Did anything written about in the first two postings look, feel, sound familiar? It should, for America is living Deuteronomy 28 in full-screen view of the rest of the world. In an earlier series I wrote about a young man from another country who went on U.S. television and asked one question: “America, what happened to you?” Excellent question. Deuteronomy 28 provides the excellent answer. Read the series titled “America, What Happened to You?” Key word–Happened.
In this segment we will examine a few of the curses God warned us about in verses 16-68. Some of the curses have been coming upon the world’s so-called Christian nations for several generations, specifically the United States of America–God’s “light of the world.” God’s “light” is His Word. America has sent and taken His light/Bible to the world as has no other country. The problem is that after delivering the light, those who delivered it convinced the recipients of it that His light was filled with darkness, that many, possibly most of His written Truths were in fact lies, and that people were free to determine which “truths” they liked, which needed editing and which must be eliminated. That done, they were then free to form like-thinking groups, call themselves a church and spread their respective “truths” throughout their respective parts of the world through missionary programs, books, television, etc.
With each group having its own version of God’s Truth, the world has been provided with hundreds of versions from which to choose. As the world’s most successful evangelist of the past generation would tell the thousands who “got saved” during his global crusades: “Now go join the church of your choice.” In keeping with that theology, one woman said that she joined a particular denomination because: “They do what I like to do.” I won’t defile this posting by listing what that denomination “likes to do.” But all is well because they remember to repent after each and every sin. As one woman said after her Sunday morning sin dump, “I’m good for another week.”
Some of the curses God has leveled on sinning man have been around for as long as sinning man has existed. Others are unique to the age in which we are living. Some curses are destroying the Lord’s main light bearer as you read this posting. We will examine some of the curses God is now pouring out on the “One Nation Under God” that claims to “Trust” in Him. What that nation’s religionists trust is that God will forgive their sins as quickly as they repent of them. Sunday must be a busy day for the Lord.
In verse 16 God warns “sinners saved by grace” that He would curse their cities and their fields. America is the most religious nation on earth. However, her cities are rotting morally and burning physically. Our fields are failing to produce due to a variety of factors, including drought and flooding, which God promised to send. In verse 18 He warns of curses on our livestock. Tuberculosis is killing thousands of our cattle, creating a shortage which is raising the price of beef.
In verses 20 and 28 God said that He would curse sinning man with mental problems. The craziness level of Americans shocks even me, and that takes some doing. I need not go into detail because everyone has a little plastic box with a screen on it. In verses 35 and 59-61 the Almighty promises to send diseases, epidemics and pandemics on sinning people and sinning nations. The medical profession is a multi-trillion-dollar enterprise. Note how many t.v. advertisements relate to either physical or mental infirmities. In Tyler, Texas there is an entire neighborhood dedicated to man’s continuous war with diseases of one type or another.
Lastly, God warns that He will send to a sinning nation a flood of “strangers” (vss 43,44) who will rise above the citizens of that nation. In other verses He warns that they will be forced to watch the “strangers” (invaders) consume what they (Americans) have worked for. The invaders will become the head and their sinning hosts will become the tail. Who is feeding, housing, educating, medicating, providing room service and recreation facilities for the millions of illegals invading America along her southern border? You and I are footing the bills for this fiasco through our taxes. Who is doing all the getting and who is doing all the giving? Who has no choice? The ultimate question is: who is the head and who is the tail? Why is this happening to God’s light to the world? Deuteronomy 28:15-68 tells us.
The curses listed in Deuteronomy 28 are being poured out on America because she has been and continues to be in rebellion against Him. As bad as the current situation is, it is nothing compared to what is coming soon. The curses we are experiencing are only the “beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:1-8). For a complete description of what lies ahead for sinners, including church sinners and the nations that house them, read the Book of Revelation. It describes what will happen to the unprotected people of earth during the coming Tribulation period–3 1/2 years of terror, destruction and death. Scripture tells us that 2/3 of mankind will die horrible deaths in what is being called World War III. Only God’s Very Elect will be taken to a place of safety where they will live in peace and plenty while the world around them suffers like no people before them have ever suffered. Jesus warned that only a few would join Him in “her (His church) place” which I believe will be a mountain range in the nation of Jordan called Petra. I have been there. Read The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Key word–Great.
God is pouring out His wrath on America and those who follow in her religious footsteps in the hope that the people will turn to Him in obedience to His Law. God loves mankind and wants all people to be saved (Jn. 3:16,17). Sadly, Jesus said that only a few would do so (Mat. 7:13,14) by obeying His Law. Won’t you be among the few, the holy, the Very Elect? L.J.
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