Change of plans. With the abomination known as Easter Sunday approaching, I feel the need to address the subject for the sake of those who might wonder about the Biblical status of the pagan celebration which multiplied millions of church people will observe in honor of the Goddess of Fertility. This religious celebration is one of many symptoms that identify a sick and diseased nation, a nation totally different from the God-centered society of 200 years ago. What happened to that nation? How did she fall from the God-established, church-led standard of Biblical morality to where she is today–the modern equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah? America became infected with a spiritual disease known as heathenism. Easter is one of its many symptoms. See the introduction to the website for a more detailed explanation. The answer to what happened to this once God-serving nation and why she is falling apart at an ever-increasing rate is summed up in these few words: “As goes the church, so goes the nation.”
Because the Institutional Church changed her allegiance from God to Satan and pulled the nation along with her, both church and nation are under God’s curse and are feeling the brunt of His wrath. God gave mankind a choice as presented in Deuteronomy 28. In the first 14 verses He promised that if we would obey Him He would set us high above all other nations. He would bless us in every way. Our enemies would fear us. We would be lenders and not borrowers. We would be the head and not the tail. This perfectly described the United States throughout the first 150 years or so of her existence. But then, as God’s messengers had warned, Satan began to inject his perverted gospel into the churches with great success. Having taken her over, he then used her to lead the rest of the nation into the moral abyss in which she finds herself today. Verses 15-68 of Deuteronomy 28 describe what happened to the former Christian nation–a total moral breakdown. The outcome of her fall has been devastating as the rest of the world watches her self-destruction with amazement.
Every aspect of American life, once strong and healthy, has become weak and diseased. The once vibrant moral stance established by the early church has given way to spiritual decay and degeneration. What God condemns has become the spiritual norm. As Isaiah warned, the church now calls good evil and evil good. God’s Biblical Way is ridiculed by the church and described as the religion of spiritual derelicts who have “fallen from grace.” Church services have become havens for heathenistic practices and doctrines once known only to the godless masses. Whatever fills the pews and coffers is good. The Truth and the Biblical Godhead were the first victims of the church’s moral decline. Having been replaced by more user-friendly entities, the Truth, the Father and the Son will remain outcasts until the Son returns to put an end to the man-made, Satan-directed mess. To be continued. L.J.
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