New Agers believe that the Biblical Jesus is not the ONE, but rather the cheer leader of billions of ONES–the totality of mankind–who, by becoming part of the New Age Movement and realizing their innate godness, operate on the same spiritual level as does He. The human being’s understanding and acceptance of his innate godman status is necessary because Jesus deliberately left the world-saving job incomplete. Knowing that His fellow gods would one day realize their true spirituality, He left to them the task of bringing all mankind into a glorious state of goodness and godness.
In the New Age universe, each person is a god regardless of what, if any religion he/she espouses. Jesus does not represent any particular religion, but is in reality the world-christ who works on behalf of all religions everywhere due to the fact that we all worship the same god who is in fact man himself. The final implementation of the New Age “World View” will save the world from itself by revealing to each human being that he/she, being a god, is a vital part of a global spiritual system.
The power utilized by the New Age Movement is SPIRITISM–the belief that we are all–man, animals, inanimate objects, etc.–are of one spirit, one entity, one god-essence. Spiritists believe that when all of mankind operates in the same godman mind-set there will be total man-man, man-nature peace and harmony. The “Green Movement” much of the world is now involved in is an integral part of the New Age effort. Its emphasis on man-man, man-nature integration is moving humanity into the one-world religious/political/economic/social system prophesied in the Book of Revelation to come to fore in the latter days. Those days have begun.
For example, there is a move on in the United Nations to institute an international law that would give the earth, and presumably all creatures on and under it, the same rights as humans. The movement is led by Cass Sunstene, a high-ranking politico in the current American administration. The movement to unite and equate man, animals, fish, fowl, etc. into one god-entity is en vogue globally and is gaining adherents. Satan is working feverishly in these last days to draw in the few members of the human race who have resisted him so far while solidifying his hold on the other 99%.
Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,14 that “many” would follow Satan through the wide gate and along the broad way of institutional religion that leads to death. He warned in Mark 13:22 that the devil’s lure would be so convincing that even some of His elect (His church) would be seduced by it. All others, including the totality of Catholicism and Protestantism, have been seduced by Satan (Rev. 12:9) and, barring conversion, will lose their chance to live throughout eternity in the kingdom capital to be located in Jerusalem. See The Kingdom of God. God-seekers are warned to “beware,” to “watch” and to “take care” lest they be led astray. To be continued. L.J.
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