Ultimately, any variation to any degree from the true Gospel sends the believer into idolatry, which is simply choosing any way other than God’s Ten Commandment way. Scripturally, idolatry is known as man “doing what is right in his own eyes.” All church doctrines that deviate from God’s singular doctrine (Law) has its origin in the mind of Satan. One either obeys the Biblical God or obeys the god of this world. Jesus made this clear in Revelation 3:14-18. To mix their commands is to turn the churchite into spiritual bile which Jesus said He would vomit out of His mouth. These are those who are both hot (religious) and cold (sinners). These are they who call themselves “Sinners Saved By Grace.” The Scriptures tell us that there is no such thing. Church people are told repeatedly that there are billions of SSBG. We must decide whose word we trust to take us to the paradise of God. In the meantime all those who claim oneness with the Lord are symbolically in Christ’s “mouth” (Rev. 3:16)–symbolic of His church. Read Who Are God’s People? and “My People Called By My Name.” Key words–People and Called respectively. Remember, “ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD.”
In Leviticus 26 God (the Word Who became the Messiah–Jn. 1:1-4 14) reaffirmed His promises to Israel that He had made to Abraham concerning his descendants–the children of Israel who would received those promises if they obeyed His Ten Commandment Law. The New Testament Church is called “the Israel of God”–SPIRITUAL ISRAEL (Gal. 6:16). These are they who obey the Law of the Biblical God.
Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Today.
One will notice that the Lord placed special emphasis on two of the Ten Commandments. The modern church’s apostasy (falling away from God) has been expedited by her open and defiant disobedience to the two commandments which are the focus of this and the following posting. The church goes out of her way to flaunt her rebellion against these two commands. The irony is that she thinks God agrees with her. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER SATAN HAS OVER PROFESSING CHRISTENDOM. Her rejection of these two commands is living proof that he owns the hearts of those who claim to be God’s people. This widely-varying, competing, contradicting, multi-named group number in the millions globally. Only a minutely few true beliers comprise His “remnant,” His “peculiar people,” His “holy nation of priests,” His “special people who are eager to do good works” (1 Pet. 2:9/ Titus 2:14). Yes, the Word is WORKS. Read James 2:10-26. Note especially verses 10 and 14.
In Leviticus 26:1,2 we find God speaking to His people through His Prophet Moses: “You must make no IDOLS or graven (hand-made) images, neither can you rear up a standing image, neither shall you set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down to it: for I am the Lord your God. You shall keep My SABBATHS and reverence My sanctuary: “I AM THE LORD.” Notice that God places special emphasis on His LORDSHIP over His people. The word “Lord” denotes strict rulership which must be obeyed–or else. Most church people do not believe in the “or else” part of God’s Lordship. They reject such “fine print” to their peril. They still see baby Jesus as the Lamb in the manger. They do not recognize the Lion of the tribe of Judah with whom they are dealing. That is about to change. Notice also that when the Words “Lord” and “Savior” are used together, “Lord” always precedes “Savior.” The message is clear to the Truth seeker: If Jesus is not one’s Lord in this life, He will not be one’s Savior in the next life. Read Born Again and The Process of Salvation. Key words–Born and Process respectively.
Knowing that His people would be surrounded by idol-worshiping, nations, God warned Israel (then and the church now) to avoid any associations with them on the spiritual level so as to keep their minds solely on His ways. Notice that, of the entire Law, He emphasized two commands: TO KEEP (OBSERVE) HIS SABBATHS AND TO HAVE NO IDOLS. The Lord does not physically force His people to avoid heathen religious practices. He has given us free moral agency. As is the case then and now, people are free to choose their deity and conduct their lives accordingly. Unless one chooses to believe and obey the Biblical God, one is practicing Idolatry. The Idolator does what is right in his own eyes because he has made himself his god. God’s true saints view the world through His eyes. Those who disobey Him view the world through the eyes of their god–themselves (but actually Satan). Needless to say, those views are different. The Lord’s view can only be discerned by studying His Holy Scriptures which reveal His mind.
God commands that we observe His SABBATHS, not the sabbaths man has chosen to replace His chosen day. His weekly Sabbath is the seventh day of one’s week regardless of where one lives. The Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday by Emperor Constantine for the Roman Empire in 325 A.D. at the council of Nicene. Pope Sylvester I changed it for the church in 364 A.D. in order to satisfy the sun worshiping “converts” in the church. When the “Protestants” left the mother church they took many of her heathen beliefs with them, the Sunday Sabbath being one of them. Those who observe the Sun god day to assemble are worshiping the sun, not the One Who created the sun. What man thinks about it is irrelevant. Only God’s thinking counts. “THE SON OF MAN IS LORD OF THE SABBATH” (Mat. 12:8). Man claims to be the lord of his sabbath. Someone is lying. We must decide who is right.
God’s Words relative to His SABBATHS and man’s IDOLS are His TWO GREAT TEST COMMANDMENTS FOR HIS PEOPLE ANCIENTLY AND TODAY. He chooses to emphasize these specific commandments for two reasons: They are the easiest commands for church people to disobey. The heathen (Gentile) world worships other gods and produces idols which symbolized their gods. Sadly, the Lord was right on both counts. Read the series on God’s Sabbath. Key word–Sabbath.
In Exodus 20:1-3 the Lord said to His people from atop Mt. Sinai: “I am the Lord your God Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” He then told them what they must do (or not do) in order to remain in favor with Him. “You must have no other gods before (beside) Me,” He continued. The Word “before” literally means “in place of.” GOD VIEWS ANY ITEM OR PERSON USED IN WORSHIP OF HIM AS AN IDOL WHICH THE IDOLATOR HAS PLACED BETWEEN HIMSELF AND GOD. He makes it clear that the worshiper’s intention for having the idol does not matter. It is how God views things that matter. He views any man-created item used in the worship of Him as an idol. The believer’s “That’s not why I do it” excuse for having an idol means nothing to Him. God is Specific. In Matthew 10:21,32-39 Jesus makes it clear that He demands to be first and, if necessary, only in our lives. Read those verses carefully. L.J.
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