In 2 Thessalonians 2:10,11 Paul speaks to and about those in the church who operate in deception and unrighteousness because they do not love the Truth (God’s Word-Jn. 17:17) and therefore cannot be saved. Because they refuse to be sanctified by God’s Word/Truth, HE sends them “STRONG DELUSION” so that they will believe a LIE (2 Thes. 2:11), thereby condemning themselves. Having rejected His Word/Truth and thereby His sanctification, such people reject Him as their spiritual Father, leaving them in the hands of Satan. Not loving the Truth leaves them susceptible to his wiles. A man who does not love his wife is susceptible to temptation from another woman. He who loves his wife cannot be tempted. He who does not love (believe/obey) God’s Word is an easy target for the devil. Any deviation from God’s Truth is doing service to him. Individually we must answer the question: “Who is my spiritual Father?” God’s Word makes it clear that only those who obey His Word as written can truthfully claim Him as Father. All others have been deceived into believing Satan’s LIE.
As a man, Jesus had to qualify to call God His Father. He did so by obeying Him without fail, making Him our example. In that sin separates us from God (Isa. 59:2), we must “… walk even as He walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) and “… overcome (Satan) even as He overcame (him)” (Rev. 3:21) in order to qualify to be with Father and Son in the Kingdom of God. Just as the prodigal son was “dead” as long as he was separated from his father (Lk. 15:24,32), we are “dead” (separated from God) as long as sin is a part of our lives. The Counterfeit Church rejects this part of God’s Word. In spite of the fact that the words of the prophets were recorded for “OUR INSTRUCTION” (1 Cor. 10:11), and that the apostles backed up the statement, the profess- ing church proclaims that her sins do not separate her from God. To the contrary, she can (must) sin and still be one with Him. Someone is lying. As is the case in all areas where her doctrines conflict with God’s Word, the church points the finger at God.
In John 17:17 Jesus asked the Father to sanctify His disciples by His WORD. This reveals the power of God’s Word, which Jesus declared as TRUTH. Notice that the Father sanctifies BY HIS WORD. Sanctification means to set aside for holy use. We are sanctified in only one way–BY GOD’S WORD–and for only one purpose–TO OBEY HIS WORD. This is the same Word that the church judges, changes and rejects to suit her various theologies. Holiness, which is required for salvation (Rom. 6:19-22), results only from obedience to the Truth. The Counterfeit Church denies this, claiming that sanctification means that she can sin and get away with it, that sin does not separate her from God, and that holiness is all God sees as He watches her do what comes naturally–sin. His grace supposedly makes her continuous sins dissolve into nothingness. Question: What does He mean in Romans 2:5 where He warns some in the church at Rome that they were “treasuring up for yourselves wrath against (until) the day of wrath” when God will judge them according to His righteousness?” Notice that He was speaking to the church about the church, then and now. The five foolish virgins represent those in the church today whom He is warning. The five wise virgins (having been sanctified) represent those in His church who are obeying Him unto salvation. As the parable reveals, these are the only ones who will be accepted by the Bridegroom upon His return.
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