There should be no break between the Old and New Testaments in that they were written for Biological Isarael as well as those biological Gentiles who would become spiritual Israelites by obeying the God of the Israelite nation. A tiny group of believers from both of those groups today make up the true Church of God (the “Israel of God”–Gal. 6:16). This mustard seed-sized group is comprised of the spiritual descendants of the 120 upon whom the Holy Spirit fell some 2000 years ago. God’s true church–the “Church of God” (Acts 20:28) is not to be confused with the Protestant sect by that name or of Catholics and Protestants in general.
We find the God-created union of Israelites and Gentiles first mentioned in Exodus 12:38 where we learn that a “mixed multitude went out (of Egypt) with them (Israel).” These were Gentiles who had been defeated and enslaved by the powerful Egyptian army. After Israel’s deliverance from Egyptian slavery all “strangers” (Gentiles) who joined themselves to the Nation of Israel would keep “one Law” which would make them spiritual Israelites–God’s chosen people. God would speak that Ten Commandment Law to them a few days later from the top of Mount Sinai. He would then write His Law on stone tablets. Centuries later He would write that Law on the hearts of those who believed, embraced and obeyed Him, meaning His Law (Jer. 31:31/ Heb. 8:8-12). Those who have the Ten Commandments “written” in their hearts by the Holy Spirit which fills them are true children of God who believe and obey that “holy, just and good” Law (Rom. 7:12).
Further proof that the Gentiles who had exited Egypt with the Israelites had become spiritual Israelites (God’s people) was the circumcision of all of their males (vss 48,49). The Truth that the escapees were all spiritual Israelites is brought out in Acts 7:38 where all, both Israelites and Gentiles whom God had brought out of Egypt, are referred to as “the church (singular congregation) in the wilderness” where they wandered for 40 years. The Gentiles became spiritual Israelites by obeying God’s Law (later to be called the Holy Bible). As church history (the Old Testament) sadly details, some of God’s people were His people in name only. Nothing has changed. Read Matthew 1-7: Who Are God’s People? Key word–Matthew.
Further proof that salvation is made available to anyone who will believe and obey God’s Holy Word, can be found in numerous places in the New Testament. For example, there was the conversation Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at the well. As a result of their chat, she and the men of Samaria believed on Him as recorded in the fourth chapter of John’s Gospel. These were all Gentiles (Heb.–“goy–pagan, heathen) to whom Phillip would later minister the Word of God which the Samaritan people believed. With the arrival of Peter and John, those Gentiles were baptized and received the Holy Spirit, making them spiritual Israelites. This was when they turned away from Simon the Sorcerer who had dominated them for many years with his magic arts. Until Phillip came preaching the Kingdom of God and performing miracles, the Samaritans had believed that Simon was a god because of the miracles he performed (Acts 8:5-26). This same Simon, having “believed and been baptized” (vs 13), was then rebuked by Peter as a false believer. He then left Samaria and traveled to Rome where, in 33 A.D., he established what became known as the Catholic (universal) Church. Read Simon of Samaria and All That Glitters. Key words–Simon and Glitters respectively.
It is important that we understand that the Gospel that was preached by the apostles to the New Testament Church had, generations earlier, been preached to the patriarch Abraham by “the Scripture,” Who was the “Word” who would later come to earth as Jesus of Nazareth (Gal. 3:8/ Jn. 1:1-4,14). In Hebrews 4:2 the Apostle Paul reminded the Israelite Converts that the same Gospel he and the other apostles were preaching to the New Testament Church had been preached to their ancient ancestors–the Old Testament Israelites (1 Cor. 10:11/ Eph. 2:20). The Lord does not change, neither does His Truth/ Gospel (2 Tim. 3:14-16). He is still the King. A king RULES by His LAW. The Lord Jesus rules His people by His Ten Commandment Law. Including Commandment #4 which was changed to the first day of the week by Pope Sylvester I in 364 A.D. at the Council of Laodicea in order to appease the sun worshiping “converts” who paid homage to their sun god on his day–the “Day of the Sun God”–Sunday. Indeed, Satan has deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9).
The New Testament apostles preached and taught from the Old Testament for the first 60 or so years of the New Testament/Covenant church’s existence. The New Covenant Church came into being in 31 A.D. The New Testament came into being between 90 and 100 A.D. through the work of the only remaining original apostle–John. The New Testament is an extension of the Old Testament. The New Testament simply picks up the narrative where the Old Testament leaves off. The Word/ the Scripture/ Jesus of Nazareth were one and the same–the God of the Old Testament. Read the series by that name using Testament as the key word. Satan would have us separate the Old and New Testaments so as to convince church people to disregard the Old Testament Law which defines both sin and righteousness–sin if broken, righteousness if obeyed. Without the righteousness achieved by obeying the Law, salvation cannot be attained. Read Matthew 19:17, First John 2:5; 15:10,13,14 and Romans 2:13; 7:12. Then read Romans 5:21 and 6:22. Note that THE END RESULT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS IS ETERNAL LIFE. Read Matthew 10:22 where we are told that SALVATION IS AWARDED AT THE END OF A LIFE OF OVERCOMING SATAN’S TEMPTATIONS TO SIN, NOT AT THE BEGINNING OF ONE’S SO-CALLED “CHRISTIAN WALK.”
Proof that righteousness is EARNED by obeying God’s Word (WORKS) is found in Matthew 5:6 and Isaiah 55:1,2. In Matthew 5:6 Jesus tells us that in order to RECEIVE (be “filled with”) righteousness we must “hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Hunger and thirst are man’s most powerful calls for that which is necessary for physical life. Action (work) is necessary on man’s part in order to meet his needs for spiritual food and drink in order to produce physical strength for daily life.
In the same way, man must work to attain spiritual power in order to live for God by obeying Him. He must seek for (spiritually hunger and thirst), find (in the Scriptures), consume (study and believe) what is written therein. Only in this way is he able to produce the spiritual power necessary in order to OBEY God’s Word–spiritual works. God (the Word/ Jesus–Jn. 1:1-4,14) tells us through Isaiah that in order to receive SPIRITUAL bread, wine and water we must “buy” (eat and drink) those spiritual commodities from Him (vs. 1) through obedience to what He tells us in His Holy Scriptures. Here He commands us to “… hearken (listen) to Me and eat (consume what you hear) so that your soul can become fattened (filled with) “that which is good”–vs 2).
God does not force us to seek His spiritual food and drink (His Holy Word). If we find it, He does not force us to consume it in order to gain His approval (2 Tim. 2:15). If we consume it, He does not force us to believe it and prove our faith through works (obedience to what we believe)–Jam. 2:10,14,17,18,20, 24,26. Obviously, the “only believe” theology being spread throughout the earth is not of God, nor are those who are preaching it. Read the series on WORKS. Key word–Works.
In case anyone has not gotten my right-versus-wrong message to the Institutional Church, let me make myself perfectly clear by separating Biblical Truth from church fiction, God’s “glorious Light” from Satan’s “great darkness,” the Lord’s eternal life from the devil’s eternal death. What salvation pimps are putting forth as God’s Truth, His light and His life is coming through the spiritual lips of Satan through his fallen angels (devils/demons) to his false prophets who pass his perverted “only believe” gospel off as God’s pure Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Gal. 1:6-9).
God’s Truth/Gospel/Word/Light and the people who know, believe and obey it have absolutely nothing to do with Satan’s Catholic/Protestant Religious System. Proof of this Truth is the fact that He commands those who truly seek Him to COME OUT OF HER AND BE SEPARATE; DO NOT TOUCH THAT UNCLEAN THING. THEN, AND ONLY THEN, WILL HE BE THE THEIR GOD AND THEY WILL BE HIS CHILDREN. Study Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1. Note in 7:1 that, once out of Satan’s church, one must “cleanse himself of all (of Satan’s religious) filthiness.” One must do this in order to “perfect holiness in the fear of God.” One must not remain in Satan’s darkness which is “great darkness” because it is advertised as God’s light. Truly, “the devil has deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). Only a few, Jesus said, would not be deceived (Mat. 713,14; 22:14). L.J.
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