One of the curses God warned that He would place upon a person or nation that rebelled against Him is “confusion.” The Apostle Paul tells us in First Corinthians 14:33 that God is not the author of confusion. What God does not author, Satan does. This is brought out in James 3:14-16 where the apostle states that where there is confusion there is strife, sensuality, devilishness and envy in the hearts of men. Could anything be more confusing that the collective mental condition of the United States of America? America has become ground zero for national insanity.
Recently a woman was killed by a rock thrown through her windshield by someone who did not know her. Two boys stole a car, rammed it into another car, killing a child. They were charged with a misdemeanor and turned loose. In San Francisco one will not be arrested for stealing less than $950.00 worth of goods. In Chicago theft is not chargeable at all. In the U.S.A. males, we are told, can get pregnant. One can change from one sex to another and back again with a thought. Males and females physically compete against each other because, “there is no difference between them.” Whole city blocks are looted and burned as the event is filmed and applauded, led by the so-called “news media.” People complain about looters creating ‘food deserts,” then elect those who promise to allow the looting to continue. A politician bailed looters out of jail and promised that they would go back to looting and destroying. The nation then selected her as its vice president. People who have been robbed and attacked by a local thug complain about the lack of police action, then vote to “defund the police.” Those same people complain about “police brutality” when the one who has robbed, beaten and terrorized them is killed. They then make a hero out of him, paint his picture on the walls of buildings and pass laws in his name. The nation’s president guts her oil and gas production, leaving her dependent on her known enemies who raise the price of fuel which raises the price of everything else. He then tells the people how much better off they are than when everything was much cheaper. And half of the people believe him. He then sends two males, who believe they are females, to represent the nation at an international forum. They show up wearing dresses, painted faces, high heels and, one would assume, panties. A politician has a long-running sexual affair with a communist spy. He is immediately placed on a committee whose job it is to protect America from the nation who sent her to spy on us. In the U.S.A. everything is “racist.” We are told that math, swimming, music, streets, highways are racist. I learned yesterday that striving for excellence is racist. I also learned that almost 700 faculty and administrators at the University of North Carolina have signed a petition to not allow the university to require a course in American History in order to graduate. It seems that leaning about the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights etc. would upset the one-world government seekers and make us different from the rest of the world. In their perfect world Communism would be the way to go. Such ignorance can only be instituted by the enemy of God.
Behind all of this idiocy a spiritual being is directing traffic. He is called the antichrist. His spirit has taken over everyone who does not obey Jesus Christ. This includes those in “the church” that do not obey the Law, meaning 99.99% of professing Christianity where confusion runs rampant. In every case of mental confusion there is an individual. It is through individuals that moronic acts such as those listed above take place. Unscriptural individual actions are the cause of all of the nation’s problems. Evil spirits are the cause of unscriptural actions. Therefore, the solution is individual and spiritual in nature. Jesus proved this during His earthly ministry and later in the ministry of those whom He sent out to deal with spiritual problems within the human race. ALL HUMAN SINS HAVE SPIRITUAL ROOTS. In order to correct the problem, the root must be eliminated. Individuals must be delivered of their demons. However, this is usually a matter of individual choice. An example of forced deliverance is recorded in Luke 8. Normally, deliverance is requested by the one who is suffering demon possession or influence. I have dealt with both types of situations.
America’s root problem is spiritual. Every sin of every sort has a spiritual core. National deliverance is the only hope America has for changing the nation. For this to happen the masses must recognize the Truth about themselves that can only be discerned through the study of and belief in God’s Holy Scriptures. Once discerned through the Scriptures, the next step is individual deliverance, followed by individual obedience to God. Will this take place? Will America wake up from her woke condition, turn to God, be delivered from her spiritual decay and walk in obedience to His Word? Ancient Israel failed to do so. Will her descendants follow in her footsteps? The prospect does not look promising.
We as individuals are solely responsible for our relationship with the Almighty. There is no corporate deliverance without individual deliverance. Let us make sure that, as individuals, we are right with the Lord, that the spirit of antichrist does not control our lives, not even to the smallest degree. If America follows the Lord’s instructions found in Second Chronicles 7:14 she will survive. If not, she will not. L.J.
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