In the 17th chapter of the Book of Revelation we find a woman (church) riding a beast (government) (vss 1-6). This woman is alone, as is the beast. Further study reveals that their singular representations mean that they represent A ONE-WORLD CHURCH DIRECTING THE ACTIVITIES OF A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT. Note that the woman is “drunken on the blood of the (God’s) saints.” Note also that she is called a ” WHORE” and bears the name “MYSTERY, BABYLON.” Notice also that she SITS UPON (INFLUENCES) MANY NATIONS (WATERS) BY BEING INVOLVED WITH THEIR KINGS (LEADERS). Notice also that she is called “GREAT” (large and powerful), and that her religious daughters are called “HARLOTS.” Together they comprise a murderous one-world church with a HISTORY of killing the “MARTYRS OF JESUS.” During the Spanish Inquisition the Catholic Church martyred over 50,000,000 people because they would not succumb to her heathen dictates. The vast majority of those martyrs were God’s saints. By the time Revelation 17 takes place, all religions will have come together into one world-ruling entity under one leader under a leader called the False Prophet. Read The Ingathering: The Rise of the End-time Church. Key word–Ingathering.
Bear in mind that much of the Book of Revelation is a prophecy concerning the final year of this world as we know it. The Apostle John calls this time period “the Lord’s day” (1:10), which the Prophet Joel calls “the great and terrible day of the Lord” in 2:11,31. During this year-long period the Lord will pour out His wrath on sinning mankind which has rejected His call to join Him by obeying His Word/Law/Truth. This time of horror will follow the 2 1/2 year period called the Tribulation which is called “great” because of the amount of death and destruction that will be wreaked by Satan as he demonstrates his hatred for human beings.
Prior to the beginning of the Great Tribulation God will take His church to “her place” (Rev. 12:6,14) where He will protect and provide for His tiny group of Very Elect saints while the world around them explodes in what is commonly called World War III because the entire world will be involved in the horrors of the time. Read The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Key word–Tribulation.
Many of the “truths” and customs upon which the Catholic/Protestant Religious System (spiritual Babylon) is built were borrowed from the ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion from which mankind’s Satanic religions arose. Abraham, the human father of Israel and the Christian church (Spiritual Israel) was born and lived in the Chaldean region of the Middle East whose capital was Babylon–the seat of all that was unholy in his day. In order to use him effectively, the Lord sent him out of the multi-god, multi-religion surroundings that characterized the area where Satan exercised total control of the people.
Following the founding of the New Testament Church in 31 A.D., there soon arose a new version of Babylonian theology in the form of a competing church. When Catholicism came on the scene in 33 A.D. her founder–Simon Magus–borrowed many of Babylon’s beliefs and celebrations, along with several aspects of Christianity, in order to create a religion that would appeal to people of all religious beliefs. This Satan-empowered church rapidly grew into a Roman Empire-backed religious colossus whose heathen beliefs and customs ruled within the empire.
Years later, when those calling themselves “Protestants” left the mother church, they took with them many of her heathen beliefs, her gods, etc. In this way, the Babylonian religion spread throughout the world under the heading of “CHRISTIANITY.” Many of the beliefs and practices the mother and daughter churches have retained over the centuries are listed on the homepage of this website.
Understand this: When the “Protestants” (protesters) left the mother church they did not leave because of her pagan beliefs and traditions. They left because of the personal sins of the priests. The Protestants took with them most of Mystery Babylon’s (Catholicism’s) gods, beliefs, etc. such as the Sunday sabbath, Christmas, Easter, the rapture, the trinity, original sin, the Friday death and Sunday resurrection of Jesus Christ, immediate entrance into heaven or hell at death, etc. The later division of Protestantism into hundreds of mini-churches simply spread Satan’s lies more rapidly and under hundreds of different names. For this reason God commands that we “Come out of her” (the Catholic/Protestant whore church system), repent, divest ourselves of her wickedness, turn from her wicked ways and walk in God’s holiness, Jesus of Nazareth being our example.
Such a life cannot be lived while remaining in “the church.” For this reason the Lord, through John, tells those of us living at the end of the final (Laodicean) church era to “come out of her (spiritual Babylon–the Institutional Church) My people. Do not partake of her sins and suffer the plagues that will come upon her” (Rev. 18:4). The world we live in is spiritually and socially Babylonian and becoming moreso with every passing moment. For this reason God’s people are commanded to have nothing to do with the world around them on a spiritual level. Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
The Lord’s command to come out of this world has never been more urgent. We must not allow the world’s influences to affect our focus–the Biblical God and His Holy Scriptures. Those who obey His Words will have been taken to a place of safety when the Great Tribulation begins and Satan begins to wreak havoc on mankind. Two and one half years Later God will begin His punishment of sinning man during the Day of the Lord which, Scripture tells us, will make the Tribulation period pale by comparison. Only God’s obedient saints will be protected during those trying times.
We live in Satan’s world (2 Cor. 4:4/ Rev. 12:9) known Scripturally as modern day Babylon. God commands that, though we live IN Babylon we must not be OF Babylon–we must not bow to Babylon’s lures and temptations which the rest of the world is doing in the final days this era. We must not allow the attitudes, habits and tendencies of Satan’s spiritually dark world to influence the way we think, speak and live.
These are dangerous times and we must be vigilant in our approach to the spiritual darkness that exists around us. Satan, his ministers, his world and his church make it easy to move onto that smooth, slippery path that makes us acceptable to those around us. They make it seem right to go along to get along by becoming like everyone else. History is rife with examples of individuals, as well as entire nations that have grown too accepting of the world and, desiring to accepted by it, refuse to stand out from it–they refused to be PECULIAR. Being spiritually peculiar is not what world-minded people desire. However, “peculiar” is the premiere word God uses to describe his true saints (Exo. 19:5/ Titus 2:14/ 1 Pet. 2:9). If the rest of the world, especially the “Christian world,” does not label us PECULIAR and REJECT US ON THE SPIRITUAL LEVEL—WE ARE NOT GOD’S PEOPLE.
The world, Jesus warns true believers, will hate us. Jesus warned His disciples that their foes will be those of their own households (Mat. 10:36). For this reason we are told to “count the cost” of worshiping, obeying and serving Him (Lk. 14:28). God’s command to salvation seekers relative to the world or the worldly Catholic/Protestant Religious System (“the church”) is to, “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE SO THAT YOU BE NOT PARTAKERS OF HER SINS AND RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES.”
Babylon is the Biblical label for everything foul and Satanic that we must stay away from in order to serve God. Babylon rules all who remain within her. We can have only one master–either the Creator of the universe or the god of this world. To be religiously comfortable while living in Babylon is characterized by one word: COMPROMISE. No compromiser will enter the Kingdon of God. This includes all “sinners saved by grace.”
First John 2:15 defines what compromising with Babylon looks like: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.” We are told to avoid the “lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes.” This attitude shows that “the love of the Father is not in you.” This passage also warns against “the pride of life.” Recall that this vanity was the basis for Lucifer’s (Satan’s) fall (Eze.28:17).
The worldly are concerned about how they are perceived by the world. The true Christian is concerned about how he/she is perceived by God. God has called us to be separate from the world and its ways: “Therefore, come out of them (the worldly), and be separate, says the Lord, and touch not that unclean thing and (then) I will receive you.” Notice that He is speaking to “MY PEOPLE”–those who are called by His name. Notice also that as long as they are in that unclean thing (church system) He will not receive them. They must come out of her. Then, and only then, will they be received by Him. Read Second Chronicles 7:13,14. Notice that He is speaking to His people who are called by His name. His people had been praying, asking Him to remove the curses He had placed upon their land. He commanded that they REPENT AND TURN FROM THEIR EVIL WAYS. Then, and only then, would He hear their prayers, forgive their sins and “heal their land”–the same land HE HAD CURSED BECAUSE OF THEIR SINS (vs 13). Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices.
God “speaks” to sinners, including church sinners, through physical and mental sickness, accidents, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, financial failures, wars, crime, destruction, bad political leaders (see Dan. 4:17), etc. God sees no difference between churched sinners and non-churched sinners. SIN IS SIN, AND THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. PERIOD. Therefore, embrace the free gift of God–JUSTIFICATION (THE FORGIVENESS OF ALL PAST SINS), WHICH RENDERS ONE HOLY. THEN WALK IN THAT HOLINESS–OBEDIENCE TO HIS LAW (1 Jn. 3:4)–UNTIL THE END OF LIFE. THEN, UPON THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST, YOU WILL RECEIVE SALVATION (Mat. 10:22). Notice that he who “endures to the end” of life with his holiness intact “shall (in the future) be saved.” WE ARE NOT SAVED AND BORN AGAIN IN THIS LIFE. Read “Hope and Salvation” and “Born Again.” Key words–Hope and Born respectively. Do not listen to the salvation whores who offer eternal life at the end of a ten second prayer. These are religious hucksters whom the Biblical God has not sent. These, and others like them, are responsible for the church being in the abominable condition in which she finds herself. Truly, Jesus was right: “SATAN HAS DECEIVED THE WHOLE WORLD.” Due to the work of his false prophets, the deception continues and is becoming more pervasive with each passing day. EXACTLY AS JESUS WARNED. L.J.
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