Titus 2:11-14–Paul’s letter to Titus reveals, among other things, the true purpose of grace–to enable men to be saved by teaching them to reject all ungodliness, to live soberly, godly and righteously in this life, to look for the blessed hope of the appearing of Jesus Christ who is preparing for Himself a special people who are zealous for GOOD WORKS. His ministers are to speak (and write) this message in spite of the hatred it engenders from those who call themselves “the church.” Jesus is preparing a holy people for life in the Kingdom of God which He will establish following His return to earth. See Life After Death.
Faith Versus Works
Hebrews 13:20,21–Through the blood of Jesus, God wants to make us complete in every GOOD WORK to do His good will. His will is for us to obey His Word, which is His will in written form. Our works of righteousness–obeience to Him–completes our relationship with God, making us one with Him.
James 1:25–We are commanded to be DOERS of the WORK. He who does so will be blessed in what he DOES, not in what he believes.
James 2:14-20–Faith without WORKS is dead faith. Faith, James tells us, cannot save the soul unless it is combined with works of faith. Faith is founded on God’s Word, therefore the works we are to do consist of obeying His Word. The Institutional Church, having totally rejected the concept of works, does no works of true faith (Biblical works), only works of the flesh–religiosity. Jesus will ask her at judgment: “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ and DO not the things which I SAY” (Lk. 6:46)? Notice that non-workers will merely CALL Him their Lord. If He had been their Lord, they would have DONE what He SAID and the question would not need to be asked. The difference between “Lord” and “Savior” is the difference between life and death. The church takes Him as her Savior but refuses to accept Him as her Lord. Because of this her faith is dead. Satan has more faith than any of us. He knows the Word and believes it to the letter. But like the church, he fails to be a doer (worker) of it.
First Peter 1:17–God will judge every man according to his WORKS–He will determine how they line up with His Words (Jn. 12:44-48). Therefore we must live our lives in fear of failing to obey His Word. We must work out our salvation with “fear and trembling”–our future depends on it. The church says “No, we are already saved and our future is set.” David said of the sinning Isrelites, “… there is no fear of God before their eyes” (Ps. 36:1). If he were alive today, He would say the same thing about the Counterfeit Church which fearlessly treats God’s Word like a Scriptural buffet, picking and choosing what she will accept, twist or discard. As the previous verse stated, payday is coming when one will receive the wages earned for his/her works. Revelation 22:12 puts forth the same message. Here Jesus says that He will return to earth and will bring His reward with Him to give to every man according to his WORKS.
First John 3:1-12–In this most clear of all passages relative to righteousness and sin, God declares several things: The world, which includes the worldly church, does not recognize God’s saints because it does not know Him (vs 1); God’s saints purify themselves (vs 3); sin is the breaking of the Law, which identifies sin (vs 4); Jesus came to remove sin from His people so that they can be in Him where there is no sin (vs 5); whoever abides in Him does not sin (vs 6); His people practice (WORK) righteousness (vs 7); Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in His people/he who sins is of the devil (vs 8); His people cannot sin. The word “cannot” is comprised to two Greek words: “can”-dunamai–have the power and ability to do, and “not”-ou–no, never, under no circumstances. Saints can sin but refuse to do so (vs 9); God’s people practice righteousness, Satan’s people practice sin (vs 10); the evil works of sinners’ prove that they are of the devil (vs 12). The principle taught here concerning sin is that God’s people do not PRACTICE sin–it is not part of their daily lives. They PRACTICE righteousness, which is part of their daily lives. We all fail, but God’s people do not do so as a general rule. The difference between God’s people and Satan’s people can be summarized in one word: “practice.” Example: If I paint a picture, that does not make me a “painter.” If I regularly paint pictures, that makes me a “painter.” One who runs regularly is a “runner”; one who acts regularly is an “actor.” One who sins regularly is a “sinner.” Note in 1 John 2:1 where God, through the apostle, states that IF a saint sins, he has an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. One who PRACTICES SIN (sins repeatedly) is not a saint–not a son of God and does not have an Advocate. The Spirit of God leads us into all righteousness. “They that are led by the Spirit of God, (only) THEY ARE THE SONS OF GOD” (Rom. 8:14). A sinnER is not led by God’s Spirit. Righteousness is the exact opposite of sin. SinnERS are not sons of God. There is no such thing as a “sinnER saved by grace.” No one is saved. A sinnER cannot be saved unless he stops being a sinnER. This website is dedicated to exposing the sins of the Institutional Church, whom God is calling to turn from her wicked ways and be converted. Only those who are not sinnERS can inherit eternal life.
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