In Mark 1:1,14 and 15 we find the first recorded Words relative to the ministry of the Savior of the world: “The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” “Jesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the Gospel.” Throughout the New Testament His and His apostles’ message never varied. It was, is and will continue to be THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. This is the same Gospel that Jesus (“the Scripture”) preached to Abraham (Gal. 3:6-8) and the same Gospel that was preached to the Old Testament saints (Heb. 4:2) by “holy men of old as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21) and the same Gospel that was preserved so as to be used to instruct God’s people living at the end of the age (1 Cor. 10:11). This is the same Gospel of the Kingdom of God His true apostles preach to this day as we approach the end of days and the return of Jesus Christ to establish His Father’s Kingdom in the Holy Land. The God around Whose Kingdom the Gospel revolves is the God of the Holy Scriptures. His message concerns the Gospel (good news) about His soon-coming earthly kingdom. Sounds clear enough. But there is ANOTHER GOSPEL being preached, believed and obeyed by 99.99% of the Institutional Church.
As the title of this series reveals, there is ANOTHER GOD who also speaks about that kingdom whose embryonic forerunner is found on earth today in the form of the Church of God Whose Head is Jesus Christ and who members obey the Law by which God rules His saints who make up His church. This other god’s focus is on God’s church, specifically, how to destroy it by preaching another gospel about it. I take the liberty of calling that tiny version of His kingdom “the kingdom of heaven.” I do this because in order to enter the coming Kingdom of God that will be created in the Promised Land, one must qualify by obeying the Law of its Creator until time to enter it. Simply put: IN ORDER TO LIVE WITH GOD AND CHRIST IN THEIR FUTURE KINGDOM WE MUST LIVE LIKE THEM NOW IN THE PRESENT, EMBRYO KINGDOM–THE CHURCH. WE CANNOT FAITH OUR WAY INTO PARADISE, WE MUST WORK OUR WAY INTO IT BY “WALKING AS JESUS WALKED” (1 JN. 2:6) AND “OVERCOMING SATAN AS JESUS OVERCAME HIM” (REV. 3:21). THOSE WHO DO SO IN THIS LIFE WERE, ARE AND WILL BE MEMBERS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ON EARTH–GOD’S TRUE CHURCH. The Holy Bible, and the writings and words of God’s modern day apostles, consist of instructions as to how to qualify to enter into and live forever in the Kingdom of God. For a peek into that kingdom read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. GOD’S TINY CHURCH IS THE SPIRITUAL INCUBATOR FOR THE COMING KINGDOM OF GOD.
The other god mentioned in the title of this series also has a gospel which his prophets have convinced the vast majority of church people to embrace. Just as he did to Adam and Eve in Eden, the serpent (Satan) has deceived billions of salvation seekers into accepting a substitute gospel, and therefore a substitute church which I call the Catholic/Protestant Religious System. When and how did Satan gain control of professing Christendom? Church history answers those questions.
I have studied the history of the church and it is both disheartening and exhilarating. Following his successful destruction of the Church of Eden, Satan continued to use the Eden pattern and by it deceived billions of believers over the thousands of years that have expired since that great victory. Those who have resisted his temptations have been “few,” as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 7:13,14; 22:14. Those few, though rejected and despised by that which calls itself “the church,” have survived and thrived. Their victory against overwhelming odds is wonderful to contemplate for one can see God’s powerful hand in their survival. We do not need to wonder about the power that led the overwhelming majority of salvation seekers to abandon the Biblical God and to embrace His enemy. How he did it is focus of this segment. He accomplished his goal by orchestrating a church-wide civil war that is still raging.
In Matthew 16:18 we are told that Jesus Himself built His church. We know from Scripture that the original church was perfect–initially. As church history records, the Catholic Church came into being two years after the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. when God’s New Testament Church was born in an upper room in Jerusalem. Satan instituted a church-wide civil war in 33 A.D. in Rome where the Catholic (Universal) Church was created by Simon the Magician. Read Simon of Samaria. Key word–Simon. It did not take Satan long to infiltrate God’s church where, through the work of his (Satan’s) false prophets, a civil war was orchestrated causing a violent controversy to erupt that revolved around the Gospel, specifically, what the Gospel was actually about.
Church history reveals that people violently disagreed over whether the Church would put forth THE MESSAGE preached by Jesus Christ, or whether her Gospel would be ABOUT JESUS HIMSELF. In the end, Satan won. The message Jesus preached has remained virtually unknown except within God’s tiny remnant church where it forms the foundation upon which she exists. Among God’s people, it is Christ’s message that tells us how to enter the Kingdom of God.
The war going on within the church was written about some 20 years after the true church was founded. In his letter to the Galatians the Apostle Paul said: “I marvel that you have so soon TURNED TO ANOTHER GOSPEL” (1:6-9). He noted that the church’s substitute gospel was not actually a new Gospel, but rather a perverted version of God’s true Gospel. Perverted versions of God’s Gospel are the foundations upon which Catholicism and the denominations of Protestantism are built. As a result of this perversion (deceptions), we now have literally hundreds of versions of the Biblical Gospel, each different from all the others. Each church, denomination, faith, etc. proclaims itself to be “the only true church” and to preach “the only true gospel.” Let’s face it: SATAN IS VERY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES.
Paul went on to pronounce a DOUBLE CURSE on any man, or even an angel, who preaches any gospel other than the one he (Paul) had taught which he had received directly from Jesus Christ through revelation (Gal. 1:12). Sadly, the devil’s poison was already spreading throughout the church world of that day. Satan had accomplished his goal by changing the heads of the various churches. In his second letter to the church at Corinth Paul remarked that if someone came to them proclaiming another Jesus, they would follow him, which is exactly what happened to the entire church over the centuries since her founding. With the new jesuses came new gods, new truths and new plans of salvation, new gospel–each one being the “true jesus, true god, true gospel, etc. God’s DOUBLE CURSE has rested upon professing Christendom for about 1700 years. God led Paul to warn the people about His DOUBLE CURSE on any and all ministers who preach a gospel about Jesus Christ and not about His message. His warning has historically fallen on deaf ears.
Not knowing the Word of God, the church masses have assumed that ministers who are successful and popular are pleasing God and being blessed by Him. Recall that God compared His church to a mustard seed–the smallest of seeds. What is big relative to numbers is not necessarily big in God’s eyes. Change is coming, big change. The pillars of false Christianity are going to fall, and fall big so that the whole world will see it happen. God warns His people that what takes place in a closet will be known outside of it. Watch over the coming years as God exposes the preachers and their congregations who have lost sight of the Lord’s Truth and have gone the “WOKE–COME AS YOUR ARE, STAY AS YOU ARE–WAY.” Sex is Satan’s latest focus in his effort to destroy the church. Watch as church after church welcomes sexual deviants into their midst with NO DEMAND TO REVERSE THEIR LIFE’S COURSE. We are watching sinners “get saved” and continue to live their anti-Bible, anti-God lives, supposedly with Christ’s blessings. His command to “sin no more” is viewed as silly talk as people embrace a “just love Jesus” code of conduct.
You are going to see God’s wrath exposed as leaders of mega-churches and the religious mega-stars are exposed and brought down, along with God-hating, Bible-rejecting politicians who are leading the religious world and the societies she influences to ruin. The whole of mankind is about to see what has been going on behind religious and political walls and in the darkness of Satan’s world for generations. As an old hymn so rightly says: “You can run on for a long time, but be sure God Almighty’s gonna cut you down.” As the Lord said, what takes place in the dark will be exposed by the light. In the process, the other god’s words and works will also be exposed. There is a true statement known by everyone: “What goes around, comes (back) around.” To which I add: “with a hammer in each hand.” Those hammers will be in the hands of a wrathful God.
I believe that we will see a “revival” take place as the Lord tightens the screws. However, it will simply return people to what caused the disaster in the first place–the Institutional Church. In the end the world, led by the worldly church, will return to their god and follow him as he leads them into the Great Tribulation where he will torment them for 2 1/2 years. This will be followed by a year-long period of torment at the hands of the Lord Himself. Scriptures tell us that the final year of terror, called the Day of the Lord, will make the previous horror pale by comparison. Read the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord and God’s Place of Safety. Key words–Tribulation and Safety respectively. L.J.
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