I rarely mention my personal life in my postings, but at times I hear God’s internal “voice” (Holy Spirit) telling me to do so. This is one of those times. I had never put much stock in dreams and visions before being chosen by the Lord to take His Message of the Kingdom to those who want to hear it, as well as those who don’t, who, I learned the hard way early on, far outnumber those who do. GOD’S WORD IS HIS TRUTH which Jesus tells us in John 17:17. We also find John referring to Him as “the WORD” in 1:1-4)and Jesus describing Himself as “the TRUTH” in 14:6. It is abundantly clear that Jesus, the Word and the Truth are one and the same in the eyes of God.
Last night I dreamed a dream that seemed to last for hours. When I awoke I went before the Father asking what, if anything, the dream meant. He told me that I was to tell you about my dreams and visions, their meanings and their outcomes, both positive and negative. Allow me to backtrack a few decades to when I first realized that the Lord had called me to His ministry.
In my happiness, and immaturity, I “knew” that the members of my super-religious family would welcome God’s Truth as I had. The problem was that God’s Biblical Truths did not align with their church truths. In fact, they were, in many cases, diametrically opposed. Having also been super-religious and of the same denomination, I knew what they believed. However, I assumed that, upon being shown the Word of God and how it differed from their church doctrine, that they would respond as I had, even though doing so would prove that they were wrong and had been wrong all along–generation after generation. My precious Auntie L.–the most religious of the clan–was the first family member with whom I shared THE WORD/TRUTH OF GOD. I “knew” that she would embrace it with joy and would help me share it with the rest of the family.
I could not have been more wrong. I had not factored in the power of pride and fear. To say that she rejected my message would be a colossal understatement. To this day God’s Truths that are not part of their church doctrine is considered Satan’s propaganda which the entire family avoids. With one exception–my sweet granddaughter who shares my teachings with her friends who, surprisingly, believe God’s Words. What makes this scenario even more unusual is that they are all in prison. And even more unusual is the fact that the prison authorities duplicate the teachings I send her and give them to the inmates. God surely does work in miraculous ways, His wonders to perform.” With the exception of one man, my “church” consists entirely of inmates. I will take believers where I can find them, while I can find them. Time is running out. The time will come when I will not be allowed to do what I do. The irony of this situation will be that those who will prevent me from ministering God’s Word will be the Institutional Church which, through governmental law, will shut me down. We are told to “Work while it is day; night comes when no man can work.” Look around–dusk has already begun to settle in. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:8, we are witnessing the “beginning of sorrows.” For this reason I work night and day to do what I can while I can.
Some time after having the Truth rejected by Auntie L. and the rest of the family, the Lord sent me a dream in which He told me that everyone–family, friends, strangers–would reject my message. He warns all who believe Him that their foes will be members of their own households (Mat. 10:36). Fortunately, along with the commission, He gave me a thick skin. Back to the dream. In my very real dream I was flying through the air headed to the land of my childhood–Southeast Missouri. Having arrived I found myself touching down in my biological father’s living room where I found him watching television. I found myself standing between him and his t.v. As I began to speak to him, he leaned to the side so that he could see the t.v. while ignoring me. Obviously, dad was more interested in the program than in my message. I woke up knowing that God had warned me to prepare for rejection of my message. As always, He was right.
The almighty and I have a very intimate relationship in that I know when I am on the wrong track or am outside of His will. I know when His Spirit is within me and when it is not. In his letter to the church at Rome, the Apostle Paul states that “They who are led (from within) by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (8:14). God’s “messages,” by way of the Holy Spirit, are clear. It is through His spiritual “voice” that I know what to do and what not to do. Admittedly, I sometimes let my wishes drown out His “voice.” That is when He “spanks” me by removing His Holy Spirit from me. Believe me, I know when I have messed up. I thank Him for His long-suffering, patience and grace.
In our relationship there is no margin for error on my part. In Luke 12:48 He says that “To whom much is given, to him much is required” (commanded). When I am right, He “tells” me and when I am wrong He tells me. When He first etched Luke 12:48 in my mind (Biblical “heart”) I thought little about it. Then it began to come up repeatedly and from the most unlikely sources. I never knew when someone would say it or I would read aloud. Then one night I was watching a cop show and one cop said to another, “you know that ….” That was the clincher–message received. It was at that point that I determined to put everything out of my life that was not His will for me. Not everything that needed to be eliminated was a sin. Some activities consumed time that I would be needing to spend on God’s Work. I soon learned that such things were in fact addictions. God delivered me of them, in some cases, instantly. My televised sports addiction was a prime example. Other addictions were watching cop shows and reading novels. The sports problem was solved as I was walking down the hallway to the t.v. room to watch a prize fight. Coming under conviction as I walked, I asked the Lord to deliver me if watching sports was not right for me. Before the next step, all desire for sports was gone. I stopped, did an about face and have been free ever since. That is not all He has taken from me. I miss none of it. Serving Him in oneness with Him is more enjoyable than all of the entertainment, things, stuff, etc. that life can provide. Read The True Trinity. Key word–True. To show you how God works, after thinking about this posting I began to feel like I might be writing too much about myself. I hate pride. I felt so badly that, just before going to bed, I TRASHED IT. This morning, feeling bad, I asked God to tell me if I had done the wrong thing. When I downloaded my website HE HAD RESTORED IT. Why He puts up with me is a mystery.
Understand what I am saying. God’s supernatural dealings with me do not involve me exclusively. I am no different from anyone else. He knows our hearts. He certainly knew mine. The faith, belief, etc. I have is available to anyone. I have those blessings only because He has given them to me. As I often tell Him, He certainly could have made a much better choice of messengers. I feel sure that He agrees with me. But for some reason beyond my understanding He allows me to serve Him. I will continue to share with you some of my dreams and visions BECAUSE HE HAS TOLD ME TO DO SO–TWICE. KEEP YOUR EYES ON HIM AS I TELL YOU ABOUT HIS UNUSUAL DEALINGS WITH ME. I AM LESS THAN NOTHING. HE IS EVERYTHING, AND ALL THINGS, AND THE ONLY THING. HE IS ALL IN ALL. EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS LIFE IS SECONDARY. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EYES ON HIM NO MATTER WHO DOES WHAT. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE FRUIT (OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD) IN SPIRITUAL LEADERS. PEOPLE ARE HEALING THE SICK, CASTING OUT DEMONS, ETC. ON TELEVISION AND IN PERSON. PASTORS ARE LEADING HUGE MEGACHURCHES WITH INTERNATIONAL CONGREGATIONS. THIS IN ITSELF MEANS NOTHING. IF THEY ARE NOT OBEYING GOD’S LAW THEY ARE FALSE PROPHETS WHOM GOD HAS NOT SENT. THEIR GOD IS SATAN. GOD HAS SHOWN ME THAT ONE DAY I WILL CONFRONT THEM WITH HIS TRUTH. THEN THE WORLD WILL KNOW WHOSE GOD IS THE TRUE GOD. FOR A PREVIEW OF WHAT IS COMING READ ABOUT ELIJAH’S BATTLE WITH THE PROPHETS OF BAAL IN FIRST KINGS 18:17-39. Ahab was the king; Jezebel was his wife and leader of the prophets of Baal–a heathen god.
I have shared the following dream with readers before, but for the sake of new arrivals, I will repeat it. One night I was dreaming that I was praying aloud, and LOUD, in a foreign language that I somehow knew was German, though I neither speak nor read German. I was awakened by my own voice. I was now praying loudly in an unknown language while my wife slept only inches away. Through the dream, the Lord told me that one day I will preach His Truth in nations whose languages I will not know. On those occasions I will either speak in the people’s native language or I will speak in English and they will hear me in their language. Recall what happened on the Day of Pentecost as recounted in the Book of Acts.
Two times God has given me visions of women whom I had told about His true (Saturday) Sabbath, only to have them reject His Words. He showed me in both cases that He was going to kill them. They both died within two months. In each case their relatives told me that doctors could find no reason for their deaths. In another case the Lord told me to tell a man that if he did not stop committing a particular sin that He (God) would kill him. I told him. Less than two weeks later he died. I was told only that he had died.
Many years ago God sent me a terribly disturbing dream, in living color. In the dream He told me that three people who are near and dear to me were not going to be saved because they rejected what I had been telling them about God’s Word. I went back to sleep, only to have the EXACT SAME DREAM AGAIN. Recall in Genesis 41:17-32 where Joseph told Pharoah that when God sends the same dream twice, IT IS SET; IT WILL HAPPEN. Pharoah’s two dreams, though carrying the same message, were different. MY DREAMS WERE EXACTLY THE SAME. Thank God for the Second Resurrection. Read The Mystery of the Resurrections. Key word–Resurrections
Realizing that I am capable of being wrong, I recently went before the Lord asking for a sign that would assure me that what I believe about the Bible and about my ministerial future are of Him. I asked for a sign that would be so miraculous that I would have no doubt that what I believe and teach is in fact of Him. If there was no miraculous sign, then I would know that I was wrong on both counts. He answered my prayer in a spectacular way. To learn about the event read The Gun, the Miracle and the Message. Key word–Gun. Instructions below.
For those who are new to the website I will give instructions on how to download a specific series. Download this website at https://proveallthingsofgod.net. This will take you to the website’s home page. Read it. Go to the section titled NOTICE and follow the instructions for downloading a series. I offer free of charge a list of the series titles and their key words. To receive a list email me at lpj4142@gmail.com I will not contact you after sending the list unless you request that I do so. I ask only that you check out everything I tell you about the Holy Scriptures. DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR ANYTHING RELATIVE TO THE BIBLE. As I say in the website title: PROVE ALL THINGS OF GOD. L.J.
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