Why is there division in the church and in the family? Because light and darkness do not work together. Like a house in which some rooms are darkened while others are lighted, the church and the family sometimes have those in them who walk in God’s light while others in that church or family walk in Satan’s darkness. Those walking in light soon learn not to try to bring the others to the light. Matthew 5:14-16 tells us how to use God’s light relative to loved ones in the church and in one’s family: “You are the light of (God’s presence in) the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel (cover), but on a candlestick, and it gives light to all that are in the house.” In this passage God’s saint (His light) is characterized as both a “city” and a “candle.” God symbolically places His “candle” on a “candlestick” and His “city” on a “hill” so that those nearby can SEE the saint’s obedience to Him by which he serves to “… glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Note that candles and hills are stationary. Those who see their light and want that light in their lives will COME TO IT. Few, we are told, will do so (Mat. 7:13,14). Those who reject God’s light will continue to live in darkness, even when God’s light is living in the same “house.” The saint need not feel that he must convert his family members. It is the Spirit of God, not the saint, that leads people to the Father. That most who hear His call reject it is not our problem, even when it involves our spouse and children, or our former churchmates. Our job is to be the light. When and if someone comes to our (God’s) light, we are to introduce such a one to the Lord’s Word and direct him/her to God’s ministerial leader for in-depth instruction in His way. Again, few will answer God’s call. When one does so, division naturally occurs. Remember that Jesus came for that reason–to divide sheep from goats and wheat from tares. The sheep/tares’ enemies will be those of their own households (Mat. 10:32-39). I recently told a former missionary (again) what God commands of those who would inherit eternal life. Her response: “When I hear you say those things I am devastated.” THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT–TO BRING THE HEARER/READER TO THE REALIZATION THAT HE/SHE WORSHIPS AND SERVES THE DEVIL. One’s response such knowledge determines one’s eternity. Though knowing God’s Word, this person chooses to stay the religious course because Satan has deceived her (Rev. 12:9) into believing that she is already “saved.” And he smiles.
In 2 Corinthians 6:11-14 we find Paul telling the church how to deal with those who refuse to come to God’s light, or who reject it after coming to it: “Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion (communication) hath light with darkness? or what concourse hath Christ with Belial (Satan)? or what part has he that believes with and infidel.” In verses 15-18 God commands that we spiritually (and physically if necessary) separate ourselves from those in darkness, whom God calls “unclean things.” Only after having done this will He be our God. Note that it is all or nothing with the Lord. One is either light, righteous, faithful and clean, or one is darkness, unrighteous, faithless and unclean.
Because of the saint’s great love for others in his/her life, the tendency is to try to persuade them to follow the Lord. But let us allow Jesus to be our model in this regard. Notice that not one member of His biological family, not one of His friends believed in Him during His days on earth–not even Mary. This is brought out in Matthew 12:46-50 where He emphasized that His mother, brothers and sisters were not His spiritual brethren, that only those who do the will of His Father were His brethren. His family rejected Him when He began teaching and performing miracles. They, as did His friends, believed Him to be mentally deranged (Mk. 3:21). As He began to garner fame with His strange teachings and actions He became an embarrassment to them. At one point His brethren told Him to leave the area: “Now the Feast of Tabernacles was at hand (when masses of Jews would congregate in Jerusalem). His brethren (knowing that He would go there) therefore said to Him, ‘Depart from here and go into Judea so that Your disciples also may see the works You do’ …. FOR NEITHER DID HIS BRETHREN BELIEVE IN HIM.” Notice that he did not try to persuade His family members or His friends to follow Him. He simply lived God’s light before them–they could embrace it or reject it. The separation that naturally occurs when one chooses to follow Christ just as naturally creates unity among those who do. Rejection tends to create unity among the rejected. Knowing that few would obey Him and suffer rejection (“one of a city and two of a family”), the Lord promises that where two or three are gathered in His name, He will be in their midst (Mat. 18:20). To be continued. L.J.
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