In preparation for the rise of the False Prophet and the Antichrist spoken of in the Book of Revelation, Satan is inundating mankind with entertainment–anything that will fixate his subjects on the nether world while ignoring the real world. Slowly but surely he is taking people, especially religious people, captive to a spirit world of his making by presenting his world as God’s world–the world of the Bible. So successful is he that anything of a spiritual nature is assumed to be God-generated and therefore good for all concerned. As a result we are being flooded with accounts of visions, visitations, journeys, miracles, etc. in which the subject is miraculously transported to a place or a situation in which he/she meets God, hears His voice, sees angels or something of that nature. In every case he/she is shown or told about something of a religious nature. The episode is automatically assumed to have been God- generated and of a holy nature. And the subjects are not all “good (church) people.”
Individuals who have led lives of open sin and degradation have had such visitations. In spite of the lives they are living, they are assured that they are one with the Lord, are going to heaven, etc. before being sent back to present reality to share their experience with the public. They are dispatched without having been commanded to change their behavior, character, life walk, etc. Business as usual continues to be the order of the day. The vast majority of these people are church members who return convinced that they are to become deeper involved in their church and to convince the unchurched and wrong churched to join them in the “right” church. And Satan smiles.
Some such happenings entail a journey to heaven where the subject is shown breathtaking scenes depicting what his/her life will be like in the hereafter. Others have received visitations from loved ones who comment on the wonderful accommodations in heaven where they have been since leaving the earth. One woman’s dead child appeared to tell her that he was cold and wet. She had his grave moved and never heard from him again. The assumption is that he is now warm and dry. Am I the only one who wonders how he could have been cold and wet in heaven where he had supposedly been residing? And how moving his body could have affected the situation? See Life After Death.
With the advent of television the world has witnessed Satan’s trick designed to move the world onto a higher stage of spirituality–he is allowing the living to supposedly contact the dead through intermediaries–supposedly God-gifted, super-spiritual persons to whom He has supposedly given access to the dead on behalf of the living. The masses watch as a necromancer receives a “message” from heaven (where everyone who has been “saved” assumeably goes) telling someone in the audience such things as the name of a dead relative, his/her characteristics, something he/she has done or said, etc. Miraculously, the information is correct, including in some cases the physical characteristics of the deceased one. It is assumed that only God knows such things, and that He has graciously shared it with the world to prove that the churched masses are heaven bound. Unbelievers are counseled to take note and believe what they are seeing and hearing. They need only join some church choice to guarantee their ticket to paradise at a future date. Such Satanic undertakings have proven to be very effective in building up church attendance, winning converts, etc. They also positively affect the bottom line.
Today we are seeing books written, t.v. programs presented and movies shown which glorify and make legitimate such happenings as those mentioned above. Satan is conducting an all-out religious blitz for a last minute harvest of souls before Jesus returns to put an end to such nonsense. In the meantime Satan will continue to deceive the masses into believing that the miraculous visitations, etc. are the works of the Lord. He is basing his success on the Biblical ignorance/unbelief of church people. All of the above-mentioned examples of “visitations from God” are condemned by the Lord in His Word. But due to self-inflicted ignorance of all things Biblical, the whole of professing Christendom is low hanging fruit for the devil. Today millions of believers and nonbelievers view Satan’s work on t.v., in the movies and in written form, convinced that they are witnessing a move of God. Simon Magus’ followers believed his miracles, signs and wonders were “… the great power of God.” Those who have had visions, heavenly visitations, etc. have become popular public speakers who are leading the Biblically challenged into Satan’s ever-widening web known as “the church.” His end-time ingathering has begun. Soon his false prophets will fill the airwaves with miraculous acts that will cause the masses to flock to them, assured that they are witnessing acts of God being performed by His anointed messengers who “… will deceive many.”
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