Famine is coming. I am not referring to a famine of food, which will arrive before the focus of this posting. Both famines are prophesied in both the Old and New Testaments. The famine in question was foretold by the Prophet Amos in chapter 11 of his book. This time of trial and testing will be a spiritual famine of global significance. Everyone on earth will be affected by this deadly scarcity. Only one thing can solve this problem, but it will not be available. It will have been removed by God Himself because, while it was plentiful for thousands of years, it came to be discarded and ignored by those for whom it was given. In this instance God is speaking through Amos to a world population that will be alive during the last few years at the end of the end times–the age in which we now live. God warns those who have shown total disregard for His blessed gift: “Behold, the days are coming when I send a famine throughout the land, not a famine of bread or a famine of water, but A FAMINE OF HEARING THE WORDS OF THE LORD (vs 11).
Today there are many different sources and varieties of what is proclaimed to be “the Word of the Lord.” As I have proved time and again, that which is put forth as “the Gospel” is not God’s pure Biblical Gospel, but rather numerous perverted versions of God’s Word which Jesus called “Truth,” the same singular Truth by which His brethren are sanctified (set aside for holy use). Today there are very few sources of the Lord’s unedited, unadulterated Truth. This is one of those sources. But more important than that fact is what I tell readers to do. I admonish them to go to God’s Word for themselves and make sure they know exactly what He said in print. I can be wrong; He can’t.
What the Lord is telling us through Amos is that there will come a time when His Truth will no longer be available. We are staring in the face of a soon-coming, end of the age, end of time, end of the world as we know it era when all Scriptural Truth will be outlawed throughout the world. We are very close to that condition at this time. I have predicted that a time will come when all references to the Biblical God and His Holy Scriptures will be removed from the public domain. As anyone who pays attention to the news knows, this has already begun.
Right now, God’s ONLY WORD/TRUTH/GOSPEL is readily available to any and all who want it. There are also various sources of verbal and print ministry as His apostles are preaching, teaching and writing at a feverish rate. He has warned us to “Work while it is day, for darkness is coming when no man can work.” That day is rapidly approaching as God’s people see educational institutions, businesses, families and most important, churches are viewing the Holy Scriptures as a religious disease that must not be allowed to infect those it might touch. Catholicism/Protestantism has led the way in this regard, having rejected God’s Law of life by nailing it to Christ’s cross many generations ago. It is the Institutional Church, by her apostasy, that has led the world into Satan’s religious camp composed of all the false religions known to man.
When the Truth famine suddenly envelops the earth people will find their Bibles confiscated and all teaching, preaching, writing eliminated by governmental decree. God’s true saints will have taken their Bibles with them when He led them to their place of safety in the Middle East. But as God tells us through Amos, it is THE LORD HIMSELF that it will have arranged the famine. At that point the unregenerate world, including the world’s churches, will know that they have been deceived by the great deceiver and his false prophets. The world will have become a spiritual wasteland. Almost. God’s Truth will be as scarce as grass in the desert. But there will be a blade here and there. “And they will wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they will run to and fro to SEEK THE WORD OF THE LORD, BUT WILL NOT FIND IT” (Amos 8:12).
The Bible forecasts that as the end approaches world conditions will become more and more deceptive, more violent, more deadly. Serious, even deadly PERSECUTION will come upon God’s Word and those who proclaim it. There will come a time when God’s people will be forced to leave their nations and go to “her place”–an area of safety where they will be cared for and protected as the world around them wallows in self-inflicted terror, destruction and death (Rev. 12:14). As I have previously stated, I believe this refuge will be a mountain range called Petra (Gr.–“large rock”) in Jordan. When this exodus takes place and God’s people are abiding safely in her place, the Great Tribulation will begin.
As I stated earlier, the Word of God will not be totally cut off. In Revelation 11 we read about two men whom every child of God wishes he could be. Once the Great Tribulation has begun and God’s people are gone, God’s TWO WITNESSES will will preach His Word with power and unhindered for 3 1/2 years. They will have incredible power over those who would do them harm. They will control the weather. No weapon raised against them will succeed. Hatred for them will cover the earth as they make life unbearable for those in the midst of history’s most devastating period. Their job will be singular in nature: THEY WILL REMIND THE WORLD, ESPECIALLY THE CHURCH WORLD, EXACTLY WHY THE EARTH HAS BECOME A LIVING HELL AND WHY THEY ARE PART OF IT. At the end of their assigned ministries, God’s two witnesses will be killed. Then things will turn really bad as the Day of the Lord begins.
I do not expect this ministry to have a wide-reaching effect during this lifetime. My hope is that, during the Great Tribulation, some who were familiar with my ministry will remember what I have told them and turn to the Lord. That, my dear friends, is my desire. L.J.
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