CHRISTMAS: In the Book of Jeremiah we find the Lord making a general statement that, if obeyed, would remove many of Institutional Christendom’s sins that have been instrumental in her rejection of the Biblical God and her embracing of His enemy. In chapter ten verse two the Lord declares to His people: “LEARN NOT THE WAYS OF THE HEATHEN ….” He goes on to describe one of the most, if not THE most cherished holidays celebrated by the whole of professing Christendom–Christmas–the supposed birthdate of the Lord’s Messiah. In verse three the Lord continues: “… for the customs of the (heathen/Gentile) people are vain (abominable), for one cuts a tree out of the forest with an axe, decks it with silver and gold and fasten it with nails and hammers so that it cannot move ….” He goes on to say that those who do this are not to be admired or accepted because they have neither power from on high nor standing within His spiritual family. Since its acceptance by the church, this pagan celebration has played a major role in the apostasy of the church Christ founded on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. To learn how such an abomination became so popular to billions of church people, read the series using the key word Christmas. I recommend that the series titled Christmas: Christian or Heathen be read first. Each series presents a unique perspective on the cherished holiday. Bear in mind that the Lord never told His people to celebrate anyone’s birth date, but rather their death date. When the church celebrates Christmas she intertwines it with a pagan holiday in which the wife of Nimrod who supposedly became the sun god, is lauded. Which leads us to our next subject–The Heavenly Whore.
EASTER: Easter was known within numerous heathen societies of the past by many other names such as Isis, Diana, Aphrodite and Ishtar. In each case she was a female goddess based on the wife (and mother) of Nimrod of Tower of Babbel fame. According to legend, upon his death Nimrod rose to the sun and became god–the sun god who was worshiped on his day known as “the venerable (holy) day of the sun”–Sunday. Today billions of church parishioners unknowingly pay homage to the sun god on the first day of the week while refusing to honor the Biblical God on His Holy Day (Isa. 58:13) which we call Saturday. Unlike any other day of the week, the Creator of THE day of rest blessed THAT day (only) and sanctified IT (set it aside for holy use). Churchman simply reversed what God had written in stone. Man, He obviously came to realize, was much smarter than He was and had every right to make any changes that needed to be made in His Law.–EVEN TO THE POINT OF DOING AWAY WITH IT–WHICH HE DID.
In ancient mythology, Nimrod, upon his death, ascended to the sun and became the sun god. His wife/mother whose name was Simiramis, accustomed to being honored for her relationship with him, found herself without standing since his death. And not only that, but at a most inappropriate time later, found herself to be with child. To explain her predicament she claimed that Nimrod had impregnated her with his rays. She later gave birth to a baby boy. According to his mother, Tammuz automatically became a god by birth, making her the “mother of god.” Simiramis and Tammuz became the first “mother and child” religious duo in history. Realizing that being worshiped and served among a limited number of people was not enough, mother and son found their way into the religious lives of other societies, including God’s chosen people–Israel.
In Ezekiel chapter eight we find the prophet writing about his experience with the Lord Who, in spirit, took him into a Tammuz-worshiping service that was taking place within the Temple of the God in Jerusalem. There Ezekiel reports that Israelite men were bowing eastward toward the rising sun god as their wives could be seen “weeping for Tammuz” who had been killed at the age of 40 by a wild boar. Having risen from the dead after three days and three nights in the tomb, Tammuz had joined his father on the sun and was now the sun god, making Semiramis the mother of the sun whose miraculous resurrection from the dead gave her an even higher status. However, Tammuz was still number one.
Not satisfied with a lesser role than her son, Simiramis created a special day which was dedicated to her own greatness. That day is known as “Easter” in the Western World. “Easter” is the Western pronouncing of the word “Ishtar.” As the “Goddess of Fertility,” The emblems of her status–eggs, chicks and baby rabbits–continue to be used in her celebration which takes place each Spring throughout the so-called “Christian world.”
Today, Easter and Christmas vie to be number one on Christianity’s list of heathen beliefs and customs. In terms of popularity and money spent in their respective celebrations, the two are neck and neck. Admittedly, on several occasions I have, in the distant past, been found bowing toward the rising sun on “Easter Sunday.” Then, following a short sermon in which Christ’s resurrection was remembered, the day became a festival of eating, game-playing and egg-hunting. Anciently, “Easter eggs” were colored by the blood of children that had been sacrificed. Anciently, Israel had been among those child-sacrificing nations. Today, America (Israel’s biological and spiritual descendants) leads the world in the number of children sacrificed to the god of self. The church, intent on remaining in good stead with the religious community, has joined the child-sacrificing movement. Several years ago I read a report that found that 54% of Evangelicals polled were in favor of abortion on demand. Read the series using Easter as the key word. Warning: IF YOUR CHURCH IS NOT IN FAVOR OF ABORTIONS, IT WILL ONE DAY JOIN THAT GROUP. MAN WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO STAY IN THE GOOD GRACES OF THE BEAST KNOWN AS “THE CHURCH.” L.J.
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