relative to our earthly lives in which we must “live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4). Even Jesus Christ did not live by His own words, but rather by “… the Words of Him who sent Me.” Note that these are the same Words by which all of mankind will be judged (Jn. 12:48-50). L.J.
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