The Book of Mark begins by referring to “the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (1:1). Then, in verses 14 and 15 we find the first recorded Words spoken by Jesus: “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the Gospel.” Christ’s Gospel concerned the Kingdom of God. Notice the key words found in these verses: God, Christ, Gospel, repent, believe and kingdom. These Words are intimately and eternally connected. When we combine them into life’s “walk” (conduct) we see what the entire Word of God is about. The walk of the true saint consists of WORKING OUR WAY TO NEW JERUSALEM, THE FUTURE CAPITAL OF THE EARTHLY KINGDOM OF GOD. We are to do this by following the Words and example of CHRIST, who received His marching orders from GOD. We must REPENT of breaking God’s Law (sinning), BELIEVE His Holy Word and thereby earning the right to inherit His Kingdom. There is no other way to receive salvation.
Immediately after speaking His first ministerial Words Jesus began to choose His disciples. Having initially chosen four. He led them into Capernaum, which would become His ministerial headquarters. He and His four disciples then entered the local synagogue where He spoke for it was the Sabbath Day. When the people heard Him they were astonished because He spoke with authority, then demonstrated that authority by healing a man in the congregation. This was the beginning of His preaching and miracle-working ministry. His first message was the same message His apostles have been preaching for the past 2000 years–the Gospel of the Kingdom of God: “THE TIME IS FULFILLED AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND. REPENT AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL.”
As participants in that kingdom we must understand what we are relative to our Christian life. We will study this subject by first revisiting what Jesus said about the Kingdom of God being “at hand.” What did this mean? The expression “at hand” in the Greek language is engizo, which means “come near.” He was telling them that the Kingdom of God that was at that time was in heaven, was also near. In what is called “the Lord’s Prayer” we find Jesus saying to the Father, “… thy kingdom come (later), thy will be done (later) on earth as it is (presently) in heaven” (Mat. 6:9). Notice that God’s kingdom, which was at that time in heaven, would later come to earth and would usher in a time when the Father’s will would be done on earth as it was at that time (and still is) in heaven.
Looking around at a world which in no way even remotely resembles God’s heavenly kingdom, we know that much has to be done before God can bring His perfect kingdom of peace to earth. But recall that Jesus said that His Father’s kingdom was “at hand,” meaning that it would soon be manifested. But that was 2000 years ago. Obviously, what was “at hand” (had come near) has not come near yet.
Jesus was referring to a spiritual kingdom on earth over which He would be king and would rule just as the Father at that time ruled His kingdom in heaven, and still does. Obviously, the kingdom that would soon materialize on earth would not be the heavenly kingdom, but rather an embryonic version of that kingdom. The earthly kingdom is what would come to be known as The Church of God (Acts 20:28). This is the church about which Jesus said as recorded in Matthew 16:18: “… upon this Rock (petra) I (Jesus–the Rock) will build My church.” Here He calls Himself “petra” (meaning a boulder/mountain) and Peter “petro” (meaning a small pebble). Contrary to Catholic theology, Jesus did not build His church on Peter, but rather on Himself, thereby making Himself the Head of His church.
THE KINGDOM OF GOD JESUS WAS REFERRING TO WAS, AND STILL IS, HIS TRUE CHURCH. This tiny, despised, rejected church is the Kingdom of God in embryo. The church system that dominates so-called Christianity today is Satan’s counterfeit church comprised of the Great whore called “Mystery, Babylon” and her harlot daughters known as denominations. All of these so-called churches have prostituted themselves to a world with which they identify and from which they want acceptance. By becoming what the world wants them to be and not remaining true and chaste to the God they claim to represent, the Institutional Church has bowed to Satan, the god of the world into which she so snuggly fits. She watches the same sin-ladened television programs that feature people who are famous for the sinful lives they live. The world and its church system read the same books, watch the same movies, listen to the same songs, wear the same clothes, etc.
Jesus has some harsh Words for the worldly church. To her He warns that come Judgment Day there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from those who, during their lives had called Him their Lord and had done many wonderful works in His name, but who substituted their truths for His commandments. Jesus will say to them on Judgment Day: “I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice iniquity” (Lawlessness)–Mat. 7:23. These will have worshiped Him during their earthly lives, worn crosses and fish symbols, read the Bible and gathered in His honor one or more times each week. Jesus will tell them that their religiosity had been demonstrated “in vain.” (Mat. 15:9). The Apostle Paul says about those who had the Law but refused to obey it: “For it is not the hearers of the Law who are just(ified) before the Lord, but the doers of the Law will be (remain) justified.” The Apostle James amens this Truth in 1:22, noting that those who are religious but refuse to obey the Law are “deceiving themselves.”
THE TRUE CHURCH IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN EMBRYO. As noted in several series, God’s church is comprised of both obedient sheep and disobedient goats, which Jesus prophesied would be the case upon His return. “Few,” He said, would search for and “find” His true body of believers. “Many,” He warned would be deceived into joining Satan’s church system. Because Satan owns and operates his billions-strong church system, God’s people comprise a tiny group which resembles a miniscule island surrounded by a sea of Satan’s followers.
Those in God’s tiny church stand out from the Institutional Church” in every aspect of life. This makes them “peculiar” in the eyes of the world that surrounds them. During their time of ministry, Jesus and His apostles felt the same distain coming from those in high religious circles. Their lives were ripped from them by the religious hierarchy withing the Jewish religious system. By continuing to shine as God’s lights in the face of Satan’s darkness true Christians qualify to enter God’s kingdom and New Jerusalem where they will live eternally.
The true New Testament Church is the Kingdom of God in its embryonic form, just as a child is an adult in his/her early form. We must mature and become Christlike in order to join Him upon his arrival. It is at that time that we will receive the same inheritance as did Jesus Christ. By obeying Him in this life we become heirs and joint-heirs with Him in the future (Rom. 8:17). One of the things we will inherit will be the glory of living in the Kingdom of God in which New Jerusalem will be the capital of that kingdom. The key to entrance into the Lord’s kingdom and New Jerusalem involves overcoming Satan’s temptation to take the easy, self-satisfying way instead of God’s commanded way. We humans must “overcome even as I (Jesus) overcame” and due to that victory, earn the right to sit on His throne with Him (Rev. 3:21). To learn about the inheritance of the righteous, read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers.
Let us be about earning and retaining a place in Christ’s earthly kingdom–His true church. By learning His way and walking it we can qualify to enter the Kingdom of God upon His arrival. Let us be working our way to New Jerusalem. L.J.
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