Each human being is religious. Each has a god. Each person’s god is his go-to source in all situations. Each person’s god makes him feel spiritually good about himself. Unless one’s God is the Biblical God whom he serves with total faith and obedience, one’s god is Satan–the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). Atheists serve this god totally and openly, AS DO CHURCH PEOPLE. For example, churchites own and proclaim the Holy Bible, then openly rebel against its Truths before the world each Saturday by rejecting God’s commanded Sabbath, then again the following day by exalting Satan’s sabbath–Sunday–the day sun worshipers pay homage to their god–the sun. Another way in which Churchites openly honor their god is to nail the Ten Commandments to their walls while claiming that God nailed them to the cross. The Lord uses one word to describe professing Christendom’s love-hate attitude toward His Holy Scriptures, the same Scriptures they claim He wrote–HYPOCRISY.
Satan does not identify himself as God and his words as the Gospel Truth. Instead, he has his prophets presenting him to salvation seekers him as the Biblical God and his words as God’s Words. This is what I call “spiritual appropriation.” God calls it hypocrisy. This Satanic ruse began in the Garden of Eden. When talking with Eve, Satan (the Serpent) did not claim to be God. He merely spoke God’s Words which gave him legitimacy in her eyes (Gen. 3:1). This was the beginning point of man’s fall and continues to reap a Satanic harvest to this day. He hooked her by speaking God’s own Words of Truth. He asked, “Did God say you could NOT EAT of EVERY TREE of the garden?” WHICH WAS EXACTLY WHAT GOD HAD SAID (Gen. 2:16,17). Hearing God’s own Words would make her feel good about obeying the Serpent’s words later, EVEN THOUGH THEY WOULD CONTRADICT THE WORDS OF HER CREATOR. Her thinking was that, because the Serpent quoted God, HE MUST BE OF GOD. This heresy has dominated the mind-set of God seekers ever sense. Salvation seekers continue to believe that if a man quotes God, performs miracles, pastors a mega-church, etc., etc., then he must be a man of God. Eve believed him immediately (Gen. 3:13). She then hooked weak-willed Adam by telling him that they could ignore God and obey the Serpent and all would be well–they could make their own rules of engagement, AND COULD LIVE FOREVER.
Let us examine Satan’s method of seduction. He lured Eve in by saying exactly what God had said. So far no problem. Then, with her hanging on his every word, he hooked her with WORDS THAT EXALTED HER OVER HER TRUE GOD. The fact that the Serpent’s words contradicted God’s WORDS was irrelevant–THEY WERE WORDS THAT APPEALED TO HER SELF-IMAGE. HE FED HER HIS MAGIC ELIXIR–SELF-MADE, SELF-EXALTING RELIGION. And it tasted good. All Satan had to do to win her to himself was to tell that she could be her own god and answer only to herself. Question: at exactly what point did Eve transition from being God’s disciple to being Satan’s disciple? Answer: when he called God a liar and she did not leave, find Adam and report to him what the Serpent had said. Adam could have faced him and cast him out of the Garden forever. Read The Unknown Power of God’s Very Elect. Key word–Unknown.
None of that happened. Instead, Adam, led by Eve, defied God. The rest is history. Adam and Eve allowed Satan into their hearts by BELIEVING HIS WORDS WHICH CONTRADICTED GOD’S WORDS–THEIR FIRST SIN. He told them that God had lied to them, and that they could reject His Law and “… not surely die” (Satan’s first lie). He convinced them that they could partake of the forbidden fruit and thereby give themselves the power to determine good and evil. Only a god can make such decisions. ADAM AND EVE COULD BE GODS. As gods they could not die. THEY COULD SIN AND STILL LIVE FOREVER. Sound familiar?
Note this: Adam and Eve never denied that their Creator was God. They did not deny the Words He had spoken to them–His Law. They simply believed what the Serpent had told them, that God had lied. Feeling good about what they had heard, they then committed their second sin. THEY LOST THEIR FEAR OF GOD. Their fear having been dispelled by Satan, they did not hesitate to do what God had forbidden them to do–SIN. The above should sound glaringly familiar, for it perfectly describes the spiritual condition of all “Sinners Saved By Grace.” Dr. Feelgood has prescribed his elixir and they have consumed it without hesitation. They are now in charge. They determine right and wrong, good and bad, righteousness and sin. THEY SAY TO THEIR CREATOR: “SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP–WE’VE GOT THIS. YOUR LAW NO LONGER APPLIES. HOWEVER, BECAUSE WE NEED YOU FOR SALVATION, WE WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE YOU LIP SERVICE.”
If you doubt the above statement, read Christ’s words to the false believers of His day: “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ then refuse to do what I tell you to do?” (Lk. 6:46). “You hypocrites, Isaiah prophesied about you, saying, ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouths, and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. In vain do they worship Me, teaching man’s commandments instead of My commandments'” (Mat. 15:7-9). The irony is that religious man exalts his own commandments while keeping God’s commandments nailed to the cross. But all is well, we are told, Jesus died to make it all good. I will repeat my crude mantra which the counterfeit church should accept as their motto: “Sin and grin, my friend, for in the end, you’ll still win. Pie in the sky, sin till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you’ll still get to fly.” And the Serpent smiles.
Satan’s prescribed elixir–RELIGION OF ONE’S OWN DESIGN–is universal in effect. Whatever one’s spiritual needs (how one’s itching ears need to be scratched–2 Tim. 4:3), Dr. Feelgood has the perfect instrument with which to scratch the itch–RELIGION. Be it Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Talmudism, Atheism, Zoroastroism, etc., etc., the doctor has the cure for what ails mankind. Relative to Satan’s church system, I have found that no matter what group people belong to, no matter how thoroughly I use their own Bibles to destroy their religion, each soul is supposedly saved, born again, sanctified, victorious and rapture-ready. Each one is happy and feels good about his relationship with the God Whose Words they summarily reject.
In spite of the situation, I must give credit where credit is due. The Serpent’s elixir is not only powerful and long-lasting, it continues to gain converts at an ever-increasing rate as the end of the world approaches. Satan is luring in more and more converts with each passing day. Billions of them wear crosses and carry Bibles. Some of them preach from their Bibles while telling their followers that the Author of their Bibles lied to them. We must admit the obvious: SATAN IS GOOD AT HIS SELF-APPOINTED TASK.
A useful characteristic of the devil’s prescribed elixir is that it can be changed to meet the prevailing religious “truth,” which tends to change and become more man-centered with each generation. For example, churches that had proclaimed they would NEVER WELCOME SEX DEVIANTS are now flying the rainbow flag, which is the ancient symbol of the “Goddess of Sex” known in the Western World as Easter.
Another characteristic of Satan’s church system is that if one cannot find a body that meets one’s needs one can simply proclaim a “new and improved” version of God’s Gospel, gather the like-minded around him or her, call the group a church, give themselves a name and, presto, another church, cult, denomination, faith, etc. is born. And, like the hundreds of other contradicting, conflicting, contending “churches” under Satan’s domination, the newest one will proclaim to be “THE” church God has chosen to proclaim His message to the world. Verily, verily I say unto you, EACH ONE OF THE HUNDREDS OF SELF-LABELED “CHURCHES” IS AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE ALMIGHTY. Read the Introduction to this website for some of the heathen beliefs and practices embraced by the Satan owned and operated conglomerate known collectively as the Catholic/Protestant Church System L.J.
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