Religious groups are hitting the airwaves en masse these days with familiar themes such as instant guaranteed salvation/ come as you are, stay as you are/ I’m o.k., you’re o.k.–its all good themes designed to lure into their respective religious webs as many Biblically ignorant followers as possible in these last days of the world as we have known it. The latest ruse involves the “Don’t ask why, ask what?” theme. The lead-up to the pitch is: “Don’t ask why a loving God allows tragedies such as hurricanes, tornados, pandemics, floods, fires, wars, famines, etc. that kill and maim innocent people or destroy their homes, businesses, etc., ask what you can do to help them.” Show me that theme in the Holy Bible and I will show you the exact opposite in that same sacred tome.
The latest religious catch phrase is designed to take the church world’s eyes off of what the Lord said in His “fine print” and keeping them on His “headlines.” Note in the latest attention getter the words “… a loving God” relative to His “… allowing these tragedies to happen.” I don’t mean to be harsh, but I am both sick and tired of so-called “ministers of God” and “concerned church people” telling the Biblically challenged what God is saying to them. Why not encourage them and lead them in the study of God’s Holy Word so that He can tell them Himself, which is why I try to post a Biblical teaching at least five times each week. I am “working while it is day, for night is coming when no man can work” (Jn. 9:4). Only those who hunger and thirst for God’s Truth will continue to follow His teachings through this and other ministries. There are a minutely few ministries dedicated to the spread of God’s unedited Truth in the world today. Pray that God will keep us up and going as long as possible. I firmly believe that people like me will be forced out of business within five years. Now back to the theme of this posting.
Only a minutely few people understand the relationship among God’s Word, sin, catastrophe and God’s love for mankind. The Holy Bible is a love letter from the Almighty to His most prized creation–man. Nowhere is this more evident than in the message recorded in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 which I have referred to numerous times. The Old Testament having supposedly been “nailed to the cross,” modern religionists have relegated it to the dustbin of church history. This in spite of the fact that the most prolific writer of New Testament Truth–the Apostle Paul–wrote the following to the church at Ephesus: “the church is founded on the (teachings of) the PROPHETS and the apostles” (2:22). The Apostle Peter confirmed this Truth, stating that “Holy men of old spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (Pet. 1:21). In 1 Corinthians 10:11 Paul again makes this abundantly clear, saying: “Now these (written) things happened to them (ancient Israel) to be used for OUR instruction who are living at the end of the age”–the days in which we now live which began on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. GOD’S DEALINGS WITH ANCIENT ISRAEL WERE RECORDED AND PRESERVED FOR THOSE OF US WHO ARE LIVING JUST BEFORE CHRIST’S RETURN. HE IS THE LORD; HE DOES NOT CHANGE. HIS WILL FOR ADAM AND EVE WAS THE SAME AS HIS WILL FOR MODERN MAN–“OBEY ME AND LIVE LIFE ABUNDANTLY” (JN. 10:10). GOD WANTS MAN TO OBEY HIM AND LIVE AN ABUNDANT, HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL LIFE.
So why, church people ask, does He allow such terrible things to happen to people who have Bibles in their homes, crosses on their walls, statues in their yards, fish symbols on their car fenders, smiles on their faces, reserved seats in certain buildings on Sunday mornings, Christmas trees in their living rooms and colored eggs in the park on a specific day each spring? Churchman’s question: what more could God ask of those who claim that He has saved them? God’s answer: OBEDIENCE TO HIS WORD. Churchman’s response: we can’t obey You because of Adam’s sin transferal miracle which makes sin inevitable. God’s response to churchman’s response: that church “truth” was the bainchild of a Catholic priest named Augustine who was forced to come up with a reason for baptizing children who had not broken God’s Law, which is the definition of sin (1 Jn. 3:4). The children were too young to understand that truth and were therefore not sinners. Constantine concocted the “Adam makes me do it” ruse to satisfy their parents who insisted that they be baptized. Read Original Sin. Key word–Original.
Question: what is the Lord’s point in allowing such terrible things happen to Law breakers? We will delve into the answer in the next segment of this series.
Memory verse: Isaiah 28:9-13–In this passage Isaiah asks and answers the question: to whom can God teach wisdom? The quality wisdom seekers must have is rarely found among professing Christendom. Why? because it is too time consuming. And after all, it simply isn’t necessary. Being already saved and born again, only needs only to believe and repent of each inevitable sin. One ordained minister told me that he sinned thousands of times each day and all was well between him and God because Jesus had absorbed his guilt 2000 years ago. Another man said he saved his up his sins and repented of them all at once. Others prefer bedtime and Sunday morning. And Satan smiles. L.J.
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