In Matthew 16:23,24 we find a statement by Jesus that explains how Satan entices religious man to do his bidding. His formula for drawing man into his web is simple: give man what he wants, which is self-governance. It worked perfectly on Adam and Eve and is still working today. Jesus exposed the devil’s modus operandi after hearing the Disciple Peter accuse Him of being wrong. He spoke at Peter but not to him. He said, “Get behind Me, SATAN, for you do not seek the things of God, but THE THINGS OF MAN.” Satan wants man to have what man wants. Read the list of church doctrines on the homepage of this website. Man wants to hold onto those heathen beliefs and to do those heathen acts. Having been “church truths” for many generations, they are by church definition not only “right” but “Biblical, even when shown how God condemns them in His Word.
Man does not like change, even when he knows he is wrong. Man, especially religious man, has a “normalcy bias” which causes him to prefer the old, established ways and to resist anything new, especially in the spiritual realm, ESPECIALLY when they are commanded in the Holy Bible he claims to believe. The reasoning behind this mind-set is that because billions of people have believed something for thousands of years it must be right–EVEN WHEN THE GOD THEY CLAIM TO BELIEVE IN SAYS IN WRITING THAT IT IS WRONG–DEADLY WRONG. For many generations “everyone knew” that the earth was flat, and that the sun, moon and stars revolved around the earth–wrong on both counts. Man was so right about those “truths” that a statement to the contrary could get one killed.
Today, using the Holy Scriptures to refute church “truths” results in being rejected by the religious hierarchy and their followers. That will change during the Tribulation Period. During that terrible time many will be beheaded for embracing God’s Truths that they had previously rejected. I BELIEVE THAT THIS MINISTRY’S GREATEST EFFECT WILL COME DURING THE TRIBULATION WHEN MANY CHURCH PEOPLE WILL REALIZE THAT THEY HAD BEEN LIED TO ALL OF THEIR CHURCH LIVES, WILL TURN TO THE LORD IN TRUE FAITH AND OBEDIENCE AND WILL BE MARTYRED FOR DOING SO (Rev. 20:4).
Satan succeeds in his quest to draw people away from God and to himself by filling their minds with worldly things. As the Scriptures tell us, unregenerate man is carnal. His world is carnal. He is a man of the world. Listen to two groups of people talking–one religious and the other non-religious. You cannot tell which is which, for both talk about worldly things–the weather, the economy, sports, recreation, family matters, etc. What you will not hear from either group are the following words: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible, etc. The consensus within the church group is that they hear enough God and Bible stuff on Sunday morning. They reserve the rest of the time to use as they wish.
But what does the Lord say? He commands that we talk about His Law when we come in and when we go out, when we rise up and when we lie down (Deut. 6:6,7). I greatly enjoy being with people whose lives revolve around the Godhead and Their Holy Scriptures. What else is there that is worthy of a saint’s time and energy? I am eager to learn more about the Scriptures and rejoice when I hear a new Truth from the Word/Law. Unfortunately, that rarely happens. As Jesus prophesied, “FEW” have that mind/life-set (Mat. 7:13,14). You can’t stare into a screen and concentrate on God’s Word at the same time. First things must come first. Did He command that we “Seek ye first the things of man …? Does God have to wait His turn for churchman’s attention which is on the sun god’s day (Sun day) between 10:00 and 12:00?
I knew a young pastor who admitted to me that, during football season he paused his message at about 11:45 and dismissed the men so that they get to the church’s t.v. room in time for the kickoff. He would then finish his sermon for the women and kids. HE TOLD ME THAT HIMSELF. God mercifully took him out several years ago at an early age.
I have prophesied both over the air and in print concerning a soon-coming time when, at the word of his true servants, the Lord will grab the world’s attention by doing the impossible right before their eyes. One of those things will be to kill false prophets as they spew out Satan’s messages. The world is going to see God move like He has never moved before. Mountains will move, rivers will run backward, buildings will crumble, etc. for no apparent reason. The world will watch as He reveals who is the Boss and whose God is the true God–either the god of the church or the God of the universe. AND YET THE MASSES WILL REJECT HIM. Unbelievable? Think about what did Jesus did among the Jewish people. Then think about what they demand to be done to Him? He healed the sick, delivered the bound, fed the hungry, etc. AND THEY CRUCIFIED HIM. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF SATAN.
God COMMANDS that we choose whom we will serve–Him or Satan. God’s grace has no part to play in this decision. Man chooses his master based on his allegiance. God wills that man serve Him; Satan wills that man serve him. Man chooses whose will he will embrace. One need only notice where the cars are clustered on Sunday morning to determine churchman’s choice. Read Romans chapter 6 in preparation for the final posting(s) in this series. L.J.
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