In Second Thessalonians 2:3 the Lord, through the Apostle Paul, is addressing the church at Thessalonica concerning a theological error that was gaining credibility in the hearts of some of the congregants. Some were in fear that THE DAY OF THE LORD AND THE RETURN OF JESUS CHIRST WERE AT HAND. In his epistle, Paul assures them that Christ’s return would not take place in the near future, that something spiritually devastating would take place within the church before time as we know it would end. He characterized the future phenomenon as a massive “FALLING AWAY” FROM THE LORD that would occur in the centuries leading up to Christ’s Second Advent. In the spiritual realm, that time period in the chronology of global events would culminate in what is known as the Laodicean era of church history. Read Revelation 3:14-18 for a description of the church of that day. It will look very familiar.
The church’s apostasy would be the result of her acceptance of numerous heathen “truths” which would remove her far from the Lord and His Holy teachings and to acceptance of Satan and his religious “truths.” Adam and Eve’s embrace of the Serpent’s lie would serve as the spiritual roadmap for the apostasy (falling away) that Paul prophesied would take place prior to the return of Jesus Christ. Paul calls the “truths” the modern church has embraced “doctrines of devils” in First Timothy 4:1 which was written in the early 60’s A.D. This reveals that Satan’s false prophets were gaining popularity within a generation of the founding of the true church in 31 A.D. Their self-satisfying interpretations of God’s Words would prove to be death knells for salvation seekers who, like Adam and Eve before them, accept anything from any source that tells them what they want to hear. This is not a new phenomenon. In the Book of Isaiah chapter 30 God addresses those in days of old whom the Lord called “… rebellious children who listen to counselors, but not His counselors, who cover up their sins so that they can add sin to sin” (vs 1). Beginning in verse 8 the Lord tells Isaiah to write what He (God) would tell him in a book. That Book to be preserved “… FOR THE TIME TO COME, FOR EVER AND EVER (vs 8).
From verses 9-11 the Almighty characterizes those who call themselves His people then and today, saying about them: “This is a rebellious people, lying children that REFUSE TO HEAR THE LAW OF THE LORD. These people say to My messengers, ‘Ignore what we do. Do not tell us right things, speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits to us. Remove your righteousness from before us; do not walk the walk of God before us'” (vss 8-11). This is the attitude within the modern (Laodicean) church toward the Word of God. The church’s embrace of the church “truths” to be discussed in this series, combined with the church-wide rejection of God’s Law, is not simply a difference of opinion, SUCH ERRORS ARE DEADLY RELATIVE TO WHO WILL RISE TO MEET JESUS IN THE AIR UPON HIS ARRIVAL. THESE ARE HIS VERY ELECT SAINTS WHO HAVE WALKED IN OBEDIENCE TO HIS LAW AND IN REJECTION OF THE HEATHENISM THAT DOMINATES 99.99% OF PROFESSING CHRISTENDOM.
Having been handed down from generation to generation, the heathen beliefs and customs discussed in this series have, over time became church “truths.” Like a drug habit, unlearning those “truths” is a hard task, one which most of Satan’s victims refuse to undertake. He has blinded the eyes of his parishioners to the point that exposing them to God’s Word has no effect. For the counterfeit Christian, tradition trumps God’s Holy Scriptures every time.
In another place we find Jesus referring to the period of time leading up to His return as a time when the church’s love for Him would “grow cold” (Mat. 24:12). This abomination would come about when the church, following the preaching of her false prophets (Mat. 24:11), would have been deceived into embracing INIQUITY (Lawlessness). This took place when the church bought into the lie that the Lord’s Ten Commandment Law had been symbolically “nailed to the cross” of Christ at the time of His death. This in spite of the fact that, IN THE NEW TESTAMENT God defines sin as the breaking of that Law, saying: “To transgress the Law is sin; for sin is the transgression of the Law” (1 Jn. 3:4). Sin separates the believer from God (Isa. 59:2), meaning that He removes His Holy Spirit’s presence from the Law-denier. This make the so-called “sinner saved by grace” easy pickings for Satan. This explains the spiritual condition of the modern day church.
The church’s apostasy began not long after the establishing of the New Testament Church in 31 A.D. Satan’s attack began in earnest after the founding of Catholicism two years later in Rome. Within a hundred years God’s true church had all but disappeared as Catholicism, with the Roman Empire serving as her enforcement agency, brought those within the empire into Satan’s religious web which was by that time calling itself “the church.” Read Simon of Samaria. Key word–Simon, which will explain how “the church” came to be a heathen institution. I suggest that, if you have not read that series, that you do so now.
Let it be known that not everyone in the Roman Empire bowed the knee to “the church.” God has always had a remnant–a tiny group of true believers who remain true to Him though all around them “go along to get along.” Though “the church” enlisted Roman Emperor Constantine to force everyone in the empire-into the church, God’s Very Elect have, throughout church history, remained separate from the devil’s grasp, often under the threat of death.
Refusing to take “no” for an answer, the church enlisted the Roman Empire as her executioner as she tried to kill off those who resisted her powerful, wide-reaching grasp. During what became known as “the Inquisition,” between 50 and 150 million people were martyred because they would not bow to her heathen dictates. Many, perhaps most of those who were killed were true Christians. Others were homosexuals, atheists, etc., many of whom had no religious affiliation but refused to worship the god of the Catholic cult.
With the deaths of the original apostles, God’s Truth was neither read nor spoken again globally until the early 1930’s when He raised up a man named Herbert Armstrong whom He used to spread His Truths around the world using first, radio, then later television, then in modern times, the internet. I was introduced to Mr. Armstrong when I was in my teens when I walked into a room where sat the latest technological marvel–a television. Upon entering I saw on it’s screen a man who was teaching the Bible. That man was Herbert Armstrong. Upon seeing him God stopped me “dead in my tracks” in the doorway. As I listened to him the Lord spoke to me as clearly as I have ever heard His voice. He said: “LISTEN TO HIM. HE IS IMPORTANT.” I did and he was.
Over the following years I listened to him whenever possible and read everything I could find that he had written. I was careful to check out everything he said and wrote by testing them relative to the Holy Scriptures. By following His lead I heard and read things from the Holy Scriptures that I had never seen or heard before. I found that what he said was right, which made almost everything I had been told throughout my church life either partially or totally wrong. When the Lord called me into His ministry, I already knew much more than those who were supposedly teaching me.
This ministry is unique in that it is directed toward the Catholic/Protestant Religious System that continues to call itself “the church.” My commission is to acquaint the counterfeit church with God’s Truth, specifically those Truths that her leaders are keeping from her which I call God’s “fine print.” I have found that everyone loves to be told the Lord’s “headlines” which proclaim His promises to salvation seekers. However, those same people adamantly reject His “fine print” which details the conditions that must be met in order to receive His promised “headlines.” Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 to learn the Bible Truth relative to God’s promises made–promises fulfilled connection.
Being a student of the Scriptures, I knew that church people would not accept what I told them and showed them in the Bible. The religious people of Christ’s day had rejected Him, why would their religious descendants hear me when I told them the same thing? Having been blessed with a thick skin and equally thick skull, I am not affected by rejection, knowing that it is not me church people hate, but rather the Father and His Son (Lk. 10:16). I was recently told that this website had been visited over 3.3 billion times. May God bless those who hunger and thirst for His Truth. I am doing my best to nourish them.
In this series we will look at most of the heathen “doctrines of devils” listed on the home page of this website. Many of the doctrines are featured in various series bearing their names. Others are mentioned in related series. When writing about them I expose their deadly precepts by comparing them to God’s written Word. In this series I will briefly explain some of them in general terms in hopes that the reader will search out and study the in-depth teachings found in the respective series.
A warning to all false prophets within “the church” is found in Paul’s letter to the churches of Galatia. In chapter one verses 6-9 we find the apostle chastising the church for having left God’s teachings and embracing a perverted version of His Gospel. Paul states that if anyone, even an angel from heaven, preached any other Gospel than the Gospel delivered by Jesus and his apostles, that person would be cursed. He then repeated the epithet. Simply put, anyone who teaches any doctrine contrary to what is in God’s Holy word WILL RECEIVE A DOUBLE CURSE FROM GOD. If you are still in a Catholic or Protestant Church you are hearing lies from people who are living under a double curse. The effects of that curse will be manifested publicly in the near future. Some internationally known spiritual “giants” have already been publicly dealt with. Many more will fall in the near future when we will witness the public downfall of those in religious, social and political life who have served Satan. God’s eyes will not spare. L.J.
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