In the history of the literary world, there has never been seen anything like the amount of dirt, the degree of crookedness and the number of expose’s being “aired” by those news media and internet platforms that have the spine to print and proclaim what is going on behind closed doors in the United States of America. Though “all hands on deck” attempts to hide it are continually taking place behind the scenes, truth is eventually recognized for what it is–sin on the individual and national level such as have never before been seen. And the “dirty laundry” is coming out in the public “wash.” What is going on?
There have always been local and regional scandals that most people did not know were taking place until after the fact. When uncovered, these juicy tidbits were usually kept “in house” whenever possible. By the time the scandal became public news it was old hat. But everything has changed, and all at once. Due to the advent of hand-held public address systems and the ever-present internet, everything and anything is broadcast in real time throughout the entire world. The world has watched people literally take their last breaths on the other side of the earth. We know not only who did it, but when, where and why, often in real time.
Scandals are no longer exposed years after their occurrence, as was the case with the Kennedy presidency which featured a number of sexual episodes. The time lapse had shortened by the time Clinton’s famous “blue dress” episode came to light only a couple of weeks after it took place and exposed his White House trist by way of a newspaper article. His wife learned about it at the same time as the rest of the world.
Today, what happens on one side of the nation, or the world, makes the next morning, noon or evening news on the other side of the nation. Cameras and recording machines capture the most intimate conversations, often with full face exposures. People are caught not only by their words, but by their actions which show their bodies and lips moving as their faces and the voices take form on screens and speakers miles away as history is being made. Some guilty parties have committed suicide rather than face the public after being outed for what they have done and said. Why is all of this exposure of “dirty linen” suddenly taking place? Why are those in high places being exposed for who and what they really are only hours, and sometimes minutes after an guilt-proving episode takes place?
In Ecclesiastes 12:14 it is written: For God shall bring forth to judgment everything, whether it be good or evil.” In Luke 12:2 Jesus tells us: “For there is nothing covered that will be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” Notice that the Almighty has vowed to expose to the world everything that is evil AS WELL AS EVERYTHING THAT IS GOOD. I will take a side path for just a moment to remind readers that I have been saying for some time that God is going to move in such a way that will make the Book of Acts pale by comparison. People are going to be raised from the dead, lost limbs will be replaced, blind eyes will see, water will be walked upon, food will be multiplied and nature will be controlled BY GOD’S TRUE MESSENGERS AS THEY REVEAL THE IDENTITY OF THE TRUE GOD–THE GOD OF THE HOLY BIBLE. This move of God will bring forth many Elijah and the prophets of Baal episodes which will be seen internationally and in real time by way of the internet, television and whatever else man can invent in the meantime. The Lord has assured me that this is going to take place. Read the series titled The Gun, The Miracle and the Message. Key word–Gun. Now back to the subject at hand.
We are living in an age when very little can be kept secret. Even the dead are delivering up information that, in the past, died with the demise of the victim. Crime and corruption among the earth’s peoples are being recorded and sent forth from a wide range of sources, from individual hand-held gadgets to mid-air cameras stationed high above earth’s surface. The all-seeing eye is alive and well on planet earth. And it is everywhere, at all times, and in a variety of shapes and forms. No one is too important or too unimportant to avoid it. The word is out: Don’t do it or say it if you don’t want it seen and heard in the world’s living rooms, restaurants and streets as humans have become walking, real time information dispensers.
An incredible amount of corruption is being broadcast throughout America and the world on a 24/7 basis. We are finding that some of our most exalted people–doctors, lawyers, politicians, judges, executives, teachers, educational leaders, social icons, etc. are doing things that, in the past, we only heard about after their passing, if at all. Much of the corruption being exposed concerns people and things that affect the lives of the general public. Many of those whom we looked up to and depended on for our information, our health and safety are proving not our benefactors at all. Due to the all-seeing eye the wretchedness of our politics, our business, our culture, our medicine, our education and our society in general, hitherto hidden from the average citizen, is now on public display. Now pre-school children are watching people being killed on the street.
Civilized human beings would like to believe that these problems are the workings of only a crooked few. But the exposure of corruption filling entire institutions reveals that this is simply not the case. As Isaiah prophesied: “The whole head is sick and the whole heart is faint. From the sole of the foot even to the head there is nothing healthy in the nation’s body. There is only bruises, welts and raw wounds (sins)” (Isa. 1:5,6). Those in high places, whom we in times past trusted, are no longer able to keep their corruption from public view. The truth is coming out. Nothing is being held back. The question is, HOW? The answer is, GOD IS EXPOSING IT FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE. And again, WHY? He tells us.
God wants man’s, including churchman’s, corruption to be exposed. This is so that we can face the Biblical reality that man, including churchman, has ignored for centuries: MAN CANNOT SOLVE THE WORLD’S PROBLEMS THAT HE HAS CAUSED. Trusting in man is what got us into this mess in the first place. The sickness that afflicts mankind is terminal. And God is the Terminator. He is exposing the truth concerning mankind in general and churchkind in particular. Unto whom much is given, much is required. The church was given the “oracles of God” to serve as her guide. Instead of embracing His Truths, believing them and obeying them, those professing to know Him and be known by Him have rejected His Word, thereby proving that they despise Him and His Son (Lk. 10:16). GOD IS CURSING MAN FOR HIS SINS, just as He promised to do in His divine Word. The so-called Old Testament offers historical proof of God’s treatment of ancient Israel because of their sins, along with the promise that their descendants will receive the same treatment if they follow in Israel’s spiritual footsteps, which they have. This is why we see America, England and the Jews of the Middle East being inundated with problems. Those whom God chose to be His light to the world have put forth only darkness its producers call light.
God is revealing this Truth to us in all of its unpleasantness. Sinning man must acknowledge that he is the problem. He has sown the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind. He must change directions and change gods. He must stop following Satan, do an about-face, then walk in a totally different direction. Man needs to pray as Jesus instructed: “Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” The primitive version of God’s kingdom is in existence now on earth. It is known Biblically as the Church of God (not the denomination). Though known for strict obedience to God’s Word, its parishioners are characterized by the religious world as a group of fallen souls who, if they ever knew God, have “fallen from grace” and are on their way to hell.
However, these religiously and socially rejected souls are described Scripturally as the Lord’s Very Elect, His Remnant, His Little Flock, His holy nation, His peculiar priests, His holy saints. They are, as He prophesied would be the case, very few in number and very much despised by the self-proclaimed “real Christians” who have, as one Bible teacher said, have “real church.” However, God’s people revel in their status, knowing that the world’s rejection places them in the same spiritual category as Jesus, the prophets and the apostles.
As I have stated, my greatest wish is to be on the front of TIME magazine under the heading: THE MOST HATED HUMAN BEING ON EARTH. That would be proof positive that I am in the center of God’s will. With the exception of two people, everyone who knows me hates me on the spiritual level, meaning that they hate what I stand for–Biblical Truth. I love it, for it places me in a very select group whose names you already know for they were all rejected, reviled, persecuted, and some even martyred. Jesus did not say some would be hated by the world. He said all who would walk as He walked would be hated as He was hated. If you are hated FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS SAKE (Mat. 5:10/ 1 Pet. 3:14), count it all joy, for you know that you are in very good company (Jam. 1:2/ 2 Cor. 8:2).
Remember, God said He would not only bring to light those who are evil, but also those who are righteous. Let us be among those whose righteous lives will soon be exposed for the entire world to see. L.J.
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